Top 6 Donut Recipe Quotes

#1. Indeed, one would be hard put to say which was more real for him: the world of imagination in which he lived, or the world of reality in which he was but a temporary guest.

Joshua Foer

Donut Recipe Quotes #53824
#2. I will never be in the stock market. It's just gambling. I'm a gambler, but I'll gamble on the practicality of things.

Jeremy Renner

Donut Recipe Quotes #75430
#3. For me, the greatest hurdle to success has always been failure.

Christopher Titus

Donut Recipe Quotes #156282
#4. Nothing is impossible for the person who doesn't have to do the work.


Donut Recipe Quotes #335525
#5. Or why you are wearing a picture of Santa Clause on you shirts, but-"
"It's Herman Melville.

Lemony Snicket

Donut Recipe Quotes #1222607
#6. People say I'm around because I have a lot of heart, but I know all the heart in the world couldn't have helped me if I wasn't physically fit.

Jimmy Connors

Donut Recipe Quotes #1633482

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