Top 63 Differentiated Quotes

#1. The Christ-symbol is of the greatest importance for psychology in so far as it is perhaps the most highly developed and differentiated symbol of the self, apart from the figure of the Buddha.

Carl Jung

Differentiated Quotes #1440820
#2. The mind, spirit, and soul are all nonphysical realities and are not easily differentiated with language derived from sensory experience.

Deepak Chopra

Differentiated Quotes #928192
#3. But the further step, by means of which a civilization is given its quality or culture, is only attained by a process of cellular division, in the course of which the individual is differentiated, made distinct from and independent of the parent group.

Herbert Read

Differentiated Quotes #938532
#4. If women are differentiated only by superficial physical attributes, men appear more individual and irreplaceable than they really are.

Shulamith Firestone

Differentiated Quotes #970308
#5. Racism, specifically, is the state-sanctioned or extralegal production and exploitation of group-differentiated vulnerability to premature death.

Ruth Wilson

Differentiated Quotes #1002631
#6. We, as a society, have arbitrarily differentiated between acceptable and unacceptable drug addictions.

Steven Kassels

Differentiated Quotes #1007074
#7. Segmentation of usage occasion can be used within the same brand via differentiated packaging formats. Coca-Cola

Greg Thain

Differentiated Quotes #1013300
#8. A stem cell is essentially a blank cell capable of becoming another, more differentiated cell-type in the body, such as a skin cell, a muscle cell or a nerve cell.

Virginia Foxx

Differentiated Quotes #1041402
#9. The goal, then, isn't to draw some positioning charts and announce that you have differentiated your product. No, the opportunity is to actually create something that people choose to talk about, regardless of what the competition is doing.

Seth Godin

Differentiated Quotes #1104160
#10. Barnsley argues that these kinds of skewed age distributions exist whenever three things happen: selection, streaming, and differentiated experience.


Differentiated Quotes #1113507
#11. There are two questions: where have you come from, and where are you going? But the brain doesn't have separate regions for the past and future; only the present is differentiated by the brain.
We split time into three parts. The brain, it seems, splits it twice only: now, and not now.

Jeanette Winterson

Differentiated Quotes #1149646
#12. One of Aspen's primary strategic intents is to further globalize its business, increase its representation across a number of additional territories, and provide support to its growing global presence with a differentiated pipeline.

Stephen Saad

Differentiated Quotes #1172697
#13. The old man, of whom we know how he has become what he is, is more of an individual than the young man; for it is only in the course of an eventful life that men are differentiated into full individuality.

Erich Auerbach

Differentiated Quotes #1177516
#14. In differentiated classrooms, teachers begin where students are, not the front of a curriculum guide.

Carol Ann Tomlinson

Differentiated Quotes #1285434
#15. VASTY (As differentiated from "vast") Has approximately the same meaning as "biggy," "hugey," and "giganticky." Do not let anyone tell you these words are not words; all words are words.

Amy Leach

Differentiated Quotes #1310381
#16. Here, in this universe, what differentiated science from witchcraft was that scientists had fewer resources and couldn't magically manipulate the natural world by will alone.

Josephine Angelini

Differentiated Quotes #1354595
#17. I think the key divide between the interactive media and the narrative media is the difficulty in opening up an empathic pathway between the gamer and the character, as differentiated from the audience and the characters in a movie or a television show.

Steven Spielberg

Differentiated Quotes #10004
#18. Often hair is the way we are differentiated in this culture. To me the decision to straighten your hair is deeply political.

Jami Floyd

Differentiated Quotes #1474201
#19. The mass of the rich and the poor are differentiated by their incomes and nothing else,and the average millionaire is only the average dishwasher dressed in a new suit.

George Orwell

Differentiated Quotes #1514826
#20. Again, the political and cultural arguments carried weight, and bottleneck regulation has neither been strengthened, nor lessened, in the digital era. Instead, it appears that differentiated regulation remains the preferred solution.


Differentiated Quotes #1605168
#21. Victorian theorists competed to identify how many biologically differentiated races lived on Earth and proposed inherent characteristics for them, formulated explanations for these presumed variations in humanity.

Nick Harkaway

Differentiated Quotes #1635549
#22. We're getting to the point where it's important for each platform to have unique, differentiated titles
so that if consumers want to buy that game, they have to buy that system

John Taylor

Differentiated Quotes #1639837
#23. Remember that every science is based upon an abstraction. An abstraction is taking a point of view or looking at things under a certain aspect or from a particular angle. All sciences are differentiated by their abstraction.

Fulton J. Sheen

Differentiated Quotes #1691888
#24. Jung's search for the soul, then, stands at one with the search for appropriately dialogical and differentiated language.

C. G. Jung

Differentiated Quotes #1712941
#25. The world has crafted a beautiful balance of collective action - common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities.

Narendra Modi

Differentiated Quotes #1716170
#26. The functions of the family in a highly differentiated society are not to be interpreted as functions directly on behalf of the society, but on behalf of personality.

Talcott Parsons

Differentiated Quotes #1756568
#27. Each brand leader is focused on ensuring that the brand relationship with its customer is strong and differentiated. To accomplish this differentiation, we plan to offer her even more unique product and talk with her in new and exciting ways.

Richard Hayne

Differentiated Quotes #1776797
#28. You could make iPS cells by introducing just four genes into a differentiated cell.

Nessa Carey

Differentiated Quotes #1784050
#29. Nothing comes into existence nor does anything disappear. Nothing is eternal, nor has anything any end. Nothing is identical or differentiated. Nothing moves hither and thither.

Tom Hoover

Differentiated Quotes #1802658
#30. The splitting up of color [as Impressionists did] brought the splitting up of form and contour ... Everything is reduced to a mere sensation of the retina, but one which destroys all tranquility of surface and contour. Objects are differentiated only by the luminosity that is given them.

Henri Matisse

Differentiated Quotes #1820458
#31. We have innovative differentiated technology that is recognized by our customers and third party analysts as the best in the industry; we have industry-leading support with a very large satisfied installed base due to our best-in-class support and development organisations.

N. Robert Hammer

Differentiated Quotes #1843157
#32. Analysts estimate that emerging markets are expected to drive 90 percent of the world's pharmaceutical market growth, and differentiated products will be important to this growth.

Dilip Shanghvi

Differentiated Quotes #875458
#33. Love ... is also a form of poison, for to fall in love is to want and to need everything necessary for survival from one all-powerful and barely differentiated Other.


Differentiated Quotes #2356
#34. What differentiated us was our perception of our mutual reality, which made no difference.

Mie Hansson

Differentiated Quotes #32973
#35. The eye doesn't see any shapes, it sees only what is differentiated through light and dark or through colors.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Differentiated Quotes #56585
#36. The best opinion now is, that there are multitudinous forms which are not sufficiently differentiated to be distinctively either plant or animal, while, as respects ordinary plants and animals, the difficulty of laying down a definition has become far greater than ever before.

Asa Gray

Differentiated Quotes #94433
#37. Like any organic entity, a system of consciousness manifests itself through the orderly, differentiated development of a certain unifying reality.

Kitaro Nishida

Differentiated Quotes #115756
#38. As biologists, we contemplate with admiration and awe the wondrous array of sophisticated cell interactions and recognitions evolved in the T cell immune system, which must be a model for other similarly complex biological systems of highly differentiated organisms.

Baruj Benacerraf

Differentiated Quotes #121955
#39. I have always differentiated between two types of friends; those who want proofs of friendship, and those who do not. One kind loves me for myself and the others for themselves.

Gerard De Nerval

Differentiated Quotes #226444
#40. They were connoisseurs of boredom. They savoured the various bouquets of the subtly differentiated boredoms which rose from the long, wasted hours at the dead end of night.

Angela Carter

Differentiated Quotes #251806
#41. I consider rugged individualism to be an exaggerated pretend posture of a person
struggling against emotional fusion. The differentiated person is always aware of others and the relationship system around him.

Murray Bowen

Differentiated Quotes #266520
#42. The music we made then was so amateurish, compared to the rest of mainstream pop or rock and roll. But what differentiated us from what everybody else was doing in the business was the fact that you could tell that these people came from different reference areas.

Kevin Ayers

Differentiated Quotes #292937
#43. The answer is thoughtful, plural institutions: an unending labor of differentiated creation. This is a matter of imagination, maturity, and survival. We

Timothy Snyder

Differentiated Quotes #321007
#44. In very ancient times of human evolution upon earth, humanity's revelation in word and sound was not differentiated in song and speech, but they were one.

Rudolf Steiner

Differentiated Quotes #381659
#45. The human race is divided into two sharply differentiated and mutually antagonistic classes: a smal l minority that plays with ideas and is capable of taking them in, and a vast majority that finds them painful, and is thus arrayed against them, and against all who have traffic with them.

H.L. Mencken

Differentiated Quotes #448899
#46. In infinite space and time everything develops, becomes more perfect and more complex, is differentiated,is to say nothing at all. Those are all words with no meaning, for in the infinite is neither complex nor simple, no forward nor backward, or better or worse.

Leo Tolstoy

Differentiated Quotes #452721
#47. The more the schemata are differentiated, the smaller the gap between the new and the familiar becomes, so that novelty, instead of constituting an annoyance avoided by the subject, becomes a problem and invites searching.

Jean Piaget

Differentiated Quotes #470704
#48. She loved to walk down the street with a book under her arm. It had the same significance for her as an elegant cane for the dandy a century ago. It differentiated her from others.

Milan Kundera

Differentiated Quotes #476654
#49. There is no such thing as a commodity. It is simply a product waiting to be differentiated.

Philip Kotler

Differentiated Quotes #482923
#50. When I was in the private sector, one characteristic that differentiated the best entrepreneurs from the others was that they were not in it for the stock options, but for a mission - to deliver something that was helpful ... Every entrepreneurial journey, it turns out, is like this.

Todd Park

Differentiated Quotes #486387
#51. The organization's long-term success is based on a set of differentiated capabilities and its core competency.

Pearl Zhu

Differentiated Quotes #510136
#52. Medical science is as yet very imperfectly differentiated from common cure-mongering witchcraft

George Bernard Shaw

Differentiated Quotes #516371
#53. Just as heaven and earth were created to be together - and, indeed, that's how the whole story of the Bible ends - so marriage is to be a symbol of this divine design: two differentiated entities uniquely fitted for one another.7

Kevin DeYoung

Differentiated Quotes #519523
#54. If the human species is differentiated from the beasts by the marvel of consciousness, then we enact our humanity and the very authenticity of our being by straining to "know" through awareness the "unthinkable" experience of others.

Lawrence L. Langer

Differentiated Quotes #659604
#55. My thesis is that what we call 'science' is differentiated from the older myths not by being something distinct from a myth, but by being accompanied by a second-order tradition-that of critically discussing the myth ... In a certain sense, science is myth-making just as religion is.

Karl Popper

Differentiated Quotes #695997
#56. Viewed systematically, religion can be differentiated from other culturally constituted institutions by virtue only of its reference to superhuman beings.

Melford Spiro

Differentiated Quotes #710302
#57. This we must say, that everything is economics and economic interest as mere satisfaction of physical needs had, have and always will have a subordinate role in a normal human, that beyond this sphere must be differentiated from an order of higher values, political , spiritual and heroic.

Julius Evola

Differentiated Quotes #777480
#58. A trait which differentiated New York from European cities was the incredible freedom and ease in which life, including sexual life, could be carried on, on many levels.

Jerzy Kosinski

Differentiated Quotes #787727
#59. I took three years off. I differentiated myself from the industry. Found my identity - sort of ... I haven't graduated yet. I'm not legitimately educated yet, but maybe one day.

Claire Danes

Differentiated Quotes #791326
#60. Television is not vulgar because people are vulgar; it is vulgar because people are similar in their prurient interests and sharply differentiated in their civilized concerns.

George Gilder

Differentiated Quotes #808973
#61. The world today is experiencing a profound and rapid socio-cultural transformation. But the changes do not occur at a uniform pace, and the discrepancies in the change process have differentiated the various countries and regions of our planet.

Gustavo Gutierrez

Differentiated Quotes #849738
#62. A Killer Brand exists when an entity derives a disproportionate amount of success in its category because of a compelling and differentiated expectation that comes to be associated with its name.

Frank Lane

Differentiated Quotes #890735
#63. Double your life experience by learning a second language.

Taru Nieminen

Differentiated Quotes #179721

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