Top 40 Devil Lucifer Quotes

#1. I sold my soul to the devil. Lucifer will have my soul.

Tyler, The Creator

Devil Lucifer Quotes #418377
#2. Lucifer, how, after a dozen millennia in Hell, could you possibly lose your way?" the Devil asked incredulously. "Well," the lesser demon began, "It is a rather large place ...

Keith B. Darrell

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1361533
#3. Why don't I have a cool name like that. Instead of Lucifer and Beelzebub. I mean, seriously, Beelzebub? It sounds like the name of a brothel or a low life bar. Why can't I be Lu Von Cipher? Sounds good, right?

Cameron Jace

Devil Lucifer Quotes #967337
#4. Lucifer spoke thus. Pride took him from heaven, though he sat at God's right hand.' Her voice grew faint, the hint of a whisper. 'In the end pride is the only evil, the root of all sins.'
'Pride is all I have.

Mark Lawrence

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1038162
#5. Sometimes the darkness beacame so hideous, I would have sold my soul for light. The devil is not called Lucifer for nothing.

Jonathan Aycliffe

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1045893
#6. Yahweh: You've been unhappy because you've desired things that cannot be.
Lucifer: That's what desire IS. The need for what we can't have. The need for what's readily available is called greed.

Mike Carey

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1080054
#7. (before the Bessemer process, iron was hardened into steel at the rate of 3 to 5 tons a day; now the same amount could be processed in 15 minutes). Machines

Howard Zinn

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1118816
#8. The figure coming up the driveway was not Milton's Lucifer. It was the Devil.

Neil Gaiman

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1145309
#9. You might, from your appearance, be the wife of Lucifer," said Miss Pross, in her breathing. "Nevertheless, you shall not get the better of me. I am an Englishwoman.

Charles Dickens

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1171410
#10. God Is, Lucifer is a devil, and there is a Hell.

E.A. Bucchianeri

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1259869
#11. The Lourie Center is an important model to consider ... (in) mental health care ... It is imperative that we use this knowledge to help ensure that every young child in our society has the opportunity to get an emotionally healthy start in life.

Tipper Gore

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1333398
#12. She will replace us all soon. And you, you'll be back to yourself, as scarred and lined as Lucifer's scrotum." What can you say to that? I hold up my glass. "To the devil's balls." Allegra

Richard Kadrey

Devil Lucifer Quotes #920526
#13. What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name of Lucifer to the devil, that is, to personified evil. The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the paraclete, it is the Holy Spirit, while the physical Lucifer is the great agent of universal magnetism.

Eliphas Levi

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1394860
#14. I watched him even then as he fell, his face undefeated, his eyes still proud

Neil Gaiman

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1421965
#15. A lot of people don't think about it, but the Bible has every horror element that you can imagine. It's got the devil, the Antichrist, Lucifer, and Satan - which are four different characters. It's got the end of the world. You've got zombies, giants, demon possession, a lot of murder.

Marilyn Manson

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1590160
#16. He looked like the devil. His skin ruddy, his eyes a glowing yellow. Jet black hair slicked back on his head hung to his shoulders. But the demons didn't call him Devil, or Satan, or even Lucifer. They called him ...

Michelle K. Pickett

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1631076
#17. A sound so fine, there 's nothing lives 'Twixt it and silence.

James Sheridan Knowles

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1653484
#18. Let your imagination fly.
Let your spirit shine in the sky.
Let stars brighten your eye.
Let's be drunk with love and fly

Debasish Mridha

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1673984
#19. It is Lucifer, The son of mystery; And since God suffers him to be, He too, is God's minister, And labors for some good By us not understood.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1675352
#20. Lucifer's last words in heaven may have been "Non serviam," but none has served the Almighty so dutifully, since His sideshow in the clouds would never draw any customers if it were not for the main attraction of the devil's hell on earth.

Thomas Ligotti

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1686027
#21. Head throbbing, check. Stomach not quite right, check. Truthfully, she felt like crap. Somehow still horny crap ...

Cherrie Lynn

Devil Lucifer Quotes #1794378
#22. Many people first encounter Jesus during childhood when they are suddenly confronted by a horrifying statue of a man nailed to a cross, and this is often a most unfortunate and repulsive beginning.

Michael Leunig

Devil Lucifer Quotes #445590
#23. Diamonds can be found anywhere.

Chris Anderson

Devil Lucifer Quotes #9183
#24. I got a Lucifer soul. I'll be the Devil's son, Devil's work, gettin' work.

Schoolboy Q

Devil Lucifer Quotes #114369
#25. Do not be dismayed to learn there is a bit of the devil in you. There is a bit of the devil in us all.

Arthur Byron Cover

Devil Lucifer Quotes #219671
#26. I cannot discover that anyone knows enough to say definitely what is and what is not possible.

Henry Ford

Devil Lucifer Quotes #233122
#27. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he was evil.

Edmund Carver

Devil Lucifer Quotes #262715
#28. I'll never pay above the odds for something if there's a more cost-effective alternative, so I guess that's where the saver in me shines through.

Andy Murray

Devil Lucifer Quotes #294767
#29. For a while I was collecting Satan and devil stuff - you know, anything that had to do with old Beelzebub or Lucifer. But I had to put the brakes on it, because there's a lot of stuff out there, and the collection was just growing too quickly.

Kirk Hammett

Devil Lucifer Quotes #338070
#30. You're right.I am crazy. But you know what else? I don't give a fuck.

Tupac Shakur

Devil Lucifer Quotes #363188
#31. Caleb scowled into the darkness.
"Hate sneaking around," he complained. "Wish I could just blow the place up."
Then, with nothing else to declare, he set off again and Franz and Jimmy had to scramble to keep up.

Jack Lewis Baillot

Devil Lucifer Quotes #425410
#32. Women without men, I realized then, are totally different creatures.

Shashi Deshpande

Devil Lucifer Quotes #814894
#33. If we were to set out to establish a religion in polar opposition to the Beatitudes Jesus taught, it would look strikingly similar to the pop Christianity that has taken over the airwaves of North America.

Tony Campolo

Devil Lucifer Quotes #445692
#34. Never can true reconcilement grow where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep ...

John Milton

Devil Lucifer Quotes #610116
#35. Where God is like the sun, the Devil is like a raindrop. There is no 'God vs. Satan' because they aren't even that close in power and authority. The former is very patient; the latter is at mercy.

Criss Jami

Devil Lucifer Quotes #681646
#36. Even if it's a really funny joke, don't laugh if the devil's the one telling it!

Sean Patrick Brennan

Devil Lucifer Quotes #700997
#37. My God had not spoken again. But neighter had He forsaken me. I knew that. For damned sure, I knew that

Marcus Luttrell

Devil Lucifer Quotes #709214
#38. Reading about other peoples' foibles and mistakes was so much easier than living through her own.

Julia Kent

Devil Lucifer Quotes #765214
#39. Dear Mr. Devil, Sir Satan, Lord Lucifer, and all other crosses you bear,
I cordially invite you to Breathed, Ohio. Land of hills and hay bales, of sinners and forgivers.
May you come in peace.
With great faith,
Autopsy Bliss

Tiffany McDaniel

Devil Lucifer Quotes #790682
#40. Lucifer was engraving Nate's name on a cage right now.

Kelly Moran

Devil Lucifer Quotes #794426

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