Top 20 Democratic Experiment Quotes

#1. If democracy succeeds in Egypt, other countries will follow. Should the democratic experiment in Egypt be hijacked by the military or anti-democratic Islamist groups, the revolution will fail elsewhere.

David Ignatius

Democratic Experiment Quotes #1339089
#2. Education is the great American adventure, the world's most colossal democratic experiment.

Mary McLeod Bethune

Democratic Experiment Quotes #1335765
#3. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can.

Jane Austen

Democratic Experiment Quotes #1813972
#4. Glory is the sunshine of the dead

Honore De Balzac

Democratic Experiment Quotes #1733378
#5. When the United States was founded, the very idea of a nation premised on democratic principles of freedom and tolerance was viewed by the vast majority of the world as an experiment doomed to fail. Dictatorships, monarchies, and theocracies had for many centuries ruled the world.

Eliot Spitzer

Democratic Experiment Quotes #1652257
#6. When I do my shows, it's really cross-generational. Sometimes there's three generations there.

Paloma Faith

Democratic Experiment Quotes #1640867
#7. Will you get over your gigantic ego? Jesus, it's a bigger choking hazard than your cock. You're a man who's had a lot of sex. Of course you're good in bed. but there are others out there who are just as good. You're not special because you know how to give a woman an orgasm." "I

Jordan Marie

Democratic Experiment Quotes #1613181
#8. Sergeant Stephan Schneider

Markus Zusak

Democratic Experiment Quotes #1503271
#9. Through the passage of my life I have learned, that the power of positive association is so much stronger than any amount of negativity in the world. No matter how dark it is, a tiny beam of light is all it takes to kill the darkest of darkness.

Asma Naqi

Democratic Experiment Quotes #1493515
#10. I play-acted and started performing, which just logically led to doing it in school, which led to studying it in college, which led to auditioning to the showcase in New York. And then I had an agent, and I was an actress.

Mamie Gummer

Democratic Experiment Quotes #1446863
#11. An old hen is worth 40 chickens. ~ Hebe Jones

Julia Stuart

Democratic Experiment Quotes #1316387
#12. I'm a good example of someone who can come to Hollywood and keep their feet on the ground with all the rock stars, all the drama that goes with being here. It's still important to pump your own gas and to be able to vacuum.

Pamela Anderson

Democratic Experiment Quotes #1296053
#13. To win the X Factor would mean the world to me and my family. I'd buy mum and dad a house and then I think I would buy myself a car and have a little shopping trip.

Leona Lewis

Democratic Experiment Quotes #1103025
#14. No theory of government was ever given a fairer test or a more prolonged experiment in a democratic country than democratic socialism received in Britain. Yet it was a miserable failure in every respect ... To cure the British disease with socialism was like trying to cure leukemia with leeches.

Margaret Thatcher

Democratic Experiment Quotes #1052666
#15. I see the life draining out of her and something else taking its place, but I don't know what. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe nothing is taking its place.

Jan Strnad

Democratic Experiment Quotes #964290
#16. If I could make millions of dollars being a softball player, I would quit acting in a second.

Danny Masterson

Democratic Experiment Quotes #876404
#17. Diversify your investments.

John Templeton

Democratic Experiment Quotes #801368
#18. From there we came outside and saw the stars

Dante Alighieri

Democratic Experiment Quotes #557712
#19. We passed a bill in 1997, signed by Democratic Gov. Lawton Chiles, which created a pilot program for a novel experiment called Florida Virtual School. The notion of children using a computer for a classroom and reporting to virtual teachers wasn't exactly mainstream thinking in those days.

Dan Webster

Democratic Experiment Quotes #551977
#20. It drove her to distraction the way women wanted to bond over self-hatred.

Liane Moriarty

Democratic Experiment Quotes #492399

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