Top 20 Copacetic Quotes

#1. I am copacetic with leaning on the sacred, but I need to make sure all the mundane bases are covered before we break out the crystals and incense for a good chant.

Thomm Quackenbush

Copacetic Quotes #858255
#2. Everything copacetic?

Marcus Sakey

Copacetic Quotes #1180070
#3. They use the simple back and forth, the same, old rhythm
That a baby can pick up, and join, right with 'em.
But their rhymes are pathetic, they think they copacetic
Using nursery terms, at least not poetic ...

Kool Keith

Copacetic Quotes #1289691
#4. I feel like there is something about having a copacetic world POV that helps in making a comedy. Like, David Wain has such a particular way of looking at the world. It helps when everyone can see behind his eyes, you know?

Kathryn Hahn

Copacetic Quotes #1494195
#5. Only an artist as preternaturally acute and copacetic, as oddly visionary and just odd as Richard Artschwager, would be able to lay out the whole course of human evolution and have it make some kind of sense while also seeming like a dazzling insight.

Jerry Saltz

Copacetic Quotes #544928
#6. I swear it's true. If I lie to you, may I be changed into a sofa belonging to a fat family addicted to daytime TV and baked beans." (Fred to Jess)

Sue Limb

Copacetic Quotes #1655958
#7. A society manufactures the heroes it requires.

Colson Whitehead

Copacetic Quotes #1636904
#8. Your prayer for someone may or may not change them, but it always changes YOU.

Craig Groeschel

Copacetic Quotes #1512100
#9. Though I probably shouldn't admit this, the activities and pursuits in which I've achieved any measure of success are, without exception, activities and pursuits that came easily to me from the beginning.

Meghan Daum

Copacetic Quotes #1478052
#10. If you want me, just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow.
(as Marie 'Slim' Browning in To Have and Have Not)

Lauren Bacall

Copacetic Quotes #1435154
#11. Its impossible to go onto the Tardis set and not play with things and fiddle with dials.

Jenna Coleman

Copacetic Quotes #1321209
#12. Books are useless! I only ever read one book, To Kill A Mockingbird, and it gave me absolutely no insight on how to kill mockingbirds! - Homer Simpson

Matt Groening

Copacetic Quotes #1272225
#13. Early youth is a baffling time.

Bruce Catton

Copacetic Quotes #999220
#14. Hooray for most things!

George Carlin

Copacetic Quotes #882612
#15. I feel like I am either on the cusp of something great, or standing on the edge of my abyss, discovering something brand new, or uncovering somebody elses lost imagination.

Carroll Bryant

Copacetic Quotes #842235
#16. I'm 23 but I got a brain like I'm 32 man, switched the numbers around. Smart kid too, straight-A student, I was just a class clown.

Adrien Broner

Copacetic Quotes #623426
#17. I like California but I'm dyed-in-the-wool Oklahoma. I see a deer in L.A., and everybody's standing around it taking pictures. Back home, that's the enemy!

Blake Shelton

Copacetic Quotes #507367
#18. Each of us is ultimately alone.

Sheldon B. Kopp

Copacetic Quotes #113308
#19. I consider myself lucky that Sonu Nigam, Bikram Ghosh and Taufiq Quereshi came forward to create an original soundtrack to promote my book, something that hasn't been tried here before!

Amish Tripathi

Copacetic Quotes #55514
#20. I don't take myself that seriously. I'm a pragmatist.

Guy Kawasaki

Copacetic Quotes #18807

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