Top 62 Come A Little Closer Quotes

#1. What I love about believing in a living God is that I believe God is constantly revealing God's self to us over time, and with each succeeding generation, we come a little closer to understanding the mind of God.

Gene Robinson

Come A Little Closer Quotes #564529
#2. All I want to get is a little bit closer
All I want to know is, can you come a little closer?
Here comes the breath before we get a little bit closer
Here comes the rush before we touch, come a little closer

Tegan Quin

Come A Little Closer Quotes #648900
#3. I have the urge to still be part of the world, the universe, of life. Through music I have the feeling that I come a little closer to that.

Dave Gahan

Come A Little Closer Quotes #750250
#4. And do come a little closer. I don't bite. Except . . . we've known each other for a very long time, and I suspect you know that's not entirely true. Is it? I

Stephen King

Come A Little Closer Quotes #1175510
#5. Now, when he sat at the piano, he did not play music for the company the notes provided him. He played the music so she might hear it, and come a little closer to him as she listened.

Meredith Duran

Come A Little Closer Quotes #1183836
#6. I want to get non-aerosol mace, you just rub it in. "Dude who is attacking me - come a little closer!"

Mitch Hedberg

Come A Little Closer Quotes #1437956
#7. Come a little closer, love the way you look tonight
My eyes are the only thing I don't wanna take off of you

Blake Shelton

Come A Little Closer Quotes #1657156
#8. I threw my hands in the air and said show me something.
He said, "if you dare come a little closer".


Come A Little Closer Quotes #1777639
#9. Tough boys running the streets, come a little closer. Rough toys under the sheets, nobody knows her.

Pete Townshend

Come A Little Closer Quotes #399208
#10. I know you've been through hell, but you didn't let it eat you up inside." He pauses, hugs me a little closer. "And I know you make me think the hell I've been through was worth it ... if it's what made me recognize heaven when it jumped into my car.

Stacey Jay

Come A Little Closer Quotes #752785
#11. We can only hope that our little step helps the next attempt get closer to divine. That someday humanity becomes something better than itself.

Kevin Emerson

Come A Little Closer Quotes #616290
#12. People trudge through most days with little excitement in their lives. But our digital age provides so many opportunities to give people an authentic view of who you are or what your company strives to be, thus creating touch points of commonality that draw you into closer friendship with others.

Dale Carnegie

Come A Little Closer Quotes #752237
#13. As you'll come to know, the closer you get to your goal, the more it draws you in; success feeds on success. It's like a gravitational pull. Once you get into a rhythm, it's hard to stop. You achieve big visions by doing the little things every day and looking at them in a positive focus.

Shawn Phillips

Come A Little Closer Quotes #751510
#14. But perhaps the the great work of art has less importance in itself than in the ordeal it demands of a man and the opportunity it provides him of overcoming his phantoms and approaching a little closer to his naked reality.

Albert Camus

Come A Little Closer Quotes #739055
#15. What are they now? he asks. He widens his eyes a little, leans closer, lets me look as long and as deep as I want.

Ally Condie

Come A Little Closer Quotes #728586
#16. Rabbits live close to death and when death comes closer than usual, thinking about survival leaves little room for anything else.

Richard Adams

Come A Little Closer Quotes #716849
#17. Gazing out from the mountains, the clouds are whiter, the sky is bluer, the air seeping into your lungs is as clear as the water roaring down from the snow, melting on the high peaks. A place where heaven is a little closer.

Virginia Alison

Come A Little Closer Quotes #684387
#18. The blank face of the moon looked down wistfully on the pair and tried to lean in just a little closer.

S.E. Grove

Come A Little Closer Quotes #644417
#19. Every day, we get a little bit closer to the kind of expertise and the kind of experience we're going to need to go there. I'd love to be the guy walking on Mars.

John L. Phillips

Come A Little Closer Quotes #637006
#20. Bravely you jog along with the rope of class distinction drawing closer, close, tighter, tighter around you ... I see it and know it, but I cannot help you ... I am only an unnecessary, little, bush commoner, I am only a - woman.

Miles Franklin

Come A Little Closer Quotes #635886
#21. He was tired
of being called
a fag and teased
for his sexuality
by one of the guards,
so he tried to hang
himself, twice

The kid got a little
closer the second
time, but I won't be
around to see a

Phil Volatile

Come A Little Closer Quotes #635236
#22. When I was little the sky was closer.

Makoto Shinkai

Come A Little Closer Quotes #1868862
#23. Michael was still an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, coated in yum. Only now the enigma was a little less mysterious; I was a few clues closer to solving the riddle - but damn, that man would always be coated in yum.

Lisa Shearin

Come A Little Closer Quotes #796428
#24. Time, which runs through the world like an endless tinsel thread, seemed to pass through the centre of this room and through the centre of these people and suddenly to pause and petrify, stiff, still and glittering ... and the objects in the room drew a little closer together.

Robert Musil

Come A Little Closer Quotes #798937
#25. As much as you love to finish games and all that kind of stuff, at the same time as a starting pitcher you hate to come out of a game where your closer has no margin for error, ... So at least with one guy on, Braden's got a little margin to make a mistake.

Tom Glavine

Come A Little Closer Quotes #802302
#26. Once you get older, you get a little closer to yourself, intimate.

Brad Pitt

Come A Little Closer Quotes #814371
#27. I was always willing to say, "Let's see what happens," when something came up that looked like it might help me get a little closer to where I wanted to be ...

Count Basie

Come A Little Closer Quotes #821090
#28. If you take care of the small things, the big things take care of themselves. You can gain more control over your life by paying closer attention to the little things.

Emily Dickinson

Come A Little Closer Quotes #823343
#29. Keep your friends close, enemies closer. Takes little effort to drive a sharp knife through their hearts when they outlive their uselessness!

Akuku Mach Pep

Come A Little Closer Quotes #828091
#30. When we fail, we cut the string. Then God ties it up again, making a knot and thereby bringing us a little closer to Him. Again and again our failures cut the string, and with each additional knot God keeps drawing us closer and closer.

Sharon A. Hersh

Come A Little Closer Quotes #829933
#31. People are looking for something a little more stable; people are feeling like they need to get closer to God.

Dolly Parton

Come A Little Closer Quotes #835514
#32. I lean closer to him, so close I can smell his skin, and when I speak, I can see how the little hairs near his ear move with my breath. I also want you to know that I won't kill you right away. But that you'll wish I had.

Beth Revis

Come A Little Closer Quotes #845716
#33. He turned away. "I don't want a lecture."
Fair enough. "What do you want?"
"Do you really want to know?"
Kat scooted a little closer but not enough to touch him. "Yes. I wouldn't ask if I didn't."
He stared straight ahead. "I want to forget.

Laurann Dohner

Come A Little Closer Quotes #887198
#34. Boxing is a mental sport. Think of a prizefight as a chess game of mind and body, and you are a little closer to it than if you compare it to a bloody brawl in an alley.

Budd Schulberg

Come A Little Closer Quotes #894956
#35. I often think I would like to come even closer to home and write about somewhere like Wales, for example - which we in England tend to be a little snooty about. That's where the coal comes from and that sort of thing.

John Gimlette

Come A Little Closer Quotes #1053961
#36. The primitive in each of us climbs closer to the surface during the night, for the moon sings to it, and the cold void between the stars speaks its language. To that savage self, evil can look lovely in too little light.

Dean Koontz

Come A Little Closer Quotes #320325
#37. Believe in yourself, even if you feel like turning back at times. Don't run away. Little by little you will get closer to achieving your dreams.


Come A Little Closer Quotes #879
#38. Writing a novel in general is like trying to reach a mountain top you'll never quite reach - so you try again and maybe get a little closer.

Harlan Coben

Come A Little Closer Quotes #151688
#39. Every time I left our apartment to go searching for the lock, I became a little lighter, because I was getting closer to Dad. But I also became a little heavier, because I was getting farther from Mom.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Come A Little Closer Quotes #157826
#40. You are closer to victory than you know, when you feel you just can't go on any longer. It is what makes champions who they are, the ability to muster up a little bit more when everyone else would give in. It is at that moment a tipping point usually occurs.

JohnA Passaro

Come A Little Closer Quotes #178704
#41. 'Oh, no,' Heilyn said, sidling a little closer. 'If I was being shameless, I would have said I was like a wishbone and you needed to spread my legs to make your dreams come true.'

Amy Rae Durreson

Come A Little Closer Quotes #214099
#42. As one of the little streams starts snaking my way, inching closer to the toe of my shoe, I hop over the spreading puddle and out of its reach. I don't look back to see if it's going to follow me. I'm already three blocks away and still gaining speed

M.A. George

Come A Little Closer Quotes #216040
#43. I realized that my grandfather walked with Martin Luther King forty years ago. That was his dream. And in his little way, he helped us get closer to where we are today.

Tim Daly

Come A Little Closer Quotes #222571
#44. The next time you see a spider web, please, pause and look a little closer. You'll be seeing one of the most high-performance materials known to man.

Cheryl Hayashi

Come A Little Closer Quotes #225491
#45. He looked like he wanted to lean down and kiss me ... YES! ... Come on!!! ... A little more ... more ... just a little closer ...
What's your favorite dog? Gunner asked as he pulled back and stood away from the door.

Kelly Elliott

Come A Little Closer Quotes #235814
#46. For all of my life, I've had this one song in my head, and I'm still trying to write it. I'm still trying to get that song out. I'm getting closer, every record I get a little bit closer to saying it the way I want to say it.

Torquil Campbell

Come A Little Closer Quotes #239146
#47. If you come any closer Dal'las I will be forced to tie you to our bedja until we are done with our discussion." "Hmm, I've been meaning to suggest a little rope play in our sex life," she practically purred, truly finding the idea exciting.

Nia K. Foxx

Come A Little Closer Quotes #254193
#48. That night we push our cots just a little closer together, and look into each other's eyes in the moments before we fall asleep. When he finally drifts off, our fingers are twisted together in the space between the beds.
I smile a little, and let myself go.

Veronica Roth

Come A Little Closer Quotes #259763
#49. Little closer, as if I hadn't quite heard him. I leaned at an angle five degrees less acute than the waitress had. - What's that? - I was wondering if there's a melody in there. - It just went out for a smoke. It'll be back in a minute. But I take it that you don't

Amor Towles

Come A Little Closer Quotes #310170
#50. Can you stand a little closer?" "Hmm?" "You smell good. I like to smell you.

Nora Roberts

Come A Little Closer Quotes #603698
#51. Just because you disagreed with the Poll Tax and detested Margaret Thatcher - "
"Detest is a little inappropriate," Parlabane said. "Maybe closer to say I spent the entire Eighties wishing I was pissing on her rotting corpse.

Christopher Brookmyre

Come A Little Closer Quotes #453416
#52. It would be wonderful if this world was guided by little children, because they are closer to life than anyone else.

Jaggi Vasudev

Come A Little Closer Quotes #458654
#53. You know what I mean. That moment in a relationship in which, at the same time you discover you've been floating in air for 5 and 1/2 weeks you also discover that your feet have dropped a little closer to earth.

Marisa De Los Santos

Come A Little Closer Quotes #462438
#54. I just need to believe that we're not in some form of stasis, that we can try to be whoever we want to be. We probably won't get there, but we might get a little bit closer, you know?

Jonathan Evison

Come A Little Closer Quotes #509469
#55. I discovered that if one looks a little closer at this beautiful world, there are always red ants underneath.

David Lynch

Come A Little Closer Quotes #529533
#56. My parents probably feel closer to the U.S. They feel America came to our rescue in the war and all that sort of thing. And for their generation the war still goes on. We still save food and little bits get scraped off and boiled out the next day.

John Gimlette

Come A Little Closer Quotes #539707
#57. Well come and stand a little bit closer, breathe in and get a bit higher. You'll ever know what hit you when I get to you!

Savage Garden

Come A Little Closer Quotes #544040
#58. Magnus, could you glow a little closer, please? - Sam

Rick Riordan

Come A Little Closer Quotes #550591
#59. Our families were herded out of the room, and I snuggled little Ainsley closer, smelling her head, a smell I already recognized. I'd cheerfully kill for her, happily lay down my life for her without a second's hesitation and with a smile on my face. My beautiful baby. My gift.

Kristan Higgins

Come A Little Closer Quotes #553917
#60. My stories are sometimes closer to poems or meditations, but often there is at least a little narrative in them.

Lydia Davis

Come A Little Closer Quotes #556133
#61. Jess leaned a little closer, then in the space of a nanosecond, ten years of friendship changed forever.

S.D. Hendrickson

Come A Little Closer Quotes #567151
#62. The flowers' beauty drew her closer to them like a magnetic force. She felt compelled to walk a little faster.

H. L. Balcomb

Come A Little Closer Quotes #570294

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