Top 47 College Senior Sayings

#1. My college senior thesis was going to be on the American private investigator.

Greg Rucka

College Senior Sayings #1724938
#2. Whether we're a preschooler or a young teen, a graduating college senior or a retired person, we human beings all want to know that we're acceptable, that our being alive somehow makes a difference in the lives of others.

Fred Rogers

College Senior Sayings #1122960
#3. I took the whole college prep trajectory, and then in my senior year of high school, I decided that performing was something that I had always done as a kid, and I loved it ... I said, 'This makes people happy when I do this, I feel good, I get to pretend and explore other areas and learn so much'.

Tamara Tunie

College Senior Sayings #1156519
#4. Albert Camus's 'La Peste' - 'The Plague' - had an enormous impact on me when I read it in high school French class, and I chose my senior yearbook quote from it. In college, I wrote a philosophy class paper on Camus and Sartre, and again chose my yearbook quote from 'La Peste.'

Drew Gilpin Faust

College Senior Sayings #1863372
#5. When I started Teach For America, I wasn't trying to come up with an idea that would change the world. I was trying to solve a problem much closer to home: I was a senior in college, and I had no idea what I was going to do with my life!

Wendy Kopp

College Senior Sayings #1196461
#6. You know a person is having a severe personality crisis if you see a high school class ring on a finger beyond the first semester in college. Male or female. It's a big sign saying nothing has mattered to my life since senior year.

Nikki Giovanni

College Senior Sayings #1207653
#7. I dropped out of high school three days into my senior year because I hated it because New York City public school is a mess. I certainly wasn't one for sitting in a classroom. Then I went off to college to North Carolina School of the Arts, then quit that after two years.

Erich Bergen

College Senior Sayings #1228147
#8. I got my GED my senior year and ended up taking community college classes before I transferred to Bard.

Gia Coppola

College Senior Sayings #1261961
#9. Here I was, this good guy that played football; I was gonna go play in college but I had a bad senior year. But I played guitar in assemblies whenever I could.

Bob Livingston

College Senior Sayings #1263914
#10. I was in college in Washington, D.C. I did three years full-time. I did all my requirements, and my senior year was really a gut year. And I said, 'Law school will always be there.' I was in no hurry to get right into that.

Alec Baldwin

College Senior Sayings #1303853
#11. I hated high school and got to college and realized they didn't care if I showed up because I'd already paid. So I decided, 'I'm going to turn this around.' And I did: I got straight A's and was named 'outstanding senior.'

Pauley Perrette

College Senior Sayings #1330147
#12. When I was a senior in high school, I went to Ireland to study Irish Gaelic. And after one semester at Trinity College, I went way out to the west coast of Ireland and rented a little house by myself.

Rosemary Mahoney

College Senior Sayings #1365417
#13. When I first went to Stevens Point, I never thought I'd ever be close to the NBA. I didn't even think about the NBA. The big start for me was making it to the final cut for the Olympic team, and I was the only one who was going to be back for my senior year of college.

Terry Porter

College Senior Sayings #1475284
#14. I learned to canoe at summer camp and thought I'd pursue Olympic whitewater canoeing. In my senior year of high school, I instead decided to attend M.I.T. I like to say I've had only two jobs in my life: whitewater canoeing instructor and wilderness guide in college, and C.E.O. of iRobot.

Colin Angle

College Senior Sayings #1561262
#15. Wellesley's president, Nannerl Overholser Keohane, approved a broad rule with a specific application: The senior thesis of every Wellesley alumna is available in the college archives for anyone to read - except for those written by either a 'president or first lady of the United States.'

Bill Dedman

College Senior Sayings #1642469
#16. In 2005, I had one more year of college left, and I was taking a summer class in Barbados. I got discovered in the airport on my way back and started modeling at the beginning of my senior year at Bucknell.

Garrett Neff

College Senior Sayings #1666100
#17. I took acting classes in my senior year in college and I loved it.

Adepero Oduye

College Senior Sayings #1703981
#18. There's a high school in Camden, New Jersey, I call the Jill Scott School. It's the Camden Creative Arts High School. Those teachers and kids are so passionate about what they do, and 98 percent of the senior class went on to college.

Jill Scott

College Senior Sayings #1727268
#19. I'm really happy for Coach Cooper and the guys who've been around here for six or seven years, especially our seniors.

Bobby Hoying

College Senior Sayings #1730435
#20. A senior always feels like the university is going to the kids.

Thomas Lansing Masson

College Senior Sayings #1742466
#21. Openness isn't the end; it's the beginning.

Margaret Heffernan

College Senior Sayings #1763877
#22. Until my senior year, baseball and basketball were my best sports; and even when I was a senior, I still wanted to play baseball professionally. But the family wanted me to go to college, and I guess I agreed with them, or else I would have accepted some of the offers I got.

Joe Namath

College Senior Sayings #1764147
#23. Basketball was always my first love, but once I had a good year as a senior, I figured the next step was to play college football.

Ben Roethlisberger

College Senior Sayings #1777297
#24. The senior thesis of Hillary D. Rodham, Wellesley College class of 1969, has been speculated about, spun, analyzed, debated, criticized and defended. But rarely has it been read, because for the eight years of Bill Clinton's presidency it was locked away.

Bill Dedman

College Senior Sayings #1779042
#25. I was always interested in art at school, and after year twelve, senior year, I spent three years studying graphic design at college. I worked in advertising for two years but didn't like it much, then began doing a bit of illustration work for various publishers.

Graeme Base

College Senior Sayings #843469
#26. At this point I was strongly advised that I was too young socially to go to college so I took a second senior year at Andover, another boarding school.

William Standish Knowles

College Senior Sayings #59946
#27. Look, this isn't about the ring or when I ever made a hamburger, which, for your information, was my senior year of college."
"Right, when you almost caught our kitchen on fire."
"And you dated one of the firefighters for six months. You're welcome. Back to my problem.

Rachel Hauck

College Senior Sayings #138942
#28. I started my first company when I was in my college dorm as a senior with two of my really good friends. We started a company that became SparkNotes. You know CliffsNotes? SparkNotes is a modern-day version of that.

Sam Yagan

College Senior Sayings #232542
#29. Indeed, many adults don't consider having children at all until they've deemed themselves good and ready: in 2008, 72 percent of college-educated women between the ages of twenty-five and twenty-nine had not yet had children.

Jennifer Senior

College Senior Sayings #288811
#30. He held up my most prized possession, a sweatshirt from spring break during my senior year of college. It was faded, tattered, and perfect for wearing while eating peanut butter with your fingers and crying about your incredibly shitty marriage.

Tracy Brogan

College Senior Sayings #330066
#31. However senior or accomplished, they were not allowed into the college's senior common room but instead had to take their meals in a more utilitarian chamber

Bill Bryson

College Senior Sayings #481661
#32. I'm a guy who has always been a late bloomer on every level. I've always wanted to get into the league as a kid. Who would have thought during my senior year at college that I would be where I am now? It's been a lot of hard work and never stopping.

Kevin Martin

College Senior Sayings #484300
#33. My senior year of high school, when I was getting recruited for college, my dad goes to me, 'You can become an Olympic champion.' And that's the first time that I'd heard someone else say that to me. I was like, 'Uh, are you talking to me?'

Ryan Lochte

College Senior Sayings #499675
#34. For one woman, a college sophomore, "It's very special when someone turns away from a text to turn to a person." For a senior man, "If someone gets a text and apologizes and silences it [their phone], that sends a signal that they are there, they are listening to you.

Sherry Turkle

College Senior Sayings #561682
#35. I led the state in defensive interceptions my senior year, with seven in nine games. Then I went to Montana to play basketball and found out quickly that my college career wasn't going to work out how I'd envisioned it.

Jeff Ament

College Senior Sayings #651162
#36. My father died during open-heart surgery on March 29 of my senior year in college. I was getting set to go to law school. I remember sitting in the waiting room when the doctor walked in. I said to myself, The worst possible thing just happened. What will you do?

Steve Wynn

College Senior Sayings #788761
#37. It wasn't like I was expecting Senior year to be some amazing experience. If anything, I was prepared for it to be pretty much a letdown. Everyone would be looking ahead to college and getting sick of seeing the same faces we've been looking at for the last three years.

Jenny O'Connell

College Senior Sayings #1144947
#38. I turned down a contract with a major network in New York my senior year of college in order to move to Los Angeles and pursue my acting career. But so far it's working out.

Justin Hires

College Senior Sayings #907895
#39. I met my wife in Washington, D.C. I was a senior in college. WW II was about to descend upon us. Jobs were starting to open up after a prolonged depression.

Tom Glazer

College Senior Sayings #929896
#40. I had a lot of success from the start. I never really was tested for long periods of time. I got my first professional job while I was a senior in college. I signed with the William Morris Agency before I graduated.

Denzel Washington

College Senior Sayings #982931
#41. I'd probably say my biggest yo-yo was when I was finishing up my senior year of college. I lost about 100 pounds and within a year gained it all back.

Al Roker

College Senior Sayings #1022804
#42. I started going to acting school in my senior year in high school, and I remained in acting school through four years of college.

Dane DeHaan

College Senior Sayings #1050910
#43. A college football star, by his senior year, is used to running out there with 110,000 people going nuts. They feel comfortable in that environment. To me, a set feels like that. The one thing that I do know is that, as long as I'm prepared, I know this environment and this world.

Donal Logue

College Senior Sayings #1070665
#44. The only reason I got into broadcasting was, I needed money to pay for my junior and senior years at college, and they hired me, those fools!

Alex Trebek

College Senior Sayings #1084266
#45. I tried writing fiction as a little kid, but had a teacher humiliate me, so didn't write again until I was a senior in college.

Janet Fitch

College Senior Sayings #1111671
#46. H.P. Lovecraft is for the summer between junior and senior years in high school. Cosmic fear hits you about then anyway
you realize you'll soon have to Get a Real Job or Go To College or Both and in those days, Be Drafted. A dose of Cthulhu helps put these feelings in perspective.

Howard Waldrop

College Senior Sayings #1122873
#47. Hitchhiking around Canada with a buddy after my senior year of college was the closest thing to an adventure I'd ever had, and given the cheerful, helpful nature of most Canadians, it wasn't much of an adventure.

Stephen King

College Senior Sayings #1139553

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