Top 67 Cleo's Quotes

#1. permission, I blurted it out - even though I should have thought twice. "Your daughter is looking for you." Cleo's best friend, who was part of the show

Jodi Picoult

Cleo's Quotes #1529175
#2. He took everything and I let him.
Arthur was everywhere at once.
In my mind.
My heart.
My soul.
His taste.
His scent.
His heat.

Pepper Winters

Cleo's Quotes #1332836
#3. But she didn't fall. Someone was there, reaching an arm around her waist to steady her. She looked up expecting to see Nic, but it was Magnus.
His dark brows were drawn tightly together. Problem, princess?

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #1341719
#4. It didn't seem to matter whether the previous day had been good or bad; the sun would always rise the next morning.

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #1314365
#5. I like to take afternoon naps in the nude.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #1286292
#6. Your heart has stolen mine; two souls beating in time.
Yet you push me away-rejection a cruel slay.
I beg you to kiss me. Take me. Claim me.
Make me yours and put my fears at bay.

Pepper Winters

Cleo's Quotes #1286199
#7. Follow you heart wherever it leads. Appreciate life, Cleo. It's a gift that can be stolen at any time.

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #1235484
#8. Painting self-portraits without clothes on has also given me some publicity.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #1228502
#9. Now this really annoys me: All these people getting on the Internet and saying Nostradamus predicted this. If Nostradamus were alive today his name would be Miss Cleo and he'd be charging $2.99 a minute.

Jay Leno

Cleo's Quotes #1222881
#10. I love you, Cleo," he said, the words finally coming to him, with no effort at all because of how true they were. "I love you so much it hurts."
Her eyes widened. "What did you just say?"
Magnus almost laughed. "I think you heard me right.

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #1213764
#11. businesswoman and less like an artist. But apparently she'd gotten it wrong. Elle squared her shoulders and focused on what she had going for her. The work in her portfolio

Cleo Peitsche

Cleo's Quotes #1196459
#12. This has been a long day. Rest is most likely the best thing we could do right now, even if it does get us nasty case of motel cooties and our skin rots off. ~Cleo

Sally Slayer

Cleo's Quotes #1143318
#13. You realize you're a bit scary, right?" he said. Cleo

A.J. Tipton

Cleo's Quotes #1128811
#14. Kurtis came to see me earlier," Magnus said, before Cleo could reply. "Do you know why?"
"To tell you I've quit archery?"
"No, but it's adorable that you think I'd care about something so trivial.

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #1125289
#15. You know, just because you're a blonde type doesn't mean you can't suddenly do serious parts.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #1125165
#16. You'll see that I was right and your heart beats for me. Mine, yours - they chime to the same beat. Wherever we end up in the world, whatever you do or whoever you decide to tie your life to, we'll never be whole unless we're one.

Pepper Winters

Cleo's Quotes #1051695
#17. I'm not a very good painter, but I'm learning a lot.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #983793
#18. She passed close enough to Magnus that, for a moment, Cleo thought he might reach out and snap her neck, but he didn't. That, Cleo felt, was unfortunate.

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #1571012
#19. The more time I spent in his arms, the more whole I felt. I could live in the moment.
Right here.
Right now.
I'm home.

Pepper Winters

Cleo's Quotes #1863637
#20. One newspaper even published one of my nude paintings - the one of me naked from the waste up.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #1754903
#21. It is good to see people happy with one another. It is a glimpse of a world in which everyone is that way. A happy world might be boring, I told myself, but watching Jake grin at Cleo grinning at Jake grinning at Cleo and back again, I thought it was worth the risk.

Lemony Snicket

Cleo's Quotes #1750430
#22. Oh God." I lost the ability to speak under such glorious torture. "He won't help you, Cleo. Might as well implore my name instead.

Pepper Winters

Cleo's Quotes #1750131
#23. An attractive man of the dark, messy hair variety came around a corner and stopped short. He stared intently at her, his dark blue eyes mesmerizing. "Can I help you?" He slid behind the desk and

Cleo Peitsche

Cleo's Quotes #1696451
#24. She was his princess. No. She was his goddess. With her golden skin and golden hair. She was his light. His life. His everything.
He loved her more than anything else in this world.

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #1632212
#25. Annabelle, I'm going to kill you! I cried, frowning at the mess. Then I glanced down the stairway and gasped.
It looked like someone had beaten me to it.

Cleo Coyle

Cleo's Quotes #1631283
#26. The girl may have been tiny, but everything about her said, I'm not scared of you, so piss off.

Christine Manzari

Cleo's Quotes #1596491
#27. And I usually use myself as a model, posing in front of a mirror as I dab the strokes on the canvas.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #968337
#28. You seem rather obsessed with Magnus. Perhaps next time I should try to arrange a meeting between the two of you instead.

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #1548807
#29. He captured my chin, holding me firm. You are me. And I am you. We might have separate thoughts and minds, Buttercup, but we have the same heart and soul.

Pepper Winters

Cleo's Quotes #1528284
#30. Fear and intimidation are tactics that work very well on those who allow themselves to be afraid and intimidated.

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #1519254
#31. My gramps is a lot like you. No sense of adventure. All he does is sit in his urn...

Cleo Peitsche

Cleo's Quotes #1390386
#32. colorblind lumberjack." The sad part was that her mother had a good point; she needed to dress more like a businesswoman and less like an artist. But apparently she'd gotten it

Cleo Peitsche

Cleo's Quotes #1371321
#33. Lucia couldn't deny it. Cleo was getting to her, breaking through that dark wall that surrounded her. Believe in magic. Believe in the impossible. Believe, tentatively, in this fragile new friendship with Cleo. And believe that one day she'd see Alexius again.

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #1359729
#34. loved Cleo, a talk-show host who had grown

Jodi Picoult

Cleo's Quotes #1358253
#35. None of the European girls, including Anita Ekberg, has anything not found on American girls as well.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #181788
#36. You won't believe me, no matter what I say. Clearly there's nothing I can do or say that will change your opinion of me."
"You want everything, take all that you can get, but you give nothing back in return," Magnus snarled through clenched teeth. "Leave me.

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #378159
#37. In the shadow my father has cast over my entire life, you are the only light I can see anymore. And, whatever the cost, I refuse to let that light be extinguished

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #365064
#38. Class?" I asked in surprise. "Today?"
"This isn't a spa vacation, Tiger Lily. Just be glad it's History of Wormwood and not conditioning."
"Hope you've got a bottle of Icy Hot in there.

Christine Manzari

Cleo's Quotes #363659
#39. Things Cleo can never know - lest she should find out how the two of us are linked.

Ella James

Cleo's Quotes #322060
#40. We made one film called Thy Neighbor's Wife in which I got flogged at the public whipping post for adultery. I did my best acting in that film, I guess.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #299325
#41. There was a fine line of making love and fucking but this was love-fucking. This was cruel but sweet. Angry but happy. It was a thousand words in one timeless action - righting the wrongs of our past and hopefully repairing a future we both didn't think we'd ever find.

Pepper Winters

Cleo's Quotes #297580
#42. Anything I learned about the fine art of acting I learned from Hugo.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #231993
#43. They want a lip print for their autograph books. I'm a sport; I go along.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #209026
#44. Magnus had come to a horrible realization. One that he knew would cause him nothing but pain and suffering from that day forward.
But there was no changing the truth of it.
He had fallen in love with her.

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #390259
#45. In any case, her fight was not over yet - not nearly over. It had only begun. And yes, Cleo would be strong. Just as her father and Emilia had asked her to be. She would be strong. She would reclaim her rightful throne. She would be queen.

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #175324
#46. Hatred is like fire. It burns the one who harnesses it. It's also extremely hard to see more helpful truths through its flames.

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #153531
#47. I'm not afraid of these ghosts, Cleo. I have enough of my own to keep me company.

Makiia Lucier

Cleo's Quotes #150503
#48. O Hathor," Cleo began, "why bless me with an abundance of gorgeousness and then deprive me of people to envy it? Especially on a Saturday night?

Lisi Harrison

Cleo's Quotes #144465
#49. I like to paint nudes mostly.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #138717
#50. The perfectly measured burr of a dispassionate detective had suddenly changed into the explosive boom of a take-no-shit street cop.
Suffice it to say, I froze.

Cleo Coyle

Cleo's Quotes #116705
#51. In America," I said, "if you can't pay back a loan, you declare bankruptcy and that's the end of it.

Cleo Odzer

Cleo's Quotes #73260
#52. I'm so sorry, I forget to introduce m'self. Cleo, shat for Cleopaitra, cause m' daddy always said I look like an Egyptian princess. And ya are?"
"Not as happy to meet you," he said.

Elle Klass

Cleo's Quotes #975369
#53. You'll never forget how it feels when I touch you." He pinched me, wrenching a breathy moan from my lips."Never." His teeth graced over my breast. "You'll never forget how it feels when I taste you." I smashed my face into a pillow as he sucked greedily. "Never. I promise. I promise forever.

Pepper Winters

Cleo's Quotes #464126
#54. I mean, Jane Wyman did a lot of silly parts for years and then all of a sudden went serious and was tremendous.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #574367
#55. I'm not acting! shouted Cleo. She was in desperate need of more gloss.

Lisi Harrison

Cleo's Quotes #593348
#56. Well don't get your hopes up," I warned. "I'm a lot more trouble than i'm worth."
"I don't doubt that," he said, indicating my box of junk.
"What did you do to get sent here?"
"I can't tell you."
"Because then you'd have to kill me.

Christine Manzari

Cleo's Quotes #634876
#57. They seem to be charmed by my Southern accent.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #718822
#58. Her cerulean eyes widened.
"You dream about me?"
His gaze snapped back to hers.
"Nightmares only

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #771907
#59. Believe it or not, I was all fully rounded by the time I was nine years old.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #773446
#60. She gave him a cold and enraged glare. 'You are so pathetic, you make me want to vomit.

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #788914
#61. I'm not sure the prince was ever taught the polite way to speak to people," Cleo replied. "And yet," Magnus said, "you're still following me, aren't you?" "For now. But you should remember that charm opens far more doors than harsh words do." "And a sharp ax will open every door." The

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #820090
#62. I gave him everything that I was. I gave him all my troubles and dreams and flashbacks. I let him save me. And at the same time saved him.

Pepper Winters

Cleo's Quotes #833801
#63. Tell me the truth - do you think I've lost my Southern accent? I feel it comes back to me only when I'm shouting at fights or at baseball games.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #842808
#64. And for a split second Cleo saw the value in living openly. Liberation was Windex for the soul. It let the light shine through. But why dwell? Nothing was ever going to change.

Lisi Harrison

Cleo's Quotes #851826
#65. This was the boy who now kissed her without reservation, as if he were dying and she was air itself.

Morgan Rhodes

Cleo's Quotes #869626
#66. I bet the sleazeball buttered you up with loads of compliments too?'
Cleo gave a grim nod. 'Yes, he did. He said my trowel was awesome.

Helen Moss

Cleo's Quotes #905532
#67. It was strange what happened to me; I mean popping out like that before I was even ten.

Cleo Moore

Cleo's Quotes #908241

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