Top 15 Chuffnell Quotes

#1. And of all the objects under my immediate advisement I noted this yacht with the most pleasure and approval. White in colour, in size resembling a young liner, it lent a decided tone to the Chuffnell Regis foreshore.

P.G. Wodehouse

Chuffnell Quotes #67075
#2. I'm allergic to chocolate. I never tried it, and I can't try it, ever.

Tony Revolori

Chuffnell Quotes #2370
#3. Author says her father was so diplomatic that when people came to him for solutions, people not only accepted them, but they believed they thought of them.

Immaculee Ilibagiza

Chuffnell Quotes #144732
#4. He was always dependable, she realized. She was usually too busy being irritated by him to notice.

Julia Quinn

Chuffnell Quotes #310515
#5. I think love is a great catalyst for many characters to further the story or their own growth.

Keri Russell

Chuffnell Quotes #351985
#6. So, over the course of the last year, I've seen Lola blossom from a delicate flower into a durable weed!

Belle Aurora

Chuffnell Quotes #436227
#7. I only write when I feel the inspiration. Fortunately, inspiration strikes at 10:00 o'clock every day.

William Faulkner

Chuffnell Quotes #467760
#8. The past existed in multitudinous ways. You only experienced one probable past. By changing this past in your mind, now, in your present, you can change not only its nature but its effect, and not only upon yourself but upon others.


Chuffnell Quotes #578001
#9. Those who love are clouds floating side by side:
Dewdrops bending blades of grass at sunrise.
Yet love is the rhythm of nature;
Love is oneness with beauty;
Love is the joyful revelation of the way.

Malinda Lo

Chuffnell Quotes #682153
#10. But there are still only certain film genres where a woman can stand out, be heroic, be the centerpiece.

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Chuffnell Quotes #794419
#11. It's easy to be an expert if you're the only one in the world with an interest.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Chuffnell Quotes #989843
#12. Hard. Fast. Deep. When I'm done you'll know you're mine.

Karen Marie Moning

Chuffnell Quotes #1010036
#13. Mulch was not impressed. 'I'm not impressed,' he said.

Eoin Colfer

Chuffnell Quotes #1082816
#14. Camomille: Fallible men write books. God writes in sunlight and rivers and planets. Isn't the Universe a good book? I trust it above the printed kind.

Mark Siegel

Chuffnell Quotes #1378094
#15. Get the right perspective. When Goliath came against the Israelites, the soldiers all thought, "He is so big. We can never kill him." David looked at the same giant and thought, "He is so big. I can't miss."

Russell Johnston

Chuffnell Quotes #1600361

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