Top 34 Chinese Americans Quotes

#1. Chinese Americans, when you try to understand what things in you are Chinese, how do you separate what is peculiar to childhood, to poverty, insanities, one family, your mother who marked your growing with stories, from what is Chinese? What is Chinese tradition and what is the movies?

Maxine Hong Kingston

Chinese Americans Quotes #1313740
#2. There are a lot of things that immigrants, especially Chinese-Americans, want to share with their children, but there are a lot of things they don't want to share.

Anchee Min

Chinese Americans Quotes #827738
#3. [I]t is the reason alone, of the public, that ought to control and regulate the government.

James Madison

Chinese Americans Quotes #684068
#4. What Americans can't face is that one of the reasons that the Russians and the Chinese were so impressed with us during the Cold War was the fact that Nixon and Kissinger went on bombing despite public reaction.

Robert D. Kaplan

Chinese Americans Quotes #1746783
#5. To most Americans, a dog is a potential mate. To some Chinese, a dog is potential meat.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Chinese Americans Quotes #762700
#6. This is the secret, THE secret ... De-automatize.


Chinese Americans Quotes #784647
#7. For most Americans, my Chinese music feels like a novelty, and it's not what it is for me.

Abigail Washburn

Chinese Americans Quotes #786800
#8. So, fortune cookies: invented by the Japanese, popularized by the Chinese, but ultimately consumed by Americans. They are more American than anything else.

Jennifer Lee

Chinese Americans Quotes #843293
#9. Forgiveness leads to a shift in perception. It transforms the hurt into healing.

Iyanla Vanzant

Chinese Americans Quotes #891026
#10. I found Americans arrogant, Germans rude, Britishers selfish, Frenchs desperate, Chinese worried and my own nation stupid.

M.F. Moonzajer

Chinese Americans Quotes #1007173
#11. Hillary Clinton: putting big government spending financed by the Chinese ahead of good-paying jobs for middle-class Americans. Is she guilty or not guilty?

Chris Christie

Chinese Americans Quotes #1034902
#12. When they looked in the mirror, the American and Chinese women had begun to see each other's reflection. To reach the World Cup final, the Americans had become tightly connected by the ligaments of teamwork, while the Chinese had realized the necessary freedom of individual expression.

Jere Longman

Chinese Americans Quotes #1161129
#13. China protects the Chinese, America protects the Americans, I don't see why Europe should not protect the Europeans.

Dominique De Villepin

Chinese Americans Quotes #1227379
#14. Americans are much more American than they are Northerners, Southerners, Westerners, or Easterners ... California Chinese, Boston Irish, Wisconsin German, yes, Alabama Negroes, have more in common than they have apart ... The American identity is an exact and provable thing.

John Steinbeck

Chinese Americans Quotes #1278765
#15. I am obsessed with Chinese restaurants. Like many Americans, I first discovered them in my childhood.

Jennifer Lee

Chinese Americans Quotes #1481473
#16. Absolutely the United States should lead in space, for the survival of the United States. It's inspiring for the next generation. If we lose leadership, then we'll be using Chinese capability to inspire Americans.

Buzz Aldrin

Chinese Americans Quotes #1517899
#17. Chinese immigrant: Americans make a mere practice of loving justice.

H.W. Brands

Chinese Americans Quotes #1718391
#18. Americans consider the United States an exceptional nation; so do the Chinese people think of their Middle Kingdom.

Patrick Mendis

Chinese Americans Quotes #1720077
#19. If I can help Americans to understand China, and the Chinese to learn about the United States, even a little, I will feel very rewarded. I

Ji-li Jiang

Chinese Americans Quotes #519366
#20. The Vietnamese see their history as an unending series of struggles of resistance to aggression, by the Chinese, the Mongols, the Japanese, the French, and now the Americans.

Noam Chomsky

Chinese Americans Quotes #468794
#21. The thing about happiness, though, is that it never lasts.

Michelle Hodkin

Chinese Americans Quotes #447309
#22. Nobody is making Americans buy Chinese goods.

P. J. O'Rourke

Chinese Americans Quotes #443142
#23. Acting is the work of two people - it's only possible when you have the complicity, the help, even the manipulation of a director.

Victoria Abril

Chinese Americans Quotes #413852
#24. She thought she was brave, but she did not have that kind of courage. To face the men who controlled the torturers, the lists, the surveillance, and say: I am going to do the very thing you say I must not do.
And yet they were right.How were things to get better if no one fought?

Geoff Ryman

Chinese Americans Quotes #365343
#25. Americans hold that every problem has a solution; Chinese think that each solution is an admission ticket to a new set of problems.

Henry Kissinger

Chinese Americans Quotes #359379
#26. Americans are very easygoing people. If the added attention and great visibility that I have been able to generate can help open doors and expose more Chinese to American values and the American way of life, that is great.

Gary Locke

Chinese Americans Quotes #307265
#27. Americans believe that you can alter people by conversion, and that everybody in the world is a potential American. The Chinese also believe that their values are universal, but they do not believe that you can convert to becoming a Chinese unless you are born into it.

Henry A. Kissinger

Chinese Americans Quotes #275466
#28. All men - whether they go by the name of Americans or Russians or Chinese or British or Malayans or Indians or Africans - have obligations to one another that transcend their obligations to their sovereign societies.

Norman Cousins

Chinese Americans Quotes #256608
#29. Believe me, after the destruction of Chinese nuclear sites by our missiles, there won't be much time for the Americans to choose between the defense of their Chinese allies and peaceful co-existence with us.

Leonid Brezhnev

Chinese Americans Quotes #217962
#30. The easiest way for Americans to make sense of Chinese history is to compare everything to Jewish history. There's an analogue for everything. Torah: Analects. Curly sideburns: long ponytails. Mantou: bagels.

Eddie Huang

Chinese Americans Quotes #187346
#31. Chinese culture has a lot of virtues that are tremendously valuable to not only us as Asian-Americans, but also the world in general.

Martin Yan

Chinese Americans Quotes #136257
#32. We are evolving as one species - not only as Americans, Syrians, Russians, Chinese, and jihadists. We cannot attack one without inflicting forms of violence and destruction upon ourselves. This is our new reality.

Gary Zukav

Chinese Americans Quotes #115143
#33. Chinese restaurants have long been a weekly or monthly ritual for many Americans.

Jennifer Lee

Chinese Americans Quotes #69378
#34. You know, in the WikiLeaks cables, the Chinese discovered that Kevin Rudd was urging the Americans to keep the military option open against them. This is hardly a friendly gesture.

Paul Keating

Chinese Americans Quotes #20831

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