Top 34 Children Singing Quotes

#1. We hear the ambient noise of children singing. We hear lions and tigers roar. Hyenas laugh. Some jungle bird or howler monkey declares its existence, screeching a maniac's gibberish. Our entire world, always doing battle against the silence and obscurity of death.

Chuck Palahniuk

Children Singing Quotes #1050476
#2. I think the greatest sound in the world is hearing one of your children singing when they think no one is listening.

Ron Baratono

Children Singing Quotes #1136709
#3. She'd never believed in God, except when she heard children singing.

Liane Moriarty

Children Singing Quotes #1298114
#4. I used to imagine that making it in music - really making it in music - is if you're an old man going by a schoolyard and you hear children singing your songs, playing jump-rope, or on the swings. That's the ultimate. You're in the culture.

Tom Waits

Children Singing Quotes #1750247
#5. Do you hear the children singing?

Edwin Arlington Robinson

Children Singing Quotes #886228
#6. I want children to be glued to interactive books that encourage singing and dancing. I feel when kids work together it brings about a different energy.

Lisa Loeb

Children Singing Quotes #911901
#7. Singing rose up from the convent, filling the woods with a peaceful echo that tried to penetrate her heart and smooth her features; but nothing could ease the pain of saying goodbye.

Kate Willis

Children Singing Quotes #1697671
#8. The happiest moments in our lives are when we are playing just like children, when we are singing and dancing, when we are exploring and creating just for fun.

Miguel Ruiz

Children Singing Quotes #1057079
#9. What's got into me? Do I want children? Do I want to be a mamma, nursing and singing lullabies? Marriage plus pregnancy? And if my mother should emerge from my stomach just now when I think I'm safe?

Elena Ferrante

Children Singing Quotes #1080929
#10. The best function of the school in my head, as it turns out, is to remind me where not to dwell. I did my time in and around school, and learned things painstakingly and grudgingly that my children later learned while laughing and playing and singing.

Sandra Dodd

Children Singing Quotes #1081045
#11. Softly, in the dusk, a woman is singing to me;
Taking me back down the vista of years, till I see
A child sitting under the piano, in the boom of the tingling strings
And pressing the small, poised feet of a mother who smiles as she

D.H. Lawrence

Children Singing Quotes #1128920
#12. I really wish that I would have gone to college. Even my son, who's into rap himself, I tell him and tell his children, 'Go to college. Get that education - it is so important. Don't do like I did.' I had all this singing on my mind, and I just didn't have time for it.

Barbara Lynn

Children Singing Quotes #1233860
#13. It's the silliness
the profligacy, and the silliness
that's so dizzying: a seven-year-old will run downstairs, kiss you hard, and then run back upstairs again, all in less than 30 seconds. It's as urgent an item on their daily agenda as eating or singing. It's like being mugged by Cupid.

Caitlin Moran

Children Singing Quotes #1305644
#14. I certainly think there are things that impressed me as a child about the church. The smells and the sounds and the pagaentry of it remained with me. The aesthetic I really love. I think a lot of my sense of melody comes from singing those hymns and doing the renaissance music and stuff.

Jonathan Meiburg

Children Singing Quotes #1322855
#15. But Dad looked delighted. My Mia's singing 'Waiting for Vengeance' to my Teddy. What do you think about that?

Gayle Forman

Children Singing Quotes #1544247
#16. The lights flickered, the pain went away, and her mother was holding her, singing 'Sleep sweet sleep'. (The Children of Ankh series) Kim Cormack

Kim Cormack

Children Singing Quotes #1590044
#17. Oh, I am all for singing. If I had had children I should have hounded them into choirs & choral societies, and if they weren't good enough for that, I would have sent them out, to sing in the streets.

Sylvia Townsend Warner

Children Singing Quotes #1590759
#18. It was the sound of a thousand hungry children crying, ten thousand widows tearing their hair over their husband's graves, a chorus of angels singing the last dirge on the day of God's death.

Christopher Moore

Children Singing Quotes #1634614
#19. Goe and catche a falling starre, Get with child a mandrake root, Tell me, where all past yeares are, Or who cleft the Divel's foot. Teach me to hear Mermaides' singing, Or to keep of envies stinging, And finde What winde Serves to advance an honest minde.

John Donne

Children Singing Quotes #1665271
#20. Children often sang, adults seldom. At what age did the singing stop?

Mary Jo Putney

Children Singing Quotes #836299
#21. Children frequently sing meaningful phrases to themselves over and over again before they learn to make a distinction between singing and saying.

David Antin

Children Singing Quotes #805740
#22. My father moved through theys of we, singing each new leaf out of each tree, (and every child was sure that spring danced when she heard my father sing) ...

Mitch Albom

Children Singing Quotes #778708
#23. Plain singing is not childish, but only the singing with lifeless organs, with dancing, and cymbals, &c. Whence the use of such instruments, and other things fit for children, is laid aside and plain singing only retained.

Justin Martyr

Children Singing Quotes #612316
#24. Julia heard from her mummy that fairies were gentle creatures with singing voices just like the mermaids.

Magda M. Olchawska

Children Singing Quotes #573949
#25. Come on, this is a real adventure I have here, screamed Mikolay again, this time more impatiently.I think someone is singing inside the wardrobe. Can you hear that?

Magda M. Olchawska

Children Singing Quotes #553251
#26. If you were a child and every time your relatives had a few drinks, they'd be running after you with scary faces and big hands to pull you back to sing Don't Cry For Me Argentina, you wouldn't like singing either.

Roisin Murphy

Children Singing Quotes #513972
#27. It all sounds rather naive and sentimental to be talking about children laughing and dancing and singing together when we all know perfectly well that what children do in real life is snarl and take drugs.

Douglas Adams

Children Singing Quotes #452602
#28. Singing with children in the schools has been the most rewarding experience of my life.

Pete Seeger

Children Singing Quotes #385882
#29. I like singing practically more than anything else, and I want to be the best, but I don't want to sacrifice time with my children.

Maria Doyle Kennedy

Children Singing Quotes #261028
#30. One day my dad said, "If you guys ever stop singing, I'll drop you like a hot potato." That's what he said. It hurt me. You don't say that to children and I never forgot it.

Michael Jackson

Children Singing Quotes #255070
#31. My singing is really important to me, but when children come along they'll be my main focus. I'd never put my career in front of my babies - it'd be a case of fitting jobs around them.

Katy Perry

Children Singing Quotes #160377
#32. My dad, being a jingle writer, and my mom, being a jingle singer, they hooked me up with some people when I was a kid that worked with children's jingle singing groups. I used to sing jingles as a kid.

Reeve Carney

Children Singing Quotes #149650
#33. There were times in my career I went a little further than I wanted because of expectations. Doing certain things onstage when children were in the audience, wearing certain clothes, singing certain lyrics.

Cheryl James

Children Singing Quotes #93165
#34. Although she missed the singing by the children from the school opposite her apartment, she didn't teach her own pupils to sing 'We Shall Overcome' in any language, because she wasn't sure that Overcoming was anywhere on anyone's horizon.

Arundhati Roy

Children Singing Quotes #72181

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