Top 10 Charles Wiley Quotes

#1. I consider whoever my words land on to be my target, that's why I like flash fiction, it's a lot like using a shotgun.

Neil Leckman

Charles Wiley Quotes #244047
#2. There will be blood," he said quietly, "blood and death. You should not have come."
"Since when was a woman afraid of blood?" she asked. "The problem is not only Sean's. It is mine also. If there is to be blood, I will share in the letting or the losing of it.

Louis L'Amour

Charles Wiley Quotes #445374
#3. War must never be a condition but, rather, a temporary scourge which we suffer as a child does a fever, knowing that health follows the long night of pain and that peace is health.

Dan Simmons

Charles Wiley Quotes #767578
#4. Before we make love my husband takes a pain killer.

Joan Rivers

Charles Wiley Quotes #825061
#5. Maryland is among the nation's most vulnerable states to the effects of sea level rise from climate change, and we are taking strong action to reduce carbon pollution.

Martin O'Malley

Charles Wiley Quotes #888798
#6. There is so much chaos and dysfunction going on with the federal government that Dallas can't wait any longer for federal help.

Laura Miller

Charles Wiley Quotes #1637704
#7. Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out. Gentlemen, as of this moment, I am that second mouse.

Frank Abagnale

Charles Wiley Quotes #1649950
#8. Make one person happy each day and in forty years you will have made 14,600 human beings happy for a little time at least.

Charles Wiley

Charles Wiley Quotes #1693893
#9. Yet the truth of the matter was, sometimes the ones we loved most were the monsters that tucked us in at night.

Brittainy C. Cherry

Charles Wiley Quotes #1752988
#10. Give a man a centimeter and he'll think he's a ruler.

Janet Skeslien Charles

Charles Wiley Quotes #1800058

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