Top 8 Charles Ledley Quotes

#1. Some actors really like to do only a few, some like Casey [Affleck] will do as many takes as there is electrical power. At some point, you'll say, "Listen, I think it's really good." And he'll say, "You sure? You sure? There's not some other way we should try it?"

Kenneth Lonergan

Charles Ledley Quotes #201581
#2. Edward was at the stage of drunkenness in which the ego glows like a coal, and brilliant people become more inspired, but in which dull people, fired by the same inspiration, become only more dull.

William Styron

Charles Ledley Quotes #690762
#3. We have done wrong, and are reaping the fruits of wrong.

Charles Dickens

Charles Ledley Quotes #725249
#4. They had stumbled either upon a serious flaw in modern financial markets or into a great gambling run. Characteristically, they were not sure which it was. As Charlie pointed out, It's really hard to know when you're lucky and when you're smart.

Michael Lewis

Charles Ledley Quotes #728768
#5. The individual must not merely wait and criticize, he must defend the cause the best he can. The fate of the world will be such as the world deserves.

Albert Einstein

Charles Ledley Quotes #877659
#6. Evolutionism is a religious world view that is not supported by science, Scripture, popular opinion, or common sense. The exclusive teaching of this dangerous, mind-altering philosophy in tax supported schools, parks, museums, etc. is a clear violation of the First Amendment.

Kent Hovind

Charles Ledley Quotes #1019727
#7. All I want to do is change the world.

W. Clement Stone

Charles Ledley Quotes #1345038
#8. Both had trouble generating conviction of their own but no trouble at all reacting to what they viewed as the false conviction of others.

Michael Lewis

Charles Ledley Quotes #1583675

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