Top 100 Celebrate You Quotes

#1. Look for excuses to celebrate others, and life will find a way to celebrate you.
Make your life a prayer and be the light that touches lives far, wide and beyond.

Pooja Ruprell

Celebrate You Quotes #440292
#2. Celebrate you! For if you don't, no one will.

Bien Sufficient

Celebrate You Quotes #612226
#3. Stop inviting people who don't celebrate you to your party! It's YOUR life - you have the right to be exclusive.

Mandy Hale

Celebrate You Quotes #818023
#4. Initially, the world forces you to appease it and conform. If you do so, they despise you. If you stick your gun, finally, they will celebrate you. So, don't give in too soon.

Assegid Habtewold

Celebrate You Quotes #847668
#5. I know that there are a lot of people out there with stories far worse than mine but you, too, can make it. To those of you who have, welcome to life. I celebrate you.

Tyler Perry

Celebrate You Quotes #885945
#6. We can all do so much more than we think we can. Wherever you think you are right now, you can go further, do better, be more than ever! What's wonderful is the future you're looking forward to and also your present potential right now! You're winning regardless. Both now and later.Celebrate you.

Sereda Aleta Dailey

Celebrate You Quotes #907468
#7. When others fail to celebrate you, celebrate your own achievements.

Janiese Wesley

Celebrate You Quotes #909435
#8. Generally I don't care about what people say. I have to be clear with myself. When everything goes well, people celebrate you, when you make mistakes people criticize you.

Sebastian Vettel

Celebrate You Quotes #930286
#9. The people you save won't celebrate you. They'll gather the wood and cheer while you burn.

Julie Berry

Celebrate You Quotes #1022984
#10. Celebrate your humanness, celebrate your craziness, celebrate your inadequacies, celebrate your loneliness ... but celebrate YOU!

Leo Buscaglia

Celebrate You Quotes #1063435
#11. 025 GOD, you are my God. I celebrate you. I praise you.

Eugene H. Peterson

Celebrate You Quotes #1097444
#12. You can achieve all the things you want to do, but it's much better to do it with loved ones around you; family and friends, people that you care about that can help you on the way and can celebrate you, and you can enjoy the journey.

John Lasseter

Celebrate You Quotes #1101519
#13. Lord, you have appointed some to be prophets; give us ears to hear and mouths to speak. You have appointed some to sing of your goodness in the streets; make us bold to celebrate you. You have called some to be still, listen, and act; give us steadiness of mind and singularity of purpose. Amen.

Shane Claiborne

Celebrate You Quotes #1753911
#14. If you talk about race, it does not make you a racist. If you see distinctions between the genders, it does not make you a sexist. If you think critically about a denomination, it does not make you anti-religion. If you accept but don't celebrate homosexuality, it does not make you a homophobe.

Charlton Heston

Celebrate You Quotes #13676
#15. Be what you are. Do what you love. Speak what you feel. Don't hide
your humanity. Celebrate it. Embrace it.
That is how you change the world.

Vironika Tugaleva

Celebrate You Quotes #17888
#16. Celebrate each season, for you too, are transformed with the turns of the earth.

Arthur Dobrin

Celebrate You Quotes #24401
#17. Bad friends try to change you, good friends accept your differences, while true friends embrace and celebrate them. Watching this circle of clowns, I know I've made the truest of friends. I'm glad I didn't settle for anything else.

A.J. Compton

Celebrate You Quotes #25550
#18. You know, I think we Indians are afraid to show and celebrate our happiness, lest things change around. But I feel that it's okay to be sad and okay to show when you are happy.

Shah Rukh Khan

Celebrate You Quotes #33912
#19. Write it on your heart you are the most beautiful soul of the Universe. Realize it, honor it and celebrate the life.

Amit Ray

Celebrate You Quotes #39282
#20. Celebrate your life now, as it unfolds.
Turn away from judgement and negative theories about your worth, your potential, and your destiny. See what you already have.

Danny Gregory

Celebrate You Quotes #41621
#21. Don't celebrate yet, Ms. Lane. Don't believe anything is dead until you've burned it, poked around in its ashes, and then waited a day or two to see if anything rises from them.

Karen Marie Moning

Celebrate You Quotes #43745
#22. The definition of a true friend is not someone who swoops in when you're going through a rough patch. True friendship is when someone can appreciate your happiness - celebrate your happiness, even when she's not necessarily happy herself.

Sarah Jio

Celebrate You Quotes #50115
#23. Even though life is finite, the universe created you with infinite love. Celebrate your birthday with infinite joy and create endless memories.

Debasish Mridha

Celebrate You Quotes #64770
#24. We become what we celebrate. What are you celebrating?

Matthew Kelly

Celebrate You Quotes #74736
#25. Too many people get married and lose themselves. You have to fiercely hold on to who you are, and you need to celebrate that in the other person because that's what made you fall in love in the first place.

Bianca Kajlich

Celebrate You Quotes #75966
#26. Do something special on your birthday. Whatever you do, celebrate the fact that you're here, and that people love you and you love them. We only do this once.

Billy Crystal

Celebrate You Quotes #82984
#27. Never strive to be part of the norm. If people think you strange ... CELEBRATE. Normal people try way to hard to please others and never end up pleasing themselves. Be ABnormal. It's more fun.

Shelley K. Wall

Celebrate You Quotes #84397
#28. And doing a film in that period, and having to really celebrate what they wore back then, how they sat and how they spoke. You know, what the etiquette was back then for a lady. All of those things are like putting on a wig and transforming yourself, which I love.

Charlize Theron

Celebrate You Quotes #91211
#29. If you can forgive the person you were, accept the person you are, and believe in the person you will become, you are headed for joy. So celebrate your life.

Barbara Johnson

Celebrate You Quotes #104015
#30. It's great to celebrate the victories along the way in living your dreams
but never allow the praises of your past pause you from pursuing higher heights.

Bernard Kelvin Clive

Celebrate You Quotes #105499
#31. Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead.

Nelson Mandela

Celebrate You Quotes #107554
#32. If the worst happens, if you lose and fail, but you still celebrate coming second because you've given it a red hot go. There is no need to fear failure.

Anh Do

Celebrate You Quotes #108108
#33. If you make a mistake, celebrate.

Benjamin Zander

Celebrate You Quotes #108222
#34. Embrace what you have in common, celebrate what sets you apart.

Ellis Paul

Celebrate You Quotes #109251
#35. When Life is Well say THANK YOU & CELEBRATE, and when life is Bitter say THANK YOU & GROW.

Shauna Niequist

Celebrate You Quotes #113451
#36. What's the point of massive achievement if your life has no balance? And what's the point of winning the game if you never take the time to celebrate and appreciate the life you have? There's nothing worse than a rich person who's chronically angry or unhappy.

Anthony Robbins

Celebrate You Quotes #116557
#37. It is much better to dare great things, to celebrate great triumphs, even when you have had failures along the way, then to get into the line of the cold and timid souls who experience neither joy nor pain because they live in the gray zone in which there is neither victory nor defeat." Winners

Bodo Schafer

Celebrate You Quotes #118235
#38. I was learning that when you're with someone who is dying, you may need to celebrate the past, live the present, and mourn the future all at the same time. Yet

Will Schwalbe

Celebrate You Quotes #119517
#39. If you want better performance from the best, celebrate and reward it

Eric Schmidt

Celebrate You Quotes #124404
#40. We like people for their qualities, but we love them for their defects." In writing this line I meant to say that we must not simply "accept" imperfection when it is revealed to us - we must celebrate it. This, I assure you, is the true sign of friendship.

Ron Perlman

Celebrate You Quotes #128754
#41. Sometimes God picks you up and tells you, "You've been messing around now. You're going to have to stop this, stop that, but I'll give you another chance." And you wonder why you're given another chance. It must be for something; it must be to celebrate life.

Martin Scorsese

Celebrate You Quotes #133969
#42. My daughter decided to embrace and celebrate who she was. She was a size 2 at one time, but she decided she didn't want to be hungry anymore. I think that's how you turn it around. Today, more and more designers are recognizing how lucrative that market is.

Beverly Johnson

Celebrate You Quotes #157442
#43. Birthdays need to be celebrated. i think it is more important to celebrate a birthday than a successful exam or promotion or a victory. because to celebrate a birthday means to say to someone "thank you for being you".

Henri J.M. Nouwen

Celebrate You Quotes #162253
#44. The more you appreciate and celebrate life with joy, the more abundance will fill your life to enjoy.

Debasish Mridha

Celebrate You Quotes #164085
#45. We often hear Islamists declare, 'We love death as much as you people in the west love life.' Well, if we're going to now celebrate and jubilate in the death of Bin Laden, I have to say, I think that comes eerily close to mimicking the likes of the Islamists. And that gives me the creeps.

Irshad Manji

Celebrate You Quotes #167590
#46. For that matter I didn't understand Civil War reenactments. Why would you celebrate the biggest thing you ever lost? I quickly learned not to give voice to such skepticisms, and when asked if I was a Yankee I said I didn't follow baseball closely. That usually shut the person up.

Patricia Cornwell

Celebrate You Quotes #176996
#47. A poem is the perfect place to celebrate imperfection and exult in the ways you fall short of being the person you want to be.

Taylor Mali

Celebrate You Quotes #186212
#48. If you're lucky enough to get old, I think you should celebrate it.

Iris Apfel

Celebrate You Quotes #194480
#49. I love any and all situations where you celebrate creativity.

Brad Paisley

Celebrate You Quotes #199339
#50. The Tiara Charm

You Should Always Feel Like A Queen, Even for A Day

Viola Shipman

Celebrate You Quotes #212398
#51. You can be a thousand different women. It's your choice which one you want to be. It's about freedom and sovereignty. You celebrate who you are. You say, 'This is my kingdom.'

Salma Hayek

Celebrate You Quotes #232645
#52. You are wonderfully made. Everything about you is miraculous. Toss aside those self-doubts and criticisms. Celebrate, today, the miracle of you!

Sheri Kaye Hoff

Celebrate You Quotes #237929
#53. If your parents bring you no shame, be very grateful. If you're proud of them, celebrate.

Dennis Prager

Celebrate You Quotes #238235
#54. Princess, why don't you just take the pregnancy test? Then, if it says no, you will know it's just the flu; and if it says yes, well, you can freak, and I can celebrate.

Jillian Dodd

Celebrate You Quotes #239469
#55. If you woke up that's a reason to celebrate.

Mod Sun

Celebrate You Quotes #247422
#56. In the desert you celebrate nothing but water.

Michael Ondaatje

Celebrate You Quotes #253752
#57. You look around New York, and we are surrounded by restaurants and food trucks, and we celebrate food in this city like no tomorrow.

Chris Noth

Celebrate You Quotes #266461
#58. I think adversity magnifies behavior. Tend to be a control freak? You'll become more controlling. Eat for comfort? You'll eat more. And on the positive, if you tend to focus on solutions and celebrate small successes, that's what you'll do in adversity.

Gretchen Rubin

Celebrate You Quotes #274340
#59. Celebrate me for who I am, dislike me for what I ain't ( ... ) put me up on a pedestal or drag me down in the dirt ( ... ) this is who I am, you can like ir or not, you can love me or leave me cuz I'm never gonna stop

Madonna Ciccone

Celebrate You Quotes #280662
#60. Don't ever hesitate to take to [God] whatever is on your heart. He already knows it anyway, but He doesn't want you to bear its pain or celebrate its joy alone.

Billy Graham

Celebrate You Quotes #282716
#61. Every new season of you life will be an opportunity for you to learn and grow. Don't celebrate the good without celebrating the bad because they both work together to prepare you for the next season of your life.

Theresa Lewis

Celebrate You Quotes #296032
#62. Get your dance on today ... move some energy around ... visualize everything as you want it to be ... Fullness, Completeness ... You!

Sereda Aleta Dailey

Celebrate You Quotes #302847
#63. If we find ourselves tempted to celebrate one approach over the other, we should remember the caution of the Chinese sage Confucius, who told his followers, "Study without thinking and you are blind; think without studying and you are in danger." Formal

Kent Nerburn

Celebrate You Quotes #314759
#64. What's the occasion?" she asked.
He kissed her ear. "I've got a gorgeous woman who's going to be my bride."
She laughed. "You have that every night."
"That's why I want to celebrate.

Ann Brashares

Celebrate You Quotes #318481
#65. Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Celebrate You Quotes #319674
#66. My favorite drink is water - the bland one: Evian. I stick with that. I celebrate in the evening sometimes with Perrier. That's why I love coming to California. They're always talking to you about bottled water.

George Foreman

Celebrate You Quotes #322198
#67. You are a winner; dare to claim it. You reserve your joy if you reverse your belief. You deserve to celebrate ... It will happen when you dare to believe in God!

Israelmore Ayivor

Celebrate You Quotes #327302
#68. You have taught me that I am allowed to like myself as I am, at whatever stage I am in. I can change, I can stay the same, or I can be whoever it is that is right for me; but I can be satisfied. No, more than that. I can be proud. I can celebrate. That is what I am going to do.

Jessica Park

Celebrate You Quotes #332596
#69. Celebrate who you are and what you stand for. Give wings to your dreams and live your aspirations. You've got only one life- live it in the best way you possibly can.


Celebrate You Quotes #341747
#70. What does one do when a night human dies?" Arianna asked, still unsure of the world she was living in.
"Celebrate their lives and remember every moment you spent together.

B. Kristin McMichael

Celebrate You Quotes #342145
#71. You celebrate what works and you take tender care of what doesn't, with lotion, polish, and kindness.

Anne Lamott

Celebrate You Quotes #346977
#72. Whichever season you're in, rejoice and celebrate your life as you might not experience it twice.

Joan Ambu

Celebrate You Quotes #370529
#73. You're an original, an individual, a masterpiece. Celebrate that; don't let your uniqueness make you shy. Don't be someone other than the wonder you are. Every star is important to the sky.

Douglas Pagels

Celebrate You Quotes #390999
#74. I think you should celebrate whenever you can. Take that momentary feeling of being lucky, that feeling of being on the right track, and enjoy it. It won't last.

Kate Morgenroth

Celebrate You Quotes #393320
#75. I am a product of Indian cinema; I've grown up watching Indian films ever since I can remember. And song and dance is part of our lives; it's part of our culture; we wake up to songs, we sleep to lullabies, you know, we celebrate every religious and traditional function with music.

Karan Johar

Celebrate You Quotes #397073
#76. If you don't feel it, flee from it. Go where you are celebrated, not merely tolerated.

Paul F. Davis

Celebrate You Quotes #399887
#77. Manage through the uncertainties. Practice appropriate actions and participate in healthy choices. Value and celebrate the loyalty of the individuals around you: celebrate their competencies and successes, as well as your own. Build up your circle and reinforce it at every opportunity.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Celebrate You Quotes #400521
#78. When you look at yourself in the mirror, don't pinpoint the things that you aren't happy with. Appreciate what you were born with and acknowledge the fact that you are you, and that is something to celebrate.

Shay Mitchell

Celebrate You Quotes #403159
#79. I did not raise my son, Sam, to celebrate Mother's Day. I didn't want him to feel some obligation to buy me pricey lunches or flowers, some annual display of gratitude that you have to grit your teeth and endure.

Anne Lamott

Celebrate You Quotes #411046
#80. Celebrate your child's achievement, then rotate it when the next mini-masterpiece comes along. Then chuck the old picture. Don't worry that you're throwing away a memory. Your children will remember your praise more than they will remember the picture with macaroni and glitter glued on it.

Niecy Nash

Celebrate You Quotes #414292
#81. Celebrate your achievements, but never let them sink you into the pool of complacency.

Israelmore Ayivor

Celebrate You Quotes #421644
#82. If you are trying to raise a child to be a Jew, then you have to create a sense of Jewish identity. You really weaken that sense of identity if you celebrate two religions.

Elliott Abrams

Celebrate You Quotes #425654
#83. Celebrate the people in your life who are there because they love you for no other reason than because you are YOU.

Mandy Hale

Celebrate You Quotes #430468
#84. Lord knows, every day is not a success, every year is not a success. You have to celebrate the good.

Reese Witherspoon

Celebrate You Quotes #434863
#85. A holiday is when you celebrate something that's all finished up, that happened a long time ago and now there's nothing left to celebrate but the dead.

Abraham Polonsky

Celebrate You Quotes #435958
#86. The minute you celebrate narcissism, which on one hand is very complex, it's very ridiculous. You have to love oneself with humor.

Nicolas Winding Refn

Celebrate You Quotes #437607
#87. That is the way this game is
you win, you lose, you celebrate and you suffer.

Vin Scully

Celebrate You Quotes #439735
#88. I will howl for you, human boy ( ... ). I will hunt you in my girl skin but I'll
celebrate as wolf.

Annette Curtis Klause

Celebrate You Quotes #452623
#89. When you celebrate, there is sure to be cake."
Florence Ditlow, in "The Bakery Girls.

Florence Ditlow

Celebrate You Quotes #455136
#90. The busier you are working on you, your life and your happiness, the less time you will have to dwell on another's success other than to celebrate it.

Dushka Zapata

Celebrate You Quotes #455598
#91. 'SNL' after-parties are sort of like a time to celebrate your successes and drown your sorrows, depending on how the show went for you.

Seth Meyers

Celebrate You Quotes #458389
#92. Why would you apologize for what you read for pleasure? Just think of the illiteracy rate. Every book read for pleasure should be celebrated. And novels that celebrate love, commitment, relationships, making relationships work, why isn't that something to be respected?

Nora Roberts

Celebrate You Quotes #462923
#93. You celebrate a person's life by living your life fully.

Asra Nomani

Celebrate You Quotes #465538
#94. When you are a success, your old friends will boast of your accomplishments and your new friends will celebrate your achievements. Your old friends will say " i knew you when you were.." Don't worry about them, their story ends there.

Crystal Evans

Celebrate You Quotes #475447
#95. I love Halloween. It reminds me of my happy childhood days as a student at Wampus Elementary School in Armonk, N.Y., when we youngsters used to celebrate Halloween by making decorations out of construction paper and that white paste that you could eat.

Dave Barry

Celebrate You Quotes #476198
#96. Nobody has seen afterlife or before life , you have just this one life , make it as beautiful as you can , live it love it celebrate it


Celebrate You Quotes #477589
#97. The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.

Oprah Winfrey

Celebrate You Quotes #477887
#98. Be a blessing to all you are connecting with on social media. Encourage, rejoice and celebrate with each and every one. You will find that it will do wonders for your own attitude as well as those who may struggle with a negative mind-set.

John Patrick Hickey

Celebrate You Quotes #478038
#99. A group of adventurers is known as a "party," and not just because they like to celebrate their success together in the end. Your party should be as close to you as your family--assuming your family can cast spells, kill monsters, and bring you back from the edge of death.

Matt Forbeck

Celebrate You Quotes #479867
#100. Birthday, celebration of life.
Celebrate who you are.
Celebrate your uniqueness.
Celebrate your achievement.
Celebrate all that you are capable of becoming.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Celebrate You Quotes #488331

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