Top 15 Cedres Alabang Quotes

#1. Would you like to make a wager on that, Abby Abernathy?" he smiled, his eyes animated. I smiled.
"I'll take that bet. I think he'll get one in on you.

Jamie McGuire

Cedres Alabang Quotes #197675
#2. Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night.

Hal Borland

Cedres Alabang Quotes #400753
#3. Like piles of dry wood with red-hot coals underneath.

Henry Cisneros

Cedres Alabang Quotes #469607
#4. In a moment of sheer terror, I realized I couldn't feel my brain. It was there just a minute ago. Maybe I really was dead. Do I look dead to you?

Darynda Jones

Cedres Alabang Quotes #490671
#5. The seeker's silence is the loudest form of prayer.

Swami Vivekananda

Cedres Alabang Quotes #702795
#6. The nature of Scandinavians is that they don't talk so much, there will be these dark secrets, and most things are under-communicated.

Jo Nesbo

Cedres Alabang Quotes #728769
#7. And she knew someone was behind her even before the hand fell on her shoulder. NINE

Stephen King

Cedres Alabang Quotes #908118
#8. I grew up in the South and went to church a lot.

Patrick Wilson

Cedres Alabang Quotes #920665
#9. Men write many fine and plausible arguments in support of monarchy, but the fact remains that where every man has a voice, brutal laws are impossible

Mark Twain

Cedres Alabang Quotes #984205
#10. He stares at the two girls. Two broken bodies that moments before had been whole.
He did this. He helped to break the world.

Carrie Ryan

Cedres Alabang Quotes #1231898
#11. I feel like you learn how to do school in second grade through fifth grade. During those years, I was never home.

Dakota Johnson

Cedres Alabang Quotes #1463238
#12. True love will not brook reserve; it feels undervalued and outraged, when even the sorrows of those it loves are concealed from it.

Washington Irving

Cedres Alabang Quotes #1532493
#13. What the digital age has offered us, in terms of connectivity and transparency, is that all of these people from weird places in the world are all talking to each other, at four in the morning, and are sharing ideas. There's more openness than has ever been known, so that's a good thing.

Jodie Foster

Cedres Alabang Quotes #1551584
#14. We give glory to God of Heaven.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Cedres Alabang Quotes #1831583
#15. I don't like relationships, though. I mean, it is nice and all, but I prefer to be the friend. I don't know why. They're kind of exhausting.

Abraham M. Alghanem

Cedres Alabang Quotes #1853427

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