Top 13 Butterfly Kiss Quotes

#1. We began to butterfly kiss, which is when you touch your eyelashes to the other person's skin. I was going to respect Edwart's desire to wait, and he was going to respect my desire for winged creatures.

The Harvard Lampoon

Butterfly Kiss Quotes #307611
#2. In order to butterfly kiss, does it require caterpillar lips?

Josh Stern

Butterfly Kiss Quotes #1636804
#3. My job is to be tech entrepreneur-in-residence at the White House.

Todd Park

Butterfly Kiss Quotes #51972
#4. I felt him move and turned my head to deflect his kiss so that it landed on the side of my jaw instead of my mouth. It shimmered there briefly like some iridescent, impossible butterfly.

Alexis Hall

Butterfly Kiss Quotes #63925
#5. Kiss me with love like a butterfly kisses flowers to find and taste the nectar of life.

Debasish Mridha

Butterfly Kiss Quotes #213755
#6. I don't know, maybe it has something to do with you telling me I found the love of my life and now I have to die to save him. Could

Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Butterfly Kiss Quotes #288624
#7. Major Major's father had a good joke about opportunity. "Opportunity only knocks once in this world," he would say. Major Major's father repeated this good joke at every opportunity.

Joseph Heller

Butterfly Kiss Quotes #625690
#8. A light rain touches my cheek like an angel's butterfly kisses.

Amanda Mosher

Butterfly Kiss Quotes #717122
#9. Dark pictures, thrones, the stones that pilgrims kiss Poems that take a thousand years to die But ape the immortality of this Red label on a little butterfly .

Vladimir Nabokov

Butterfly Kiss Quotes #805349
#10. Four years ago ... no, it was yesterday.

Steven Wright

Butterfly Kiss Quotes #915222
#11. See the world with new eyes every day.

Dewitt Jones

Butterfly Kiss Quotes #1426189
#12. It's hard to keep track when you're looking into so many, isn't it?

Kasie West

Butterfly Kiss Quotes #1577663
#13. The day I had turned twelve, I had asked him for a kiss. Not any kiss, Crisanto Tauli's kisses. Those were addictive. Butterfly-like, feather-light kisses. Fire-burning, all-consuming kisses. Middle kisses. All the kisses.

Tammy Faith

Butterfly Kiss Quotes #1756175

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