Top 14 Buddhadharma Quotes

#1. Zazen is the ultimate practice. This is indeed the True Self. The Buddhadharma is not to be sought outside of this.


Buddhadharma Quotes #1453469
#2. Metaphor is our mental root of imagination and language. Arnold Kozak offers fertile metaphors for growing your knowledge of the Buddhadharma. If you contemplate these brief stories, your emotional intelligence and mindfulness will develop effortlessly from the insights they provide.

Polly Young-Eisendrath

Buddhadharma Quotes #1605433
#3. Cosmopolis is the movie of my life. I didn't consider myself an actor before, even if I had 10 years of acting behind me. I always felt like a fraud, and inappropriate. I doubt a lot. David Cronenberg gave me confidence in myself. He changed my way of acting and thinking in this industry.

Robert Pattinson

Buddhadharma Quotes #101370
#4. Now I find my good men
Are gathered in the night
To wait in silence, not to sleep
And the glorious word of liberty
They whisper and murmur
Till in unaccustomed strangeness
On the steps of our temper
Once again in delight they cry
Freedom! Freedom!

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Buddhadharma Quotes #322697
#5. The personality of the artist leaks through their work. God included. He reveals himself through nature, as the Scriptures testify.

John Eldredge

Buddhadharma Quotes #369261
#6. Everything is a subject; the subject is yourself. It is within yourself that you must look and not around you ... The greatest happiness is to reveal it to others, to study oneself, to paint oneself continually in [one's] work.

Eugene Delacroix

Buddhadharma Quotes #375322
#7. When I was 18 I worked with the Ringling Brothers circus, taking care of menagerie animals. I used to rather deliberately risk my life with the big cats.

Edward Hoagland

Buddhadharma Quotes #948217
#8. You might have a past..but guess what? You have a future, too.


Buddhadharma Quotes #981480
#9. What does God want me to do?", not "What will God do if I do so and so?

George MacDonald

Buddhadharma Quotes #1120061
#10. I'm not searching for hard news; I'm not a journalist, but I'm interested in pushing to boundaries of where we can do the kind of stories that we want to do. I mean, it's a big world and CNN has made it a lot bigger and they haven't flinched.

Anthony Bourdain

Buddhadharma Quotes #1251816
#11. You really can't say enough about 'Blade Runner.' For that movie to have such a long life - you can't describe what a beautiful feeling that is. Initially, the movie was out of theaters in something like two weeks. But the people that wanted it back - the fans - they really saved it.

Rutger Hauer

Buddhadharma Quotes #1274446
#12. Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin. They built this castle together, far from prying Muggle eyes, for it was an age when magic was feared by common people, and witches and wizards suffered much persecution.

J.K. Rowling

Buddhadharma Quotes #1824716
#13. I need some time to myself by myself! There must be time for thought and music and peace and solitude! Also: No one can keep a creative house and work every day from nine to five. Can't be done, folks. Ain't no way.

Pearl Cleage

Buddhadharma Quotes #1840843
#14. Somehow you always stayed quiet." He laid his hands beside each of mine, so that if he'd been solid, I would've been pinned between his body and the dresser. "Remember?

Jeri Smith-Ready

Buddhadharma Quotes #1855299

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