Top 32 Brown Bear Quotes

#1. It's kind of interesting you're driving a car big enough for a wolfhound and a mastiff to get in the back of today," I said.
"And a greyhound, a dark brown bear, and a brindle utility vehicle," said Jill.
"Greyhounds don't take up much room," I said. "They're like dog silhouettes.

Robin McKinley

Brown Bear Quotes #464901
#2. Great Brown Bear is walking with us, Salmon swimming upstream with us, as we stroll a city street.

Gary Snyder

Brown Bear Quotes #705819
#3. Now comes the difficult part: you must provoke the animal that is afflicting you. Tiger, rhinoceros, ostrich, wild boar, brown bear- no matter the beast, you must get its goat.

Yann Martel

Brown Bear Quotes #912843
#4. If some of our teenage thrill seekers really want to go out and get a thrill, let them go up into the Northwest and tangle with the Grizzly Bear, the Polar Bear, and the Brown Bear. They will get their kicks, and it will cleanse their souls.

Fred Bear

Brown Bear Quotes #979427
#5. Then the only other creature who is allowed at the Pack Council - Baloo, the sleepy brown bear who teaches the wolf cubs the Law of the Jungle: old Baloo, who can come and go where he pleases because he eats only nuts and roots and honey - rose upon his hind quarters and grunted.

Rudyard Kipling

Brown Bear Quotes #1096294
#6. Brown Bear, Brown Bear was kind of my first important book

Eric Carle

Brown Bear Quotes #1710713
#7. All creatures must learn to coexist. That's why the brown bear and the field mouse can share their lives in harmony. Of course, they can't mate or the mice would explode.

Betty White

Brown Bear Quotes #1721420
#8. Soon the grizzly was joined by a brown bear, a sun bear, and a beaver suffering from an identity crisis of magnificent proportion

Cameron Dokey

Brown Bear Quotes #128195
#9. The pity in Matt's eyes was almost too much to bear but she found herself unable to turn away. She had only seen that look once and that was when he almost lost Nichole. The sparkle in his eye burned out as if it was nothing more than a dying ember leaving his brown eyes dark and cold. Like Scott's.

Julia Barkey

Brown Bear Quotes #983506
#10. Nothing can be more absurd than the practice that prevails in our country of men and women not following the same pursuits with all their strengths and with one mind, for thus, the state instead of being whole is reduced to half.


Brown Bear Quotes #1746459
#11. I got you this. I held out the brown, fluffy bear. To replace Burt. I pulled his eyes off and everything.

Annabel Pitcher

Brown Bear Quotes #1016154
#12. Life's a pudding full of plums.

W.S. Gilbert

Brown Bear Quotes #1182530
#13. Notable characters do not alone bear trouble; they use it.

Hugh B. Brown

Brown Bear Quotes #1194044
#14. I am tired of hearing negative words. I will supersaturate the world with positive words.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Brown Bear Quotes #1228816
#15. I am one of the graduates of the William Morris famous, famous mail room from the '60s.

Irwin Winkler

Brown Bear Quotes #1265389
#16. She lies with me, and I am home. I am filled with so much joy I could fly right up there above the beach, the sea, our world, with her. I can't bear it, it is so beautiful.
It all falls away.
I loved, I am love, I am free.

Kate Lord Brown

Brown Bear Quotes #1442722
#17. A teddy bear is your childhood wrapped up in faded yellow fur, and as such, he commands affection long after he is out grown.

Pam Brown

Brown Bear Quotes #1556694
#18. In a world gone bad, a bear - even a bear standing on its head - is a comforting, uncomplicated, dependable hunk of sanity.

Pam Brown

Brown Bear Quotes #1577267
#19. It's hard to visualize the toys you had fifty years ago - all save bear. He's as clear as if he were sitting on the desk in front of you ... of course ... he probably is.

Pam Brown

Brown Bear Quotes #1577414
#20. A teddy bear does not depend upon mechanics to give him the semblance of life. He is loved - and therefore he lives.

Pam Brown

Brown Bear Quotes #1597197
#21. A bear! A bear! All black and brown and covered in hair!

George R R Martin

Brown Bear Quotes #864256
#22. Prayer is the pulsation of a yearning, loving heart in tune with the Infinite. It is a message of the soul sent directly to a loving Father. The language is not mere words.

David O. McKay

Brown Bear Quotes #843101
#23. Life is a test. It's all a test. Sometimes you have to get through it, and then later everything makes more sense.

James Patterson

Brown Bear Quotes #746045
#24. When I'm not actually doing my work, I'm planning it or thinking about it or reading things that on some level are transformed into performance fantasies. I have no active interests. I never go anywhere or do anything that transports me outside the boundaries of my mind.

George Carlin

Brown Bear Quotes #680125
#25. Business after all is a form of warfare; you bring all your available weapons to bear. If you don't you're a fool. ("Jane Brown's Body")

Cornell Woolrich

Brown Bear Quotes #671005
#26. I still fit in with the hillbillies!

Gretchen Wilson

Brown Bear Quotes #630617
#27. And yours is brown. Like bear-shit brown. Or maybe otter shit. Or maybe bear and otter shit combined.

T.J. Klune

Brown Bear Quotes #604554
#28. Bears are extremely human, even down to their footprints. But I am also a fly fisherman, so I have fished beside brown bears in Alaska and was once charged by a black bear. I love bears.

Joseph Monninger

Brown Bear Quotes #534566
#29. Live as with God; and, whatever be your calling, pray for the gift that will perfectly qualify you in it.

Horace Bushnell

Brown Bear Quotes #528480
#30. water. Bear Creek is the cause the

Carolyn Brown

Brown Bear Quotes #382718
#31. And I will now rock the brown basin from side to side so that my ships may ride the waves. Some will founder. Some will dash themselves against the cliffs. One sails alone. That is my ship. It sails into icy caverns where the sea-bear barks and stalactites swing green chains.

Virginia Woolf

Brown Bear Quotes #336718
#32. Brooks too wide for our leaping, hedges far to high. Loads too heavy for our moving, burdens too cumbersome for us to bear. Distances far beyond our journeying. The horse gave us mastery.

Pam Brown

Brown Bear Quotes #134380

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