Top 6 Bomonti Pizza Quotes

#1. Of course, everybody's family is dysfunctional - we've accepted that. What are we supposed to do? Hate our parents for the rest of our lives?

Sandra Bernhard

Bomonti Pizza Quotes #306882
#2. all around an illusive reality promises dreams, just as it deviously robs us of moments to give us back only memories!

Marianthi Devaki

Bomonti Pizza Quotes #648932
#3. A Christian, a Deist, a Turk, and a Jew, have equal rights: they are men and brethren.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Bomonti Pizza Quotes #1350215
#4. Music is a light! It can reach anywhere and it can touch anything!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Bomonti Pizza Quotes #1476174
#5. All the girls stared at me with hatred in their eyes. It was a big drama that had to be acted out. But deep down, nobody really cared. The other girls didn't care about Jennifer. Jennifer didn't care about me. I didn't care about anything.
Everyone was so full of crap.

Blake Nelson

Bomonti Pizza Quotes #1538653
#6. It comes over us that we shall never again hear the laughter of our friend, that this garden is forever locked against us. And at that moment begins our true grief.

Lauren Groff

Bomonti Pizza Quotes #1782281

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