Top 4 Marianthi Devaki Quotes

#1. with a dream ,we sailed on a peaceful journey throwing caution to the wind,
like love travelling the senses,
surrendered to a piece of blond moon

Marianthi Devaki

Marianthi Devaki Quotes #484842
#2. all around an illusive reality promises dreams, just as it deviously robs us of moments to give us back only memories!

Marianthi Devaki

Marianthi Devaki Quotes #648932
#3. when your life is shorn of poems,
don't deny her a glance,
she's looking for colours to paint hopes

Marianthi Devaki

Marianthi Devaki Quotes #1219041
#4. don't switch on moons and lights tonight,
for I have a paper heart

Marianthi Devaki

Marianthi Devaki Quotes #1381381

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