Top 100 Best Of Ourselves Quotes

#1. The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.

Vince Lombardi

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #92119
#2. The biggest breakthroughs in consciousness occur when things are difficult; when we have a choice to fall to the worst of ourselves or rise to the best of ourselves.

Yehuda Berg

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #301989
#3. Tomorrow belongs to those of us who conceive of it as belonging to everyone; who lend the best of ourselves to it, and with joy.

Audre Lorde

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #357708
#4. Let us not try to be the best or worst of others, but let us make the effort to be the best of ourselves.

Marcus Garvey

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #583970
#5. As a woman, we all want to feel attractive. We all want to feel that we're making the very best of ourselves so we can accept ourselves.

Gwendoline Christie

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #762687
#6. The culture in which we live stresses looking out for number one. Without adopting such a self-centered value system, we can demand the best of ourselves while we are extending our hands to help others.

Ben Carson

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #766433
#7. Our human condition makes us tend to share only the best of ourselves, because we are always searching for love and approval

Paulo Coelho

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #1019604
#8. We are asleep people, unconscious people, and this is what is serious. Unfortunately, we think the best of ourselves and not even suspect that we are asleep.

Samael Aun Weor

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #1113990
#9. We like to see our future through our children; they are the reflection of the best of ourselves.

Debasish Mridha

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #1210726
#10. Heroes represent the best of ourselves, respecting that we are human beings. A hero can be anyone from Gandhi to your classroom teacher, anyone who can show courage when faced with a problem. A hero is someone who is willing to help others in his or her best capacity.

Ricky Martin

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #1342741
#11. Microsoft represents the best of ourselves or the worst.

Mitch Kapor

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #1498872
#12. Making the absolute best of ourselves is not an easy task. It is a pleasurable pursuit ... but it requires patience, persistence, and perseverance.

Sarah Ban Breathnach

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #1837687
#13. I think we all have blocks between us and the best version of ourselves, whether it's shyness, insecurity, anxiety, whether it's a physical block, and the story of a person overcoming that block to their best self. It's truly inspiring because I think all of us are engaged in that every day.

Tom Hooper

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #7158
#14. Through the potent example of his own life, President Obama enabled us to believe the best about America, and, therefore, about ourselves. That uplifting narrative - essentially equating the promise of America with his extraordinary life story - swept candidate Obama into the presidency.

Cynthia P. Schneider

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #10744
#15. We have an obligation to ourselves to foster the environment that allows for our self-actualization. Rather than my gifts serving me, I must serve them. I want to be a steward of the best aspects of my character and assist them in their fulfillment through proper discipline and habits.

Chris Matakas

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #14551
#16. That form of the instinct of self-preservation with which we guard everything that is best in ourselves ...

Marcel Proust

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #26623
#17. Only a minority of science fiction dystopias attempt to plumb the real existential roots of oppression, the flaws in humanity's nature that undermine our best attempts at organizing ourselves into social units.

Paul Di Filippo

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #38901
#18. We have to be careful that in throwing out the devil, we don't throw out the best part of ourselves.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #45923
#19. Some of the onus falls on us to make ourselves available for the ball, because we need to play inside-out. That's when we're at our best.

Steven Hill

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #52833
#20. Ah! the best righteousness of our man-of-war world seems but an unrealized ideal, after all; and those maxims which, in the hope of bringing about a Millennium, we busily teach to the heathen, we Christians ourselves disregard.

Herman Melville

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #73846
#21. I am tired of the superficial smiles that adorn the many ghouls among us. I am tired of the righteous indignation that hides beneath those visages that feign our best interest and deign to think we cannot and will not stand for ourselves.

Corey Taylor

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #75641
#22. The most excellent and divine counsel, the best and most profitable advertisement of all others, but the least practiced, is to study and learn how to know ourselves. This is the foundation of wisdom and the highway to whatever is good.

Pierre Charron

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #76466
#23. The best thing about giving of ourselves is that what we get is always better than what we give. The reaction is greater than the action.

Orison Swett Marden

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #103934
#24. One of the best things about Kickstarter and crowdfunding and the collapse of the music business is a lot of artists like me have been forced to face our own weird mess about ourselves and what we thought it meant to become musicians.

Amanda Palmer

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #108116
#25. Being good or being evil is not something that is inherent in our nature over which we have no control, rather we define ourselves by the choices we make, moment by moment, situation by situation. All it takes is an act of will to be the best that we can be.

Laurence Overmire

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #109435
#26. Too often we assume that what is "best" means that our children should live their lives according to the script that has worked for us. Without realizing it, we try to create carbon copies of ourselves.

Charles F. Boyd

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #109826
#27. But after a while, she began to experience the new reality of each person as being as strong and as weak as anyone else. Slowly, she learned that each of us grown-ups has as much and as little power as the other, and that we had best learn to take care of ourselves.(83)

Sheldon B. Kopp

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #119437
#28. I am not sure that it is best for us, once safe and secure on the Rock of Ages, to ask ourselves too closely what this and that experience may signify. Is it not better to be thinking of the Rock, not of the feet that stand upon it?

Elizabeth Prentiss

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #123102
#29. Things sometimes go our way and sometimes they don't. All we can do is apply ourselves to our profession, giving our very best effort but emotionally letting go of the outcome. Why? Because if we obsess about an outcome, we cannot possibly honour the present moment.

Christopher Dines

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #126956
#30. We have to surrender ourselves completely to the Lord with faith and devotion in Him, serve others to the best of our capacity, and never be a source of sorrow to anybody.

Sarada Devi

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #129384
#31. She says that each of us has his or her role in life, and if we know ourselves well enough to understand what that role is, we will be happy doing nothing but what we can do best.

Dean Koontz

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #141080
#32. If we accept being talked to any kind of a way, then we are telling ourselves we are not quite worth the best. And if we have the effrontery to talk to anybody with less than courtesy, we tell ourselves and the world we are not very intelligent.

Maya Angelou

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #141166
#33. It is with epigrams as with other inventions; the best ones annoy us because we didn't think of them ourselves.

Georg C. Lichtenberg

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #152009
#34. Women are brought up to believe you are going to be the better parent and you know what's best. I don't think that's necessarily true. As much as we have to ask men to step it up, we have to take a look at ourselves and be willing to give up some of that parental power.

Jessica Valenti

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #155318
#35. We can best honor the memories of those who were killed on September 11 and those who have been killed fighting the war on terrorism, by dedicating ourselves to building a free and peaceful world safe from the threat of terrorism.

Jack Reed

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #171240
#36. Each of us has been put on earth with the ability to do something well. We cheat ourselves and the world if we don't use that ability as best we can.

George Allen, Sr.

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #185635
#37. By Anglicising ourselves we have thrown away with a light heart the best claim we have upon the world's recognition of us as a seperate nationality ... the notes of nationality, our language and customs.

Douglas Hyde

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #187725
#38. We need to return to learning about the land by being on the land, or better, by being in the thick of it. That is the best way we can stay in touch with the fates of its creatures, its indigenous cultures, its earthbound wisdom. That is the best way we can be in touch with ourselves.

Gary Paul Nabhan

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #190706
#39. The best way to make ourselves agreeable to others is by seeming to think them so. If we appear fully sensible of their good qualities they will not complain of the want of them in us.

William Hazlitt

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #202705
#40. We don't think of ourselves as do-gooders or altruists. It's just that somehow we're trying our best to be run with some sense of moral compass even in a business environment that is growing.

Craig Newmark

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #207511
#41. The best works of art are never innocuous: they alter the viewer's perceptual predictions. It is only when the patterns of our vision are disrupted that we truly pay attention and must ask ourselves what we are looking at.

Siri Hustvedt

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #244999
#42. We are all the best versions of ourselves when we have love and acceptance in our lives.

Dianna Agron

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #258534
#43. We are the worst of ourselves and also the best. They can try and shock it out of us but it doesn't really go away, not entirely. And that's pl. It made me feel great to realize that. It made me feel almost whole again

Sara Shepard

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #262317
#44. We are liable to miss the best of life if we do not know how to tingle, if we do not learn to hoist ourselves just a little higher than we generally are in order to sample the rarest and ripest fruit of art which human thought has to offer.

Vladimir Nabokov

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #276364
#45. Everyone, either from modesty or egotism, hides away the best and most delicate of his soul's possessions; to gain the esteem of others, we must only ever show our ugliest sides; this is how we keep ourselves on the common level

Gustave Flaubert

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #278931
#46. Since that night I have come to understand that sometimes the best families of all are those we create ourselves, the people we choose to be with.

Silas House

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #286157
#47. When we don't throw ourselves completely into it and we hold back our best efforts because of what happened in the past, we are letting the past decide the future.

Rob Bell

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #301425
#48. Go to the people. Learn from them. Live with them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have. The best of leaders when the job is done, when the task is accomplished, the people will say we have done it ourselves.


Best Of Ourselves Quotes #321612
#49. Steve Yarbrough is a writer of many gifts, but what makes Safe from the Neighbors such a magnificent achievement is its moral complexity ... Safe from the Neighbors does what only the best novels can do; after reading it, we can never see the world, or ourselves, in quite the same way.

Ron Rash

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #332633
#50. Let us not forget that the best morale booster for ourselves is to help to lift the morale of others. When

Joost A.M. Meerloo

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #341466
#51. Forrest Gander: Maybe the best we can do is try to leave ourselves unprotected. To keep brushing off habits, how we see things and what we expect, as they crust around us. Brushing the green flies of the usual off the tablecloth. To pay attention.

Brian Christian

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #351860
#52. Consequences are unpitying. Our deeds carry their terrible consequences, quite apart from any fluctuations that went before - consequences that are hardly ever confined to ourselves. And it is best to fix our minds on that certainty, instead of considering what may be the elements of excuse for us.

George Eliot

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #352566
#53. Comedic actors can be looked at as a lower form because we have to put ourselves in a lower place than most of the audience. I think lofty emotions are somehow considered more special. The best stories in the world to me are the ones that elicit a real emotion, but have humour.

Jim Carrey

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #354283
#54. This is what parents do
what all of us do, in fact, when we're at our unrivaled best. We bind ourselves to those who need us most, and through caring for them, grow to love them, grow to delight in them, grow to marvel at who they are. Gift-love at its purest.

Jennifer Senior

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #357496
#55. There is nothing stronger than the American labor movement. United, we cannot and we will not be turned aside. We'll work for it, sisters and brothers. We'll stand for it. Together. Each of us. To bring out the best in America. To bring out the best in ourselves, and each other.

Richard Trumka

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #360600
#56. We may have the best of intentions in trying to discern God's will, but we should really stop putting ourselves through the misery of overspiritualizing every decision. Our misdirected piety makes following God more mysterious than it was meant to be

Kevin DeYoung

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #363839
#57. One of the best gifts we can give ourselves is time alone with God.

Joyce Meyer

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #369753
#58. We buy the most expensive grain available growing on the best part of Russian land called black soil. We also play close attention to the purity of the water - we get it from Lake Ladoga. We store it ourselves to specific conditions. We carefully manage distillation at my distillery in Moscow.

Roustam Tariko

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #370605
#59. One way or another, we all have to find what best fosters the flowering of our humanity in this contemporary life, and dedicate ourselves to that.

Joseph Campbell

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #372713
#60. I thought this election was an adult discussion on how best to protect ourselves in the face of terrorism, but apparently it was a referendum on boys kissing. When homophobia trumps terrorism in America, wow. This country needs to get laid.

Bill Maher

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #392906
#61. By trusting on God's understanding and knowledge, we learn to keep the company of good people who bring out the best qualities of love, hope and faith within ourselves.

Tasha Hoggatt

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #400512
#62. Running and meditation are very personal activities. Therefore they are lonely. This loneliness is one of their best qualities because it strengthens our incentive to motivate ourselves.

Sakyong Mipham

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #403166
#63. One of the best ways to educate our hearts is to look at our interaction with other people, because our relationships with others are fundamentally a reflection of our relationship with ourselves.

Stephen Covey

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #412689
#64. Our team goal is pretty simple ... basically prepare ourselves to play for nine innings every day, every series, and against every opponent. For me individually, it's more of just trying to play my role the best I can every day.

Curtis Granderson

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #423985
#65. Could the entire notion of finding one's soul mate be a simple case of looking for ourselves in another body? Is the "soul mate" really just the best approximation of ourselves that we can find?

Dermot Davis

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #437032
#66. I was born on the west side of Chicago, and there was quite a bit of poverty. My family and I didn't have exactly the best or the most optimal financial situation in my youth, but we turned out well. My mom always made sure that we got a proper education and that we dedicated ourselves to our work.

Sufe Bradshaw

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #476255
#67. Nobody truly knows me, but I suppose that's the way it is for everyone. Or at least I hope so. We seem to have the tendency to put on a front in the best interests of ourselves, but eventually these fronts weld themselves to us until we no longer recognize our own soul in the mirror.

Morgan Menzie

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #485338
#68. This book was written under the umbrella of self-acceptance. The sooner we are okay with being different from one another, the sooner we can get on with being the best version of ourselves and love how we were created.

Becky Murphy

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #497902
#69. We can best help our children not by sacrificing ourselves for them, but by trying to fulfill our own lives. When we are involved in an honest pursuit of our own goals, we serve as positive role models for our children.

Lisa Firestone

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #511366
#70. By withholding the knowledge of [the Scriptures] from children, we deprive ourselves of the best means of awakening moral sensibility in their minds.

Benjamin Rush

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #527790
#71. To bring happiness to others, we must be happiness. And this is why we always train ourselves to first take care of our own bodies and minds. Only when we are solid can we be our best and take good care of our loved ones.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #531280
#72. The cloak of the past is cut from patches of feeling ,and sewn with rebus threads.Most of the time , the best we can do is wrap it around ourselves for comfort or drag it behind us as we struggle to go on .

Gregory David Roberts

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #540967
#73. Rest assured that whatever station of life we are placed, princely or lowly, it contains the lessons and experiences necessary at the moment for our evolution, and gives us the best advantage for the development of ourselves.

Edward Bach

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #560429
#74. Augustine of Hippo used to say that, but for God's grace, he should have been capable of committing any crime; and it is when we feel this sincerely, that we are most likely to be really improving, and best able to give assistance to others without moral loss to ourselves.

Henry Parry Liddon

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #573883
#75. The best we can do is strive to minimize the amount of harm we cause by living. We need to eat in order to live, and there is no moral or ethical code that dictates that we should refrain from eating and allow ourselves to die for some higher purpose.

Sharon Gannon

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #583333
#76. We need to reclaim the "goodnewness" of the gospel, and the best place to start is to rediscover the good news ourselves.

Philip Yancey

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #608921
#77. There was a gay fiction among us that we were constantly enjoying ourselves, and a skeleton truth that we never did. To the best of my belief, our case was in the last respect a rather common one.

Charles Dickens

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #623383
#78. If we remember what we have been called to and devote ourselves to praying for what is best, we may care a little less about the opinions of a secular world and devote ourselves more scrupulously to serving the only Master whose opinion matters.

D. A. Carson

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #632404
#79. The best remedy for dryness of spirit, is to picture ourselves as beggars in the presence of God and the Saints, and like a beggar, to go first to one saint, then to another, to ask a spiritual alms of them with the same earnestness as a poor fellow in the streets would ask an alms of us.

Philip Neri

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #633945
#80. That was the way the world was; it was composed of a few almost perfect people (ourselves); then there were a good many people who generally did their best but were not all that perfect (our friends and colleagues); and finally, there were a few rather nasty ones (our enemies and opponents).

Alexander McCall Smith

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #636049
#81. But sometimes we have to make the best of things, and the way we conduct ourselves when the chips are down ...

Harper Lee

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #638206
#82. Only a child believes his rulers have his best interest at heart," he said. "We would be wise to disabuse ourselves of such illusions.

Julie Wu

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #639868
#83. We generally write best of what we ourselves have seen.

James Buchan

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #647884
#84. Sara and I both have this very self-deprecating, almost abusive way of looking at ourselves. We both feel like we can be very destructive and very pessimistic and very tortured and very weak, but in a weird way those are some of our best qualities.

Tegan Quin

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #699264
#85. Why be narrow-minded, why cut ourselves off from any of these rich heritages when ... we have the freedom to make the most of the best in all techniques? There are no prohibitions against it. All it takes is a little wisdom, imagination and courageous experimentation.

Michael Chekhov

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #699538
#86. I believe reading books is one of the best ways to gain real empathy for people different from ourselves, and helping boys develop empathy for girls is a cause worth fighting for.

Shannon Hale

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #702771
#87. Being our best is asking how can we take ourselves to the precipice of our own limits in any and every situation?

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #718921
#88. Monroe had in fact preached that God was not at all such a one as ourselves, not one to be temperamentally inclined to tread ragefully upon us until our blood flew up and stained all His white raiment, but rather that He looked on both the best and worst of mankind with weary, bemused pity.

Charles Frazier

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #731812
#89. Learn from the people
Plan with the people
Begin with what they have
Build on what they know
Of the best leaders
When the task is accomplished
The people will remark
We have done it ourselves.


Best Of Ourselves Quotes #751332
#90. We are all equal in that we can all strive to become the best we are capable of becoming. We can always improve but we shouldn't compare ourselves to others. We get in trouble when we start trying to measure up to someone else.

John Wooden

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #752175
#91. My faith in God is a huge part of my life, and yeah He has blessed me with an amazing family, and group of friends. In the Bible he tells us to think positively about ourselves, to not be down on ourselves. So I just try to live the way He wants me to, and make the best decisions I can.

Bethany Hamilton

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #752912
#92. The best work we can ever do in this world is work on being the greatest version of ourselves so we can continue to give the highest version of this to others.

Grace Gealey

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #753915
#93. We are what we imagine. Our very existence consists in our imagination of ourselves. Our best destiny is to imagine, at least, completely, who and what, and that we are. The greatest tragedy that can befall us is to go unimagined.

N. Scott Momaday

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #778519
#94. When we're in game worlds, I believe that many of us become the best version of ourselves: the most likely to help at a moment's notice. The most likely to stick with a problem as long as it takes. To get up after failure and try again.

Jane McGonigal

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #782116
#95. When there is no turning back, then we should concern ourselves only with the best way of going forward.

Paulo Coelho

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #782294
#96. [Louis Brandeis] insisted on the necessity of public reason, which he thought could only be achieved if all of us just take the time to inform ourselves about the best arguments on all sides of questions so that we can make up our own minds.

Jeffrey Rosen

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #783408
#97. The World Trade Center site will forever hold a special place in our city, in our hearts. But we would be untrue to the best part of ourselves and who we are as New Yorkers and Americans if we said no to a mosque in lower Manhattan.

Michael Bloomberg

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #792861
#98. When we fixate on the worst in something, we render ourselves incapable of fixing anything ... But attend to the good in something - and we act towards the best in everything.

Ann Voskamp

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #794618
#99. The outlines of the needed psychology of becoming can be discovered by looking within ourselves; for it is knowledge of our own uniqueness that supplies the first, and probably the best, hints for acquiring orderly knowledge of others.

Gordon W. Allport

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #798642
#100. God be thanked for the thinkers of good and noble thoughts! It wakes up all the best in ourselves, to come into close contact with others greater and better in every way than we are.

Lucy Larcom

Best Of Ourselves Quotes #820961

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