Top 100 Begin To Live Quotes

#1. The day you let go of fear and instead embrace understanding, is the day you begin to live.

Leon Brown

Begin To Live Quotes #187
#2. Fame is what you have taken, character is what you give; when to this truth you waken then you begin to live.

Bayard Taylor

Begin To Live Quotes #353
#3. We must look for ways to be an active force in our own lives. We must take charge of our own destinies, design a life of substance and truly begin to live our dreams.

Les Brown

Begin To Live Quotes #37976
#4. You don't live until you begin to live for keeping

Sunday Adelaja

Begin To Live Quotes #52398
#5. Let us therefore give ourselves to God with a great desire to begin to live thus, and beg Him to destroy in us the life of the world of sin, and to establish His life within us.

John Eudes

Begin To Live Quotes #101115
#6. Les moments de crise produsent un redoublement de vie chez les hommes.
Moments of crisis produce a redoubled vitality in men. Or, more succinctly perhaps: Men don't begin to live fully until thier backs are against the wall.

Paul Auster

Begin To Live Quotes #117076
#7. Begin to live as though your prayers are already answered.

Tony Robbins

Begin To Live Quotes #158766
#8. This flesh in which we live is nothing more than a cocoon, and only when we step out of it do we truly begin to live.

Nancy Stephan

Begin To Live Quotes #165145
#9. If you have felt hopeless, hold on! Wonderful changes are going to happen in your life as you begin to live it on purpose.

Rick Warren

Begin To Live Quotes #168342
#10. Conservation of our resources is the fundamental question before this nation, and that our first and greatest task is to set our house in order and begin to live within our means.

Theodore Roosevelt

Begin To Live Quotes #173604
#11. You must begin to live in harmony with the laws governing the universe.

Wallace D. Wattles

Begin To Live Quotes #176154
#12. Christlikeness is possible, but not by merely working with Jesus or simply imitating his example. Only by knowing our position in Jesus can we begin to live like Jesus.

Kevin DeYoung

Begin To Live Quotes #179355
#13. When we come to that compassionate awareness that is not afraid of the fear, that can embrace the fear, we are able to heal the wounds of the child and the adult and begin to live the lives we've always wanted to live.

Cheri Huber

Begin To Live Quotes #190153
#14. Only with the honest knowledge that one day I will die can I ever truly begin to live.

R.A. Salvatore

Begin To Live Quotes #306634
#15. I think your travels get better when you stop showcasing your journey to others and begin to live it, quietly and joyfully.

Rolf Potts

Begin To Live Quotes #331754
#16. Accept the fact that you'll never get it all done, and begin to live more fully in the only moment you have ... Now.

Wayne Dyer

Begin To Live Quotes #345510
#17. There is no other way the world is going to see the supreme glory of Christ today, except that we break free from the Disneyland of America and begin to live lifestyles of missionary sacrifice that looks to the world like our treasure is in heaven and not on the earth.

John Piper

Begin To Live Quotes #354220
#18. There is an answer, some day we will know
And you will ask her, why she had to go
We live and die, we laugh and we cry
You must take away the pain
Before you can begin to live again

Chris De Burgh

Begin To Live Quotes #407942
#19. History teaches us that the great revolutions aren't started by people who are utterly down and out, without hope and vision. They take place when people begin to live a little better - and when they see how much yet remains to be achieved.

Hubert H. Humphrey

Begin To Live Quotes #419576
#20. Let us die as soon as possible, and by whatever process God shall appoint. And when we are dead to the world, and nature, and self, we shall begin to live to God.

Adoniram Judson

Begin To Live Quotes #464931
#21. We can only begin to live when we conceive life as


Begin To Live Quotes #474091
#22. In the past few years, I have made a thrilling discovery ... that until one is over sixty, one can never really learn the secret of living. One can then begin to live, not simply with the intense part of oneself, but with one's entire being.

Ellen Glasgow

Begin To Live Quotes #501508
#23. Life is too precious for us to lose ourselves in our ideas and concepts, in our anger and our despair. We must wake up to the marvelous reality of life. We must begin to live fully and truly, every moment of our daily lives.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Begin To Live Quotes #512318
#24. Saying goodbye is important. It's what allows us to begin to live again.

Ali Benjamin

Begin To Live Quotes #518742
#25. By reading God's Word, we can easily begin to live an anxiety-free life. God grants us freedom in Him when we stop worrying. He is our refuge; we should take comfort in Him, not doubt Him.

George Papakonstantinou

Begin To Live Quotes #567660
#26. When we begin to live like Jesus, people will perceive our peace as an indictment on their violence; they will see our security as an indictment on their insecurity.

Jonathan Martin

Begin To Live Quotes #568438
#27. It is when you have done your work honestly, when you have contributed your share to the common fund that you begin to live.

Eugene V. Debs

Begin To Live Quotes #569142
#28. You have to be prepared to die before you can begin to live.

Fred Shuttlesworth

Begin To Live Quotes #614790
#29. The moment we understand life, we will begin to live.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Begin To Live Quotes #629150
#30. We must throw out the old, fear-based thought-forms and evolve, and begin to live as higher beings of compassion.

Bryant McGill

Begin To Live Quotes #629361
#31. When men are brought face to face with their opponents, forced to listen and learn and mend their ideas, they cease to be children and savages and begin to live like civilized men. Then only is freedom a reality, when men may voice their opinions because they must examine their opinions.

Walter Lippmann

Begin To Live Quotes #629835
#32. I have come to know that it [death] is an important thing to keep in mind - not to complain or to make melancholy, but simply because only with the honest knowledge that one day I will die I can ever truly begin to live.

R.A. Salvatore

Begin To Live Quotes #676750
#33. Once we begin to live the truth that we have found in our inner adventures, a more liberating world will open before our eyes.

M. Laurie Cantil

Begin To Live Quotes #691339
#34. Now I come to you full of future. And from habit we begin to live our past.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Begin To Live Quotes #722115
#35. The way we tell our life story is the way we begin to live our life.

Maureen Murdock

Begin To Live Quotes #803691
#36. Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live.

Henry Van Dyke

Begin To Live Quotes #842442
#37. The mounting evidence of an erosion of skills, a dulling of perceptions, and a slowing of reactions should give us all pause. As we begin to live our lives inside glass cockpits, we seem fated to discover what pilots already know: a glass cockpit can also be a glass cage.

Nicholas Carr

Begin To Live Quotes #851925
#38. We only begin to live life when we learn to accept it on its own terms.

Arthur Rubinstein

Begin To Live Quotes #897873
#39. You don't begin to live, until you've lost everything ... I've lost everything three or four times. A perfect place to start.

Jim Stovall

Begin To Live Quotes #933053
#40. It is only when our characters and events begin to disobey us that they begin to live.

John Fowles

Begin To Live Quotes #999884
#41. What have you to confess now? It's just as well for two fellows to know the worst of one another before they begin to live together.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Begin To Live Quotes #1003674
#42. We don't really change. We finally begin to live a life that is true to our values.

Anthea Syrokou

Begin To Live Quotes #1013704
#43. It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth
and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up
that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Begin To Live Quotes #1046402
#44. Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.

Dorothy Thompson

Begin To Live Quotes #1074379
#45. TV has made us get down to the nub and new films will begin to live up to what the medium can be.

Elia Kazan

Begin To Live Quotes #1085405
#46. It is a tedious thing to be always beginning life; they live badly who always begin to live.

Seneca The Younger

Begin To Live Quotes #1134377
#47. What I have found is that when we get to that still, small voice inside and begin to live by it, we see that that still, small voice doesn't judge us the way we are being judged by others all the time.

Echo Bodine

Begin To Live Quotes #1162143
#48. If you begin to live life looking for the God that is all around you, every moment becomes a prayer.

Joseph Frank Bianco

Begin To Live Quotes #1239413
#49. If you follow your bliss you will find a path laid out before you that has been waiting for you all along and you will begin to live the life you ought to be living.

Joseph Campbell

Begin To Live Quotes #1320337
#50. Begin to live each day as if it was your last.

Robin Sharma

Begin To Live Quotes #1369022
#51. The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live.

Elbert Hubbard

Begin To Live Quotes #1473358
#52. Begin to live in other levels of attention all the time whether you're at work, driving or running on the beach. When you begin to be in a more meditative state all the time you will find that it fits rather well with everything that you do.

Frederick Lenz

Begin To Live Quotes #1525229
#53. The seeds of Death are sown in us when we begin to live, and grow up till, like rampant weeds, they choak the tender flower of life.

Samuel Richardson

Begin To Live Quotes #1537806
#54. Country music as we know it would be vastly different if it weren't for George Jones. He's in our musical DNA. All country artists will have to figure out how to even begin to live up to his kind of legacy. 'Honky Tonk Heaven,' here he comes ... though we're not ready to let go.

Pam Tillis

Begin To Live Quotes #1584600
#55. And if I fight, then for what?"
"For nothing easy or sweet, and I told you that last year and the year before that. For your own challenge, for your own mistakes and the punishment for them, for your own definition of love and of sanity - a good strong self with which to begin to live.

Joanne Greenberg

Begin To Live Quotes #1608865
#56. We begin to live authentically only where philosophy ends, at its wreck, when we have understood its terrible nullity, when we have understood that it was futile to resort to it, that it is no help.

Emil Cioran

Begin To Live Quotes #1619384
#57. First of all, begin to live out of the glory of your imagination, not your memory.
ROBIN SHARMA The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (Kindle Location 642)

Robin S. Sharma

Begin To Live Quotes #1656795
#58. Begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Begin To Live Quotes #1686580
#59. When we clean up after ourselves, we have nothing to blame. When we begin to live our lives in that way, cleaning up after ourselves, what is left is further vision and further openness, which leads to cleaning up the rest of the world.

Chogyam Trungpa

Begin To Live Quotes #1696284
#60. Your sacred time is now! Begin to live passionately.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Begin To Live Quotes #1704220
#61. if you give, you begin to live.

Dave Matthews Band

Begin To Live Quotes #1726666
#62. You can never begin to live until you dare to die.

Henry Van Dyke

Begin To Live Quotes #1728196
#63. When you begin to create the life of your dreams - or maybe better stated, when you begin to live the life that God dreams for you - you take responsibility to prepare for the future.

Erwin McManus

Begin To Live Quotes #1810290
#64. We were given our lives to live to the fullest of our ability; come out of that dark and musty hole and begin to live.

Barbara Hart

Begin To Live Quotes #1818319
#65. Welcome to the real world, Mother Robot, a beautiful and dangerous place. Now you can truly begin to live.

Tony DiTerlizzi

Begin To Live Quotes #1834308
#66. Some people are so afraid do die that they never begin to live.

Henry Van Dyke

Begin To Live Quotes #1878046
#67. Begin at once to live, and count each day as a separate life.

Seneca The Younger

Begin To Live Quotes #2941
#68. You live and die according to what goes on in yourself, which no one else can even begin to know, not even father, mother, wife, son, or daughter.

William, Saroyan

Begin To Live Quotes #9049
#69. If we put together all that we have learned from anthropology and ethnography about primitive men and primitive society, we perceive that the first task of life is to live. Men begin with acts, not with thoughts.

William Graham Sumner

Begin To Live Quotes #46286
#70. To be a gourmet you must start early, as you must begin riding early to be a good horseman. You must live in France, your father must have been a gourmet. Nothing in life must interest you but your stomach.

Ludwig Bemelmans

Begin To Live Quotes #57055
#71. You haven't seen a thing until you've seen this man fight. My sword is sharp. My heart strong. My spirit ferocious - and I am going to live. Let the swords clash. Let the fight begin.

Carew Papritz

Begin To Live Quotes #64324
#72. Tears begin to well in my eyes. I have no idea how or if I even deserve him, but there's one thing I know for sure. As long as he's part of it, I'll never live a life of mediocrity.

Colleen Hoover

Begin To Live Quotes #98242
#73. We can't change the world overnight, Reesa. But we begin by changing the way we choose to live in it.

Susan Carol McCarthy

Begin To Live Quotes #146345
#74. I deserve to live a good life, and I begin now.

Louise Hay

Begin To Live Quotes #192923
#75. When we are separate from our knowing and from those we love and choose to live apart from the love of all peoples, we begin to die, that is to live without life, without joy.

Flo Aeveia Magdalena

Begin To Live Quotes #200904
#76. Therefore, my dear Lucilius, begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life. He who has thus prepared himself, he whose daily life has been a rounded whole, is easy in his mind;


Begin To Live Quotes #217035
#77. I never look forward. I live for today. If you think about what's going to happen in a year, in two years, then you begin to plan. And plans never come true.

Alexander Ovechkin

Begin To Live Quotes #263063
#78. Perhaps this is why one reads fiction to begin with - to live a more interesting reality than one's daily life.

Steven Rigolosi

Begin To Live Quotes #270390
#79. I can't solve the world's problems, can't even begin to contemplate them all. But on my little corner of Earth, I at least can try to live in a way that treads lightly.

John Grogan

Begin To Live Quotes #273569
#80. To begin to use cultural forces for the good of our daughters we must first shake ourselves awake from the cultural trance we all live in. This is no small matter, to untangle our true beliefs from what we have been taught to believe about who and what girls and women are.

Jeanne Elium

Begin To Live Quotes #275680
#81. The sun climbs the horizon. I throw back the covers, take another breath, and begin. I get to. I get to live.

Ann Voskamp

Begin To Live Quotes #310255
#82. To live an honest life you have to strive hard, get involved, fight, make mistakes, begin something and give it up, begin again, struggle endlessly, and suffer loss. As for tranquility - it's spiritual baseness.

Leo Tolstoy

Begin To Live Quotes #319462
#83. I'd Begin to imagine my life in a foreign country, some faraway land where, if things went wrong, i could always blame somebody else, saying I'd never wanted to live there in the first place.

David Sedaris

Begin To Live Quotes #323147
#84. All is well. You did not come here to fix a broken world. The world is not broken. You came here to live a wonderful life. And if you can learn to relax a little and let it all in, you will begin to see the universe present you with all that you have asked for.

Esther Hicks

Begin To Live Quotes #324662
#85. If we really want to love, if we really want to live, we must love until it hurts ... No Rotarian whose motto is Service Above Self, I think, should call himself a Rotarian if he does not make time to serve ... If we love, we begin to serve

Mother Teresa

Begin To Live Quotes #332990
#86. When you live in the dark for so long, you begin to love it. And it loves you back, and isn't that the point? You think, the face turns to the shadows, and just as well. It accepts, it heals, it allows. But it also devours.

Raymond Carver

Begin To Live Quotes #351690
#87. The moment is not over when you have found the right fit in your style. Begin with knowing who you really are and apologize for nothing. There are no mistakes when it comes to personal expression.

Steven Cuoco

Begin To Live Quotes #369495
#88. Fear is to begin with the end in mind. There is no end. Life is eternal. Live life knowing that the end was your past, and the future is only full of beautiful beginnings through an eternity built around God's love.

Shannon L. Alder

Begin To Live Quotes #376081
#89. Discipline yourself so that all expectations, and inspiration, begin with your core values before relying on someone else's to better your life.

Steven Cuoco

Begin To Live Quotes #377364
#90. There's a saying: "May you live in interesting times." To begin, it's a curse. "Interesting" in this case uniformly means "Oh god, death is raining down upon us and we shall all perish wailing and possibly on fire.

John Scalzi

Begin To Live Quotes #379595
#91. When your life awakens and you begin to sense the destiny that brought you here, you endeavour to live a life that is generous and worthy of the blessing and invitation that is always calling you.

John O'Donohue

Begin To Live Quotes #395654
#92. We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing.

R.D. Laing

Begin To Live Quotes #401742
#93. I begin to cry as my walls of my resolve break down. I don't know how long I can hold on. The pain is horrid and I curl into myself wrestling with a wish to die and a wish to live. Both have their perks. Only one will release me from this agony.

Celia Mcmahon

Begin To Live Quotes #405341
#94. The children are waiting for us," she said. Those were her words, but what she really said was that I must live and begin now to live. Death must not interrupt life. There were others waiting for us.

Pearl S. Buck

Begin To Live Quotes #426481
#95. Due to attachment, anger, and foolishness, I have committed numberless mistakes in speech, deed and thought. I bow my head and repent. I vow from today to begin anew, to live day and night in mindfulness, and not to repeat my previous mistakes.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Begin To Live Quotes #452139
#96. But we live on the cusp of a Renaissance in consciousness of who we truly are and, thus, we can now begin to thrive in this exciting age of our humanity's journey toward a greater life and a more fundamentally intelligent evolution of our species.

Martha Char Love

Begin To Live Quotes #465131
#97. The revolution must end and the republic must begin. In our constitution, right must take the place of duty, welfare that of virtue, and self-defense that of punishment. Everyone must be able to prevail and to live according to one's own nature.

Georg Buchner

Begin To Live Quotes #475316
#98. It's funny when you start writing an album and then recording - the songs begin to take on a spirit of their own. Once you start to perform it live, this happens even more so than in the studio. They really start to develop a personality that takes shape over time with the audience.

Matt Shultz

Begin To Live Quotes #479993
#99. When we renounce our dreams, we find peace and enjoy a brief period of tranquility, but the dead dreams begin to rot inside us and to infect the whole atmosphere in which we live. What we hoped to avoid in the Fight - disappointment and defeat - become the sole legacy of our cowardice.

Paulo Coelho

Begin To Live Quotes #503337
#100. Keep the commandments of God. If you have sinned, the sooner you begin to make your way back, the sooner you will find the sweet peace and joy that come with the miracle of forgiveness. Happiness comes from living the way the Lord wants you to live and from service to God and others.

Thomas S. Monson

Begin To Live Quotes #507404

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