Top 100 Becoming New Quotes

#1. I'm quietly becoming New York's premiere actor. People don't understand. They have me pigeon-holed as a comedian.

Colin Quinn

Becoming New Quotes #212677
#2. Everything is perpetually becoming new.

Alan Watts

Becoming New Quotes #889330
#3. You don't have to be afraid, even death itself does not have power. In Christ, everything is becoming new, everything is different.

Michael Gungor

Becoming New Quotes #1189351
#4. Becoming "new" in Christ is a wonderful beginning, but it isn't the end of pain or problems in our lives. It is the beginning of our facing up to them. Being a Christian involves a lifetime of hard work, dedicated study, and difficult decisions.

Billy Graham

Becoming New Quotes #1392923
#5. Tex Rickard started his career staging boxing matches for Nome's miners, then moved on to New York and built Madison Square Garden, becoming one

Gay Salisbury

Becoming New Quotes #8840
#6. I think that the idea of people wanting to steal your genome remains a little bit in the world of science fiction. It's a new technology, and it's new science that people are becoming familiar with. It's critical for us to do everything we can to enable the privacy level that people want.

Anne Wojcicki

Becoming New Quotes #43625
#7. Buster closed his eyes, held his breath, and, before he realized that the gun had been fired, a gust of heat and wind passed over him and deconstructed the beer can atop his head, the sound of something irrevocably giving up its shape and becoming, in an instant, something new.

Kevin Wilson

Becoming New Quotes #66253
#8. How is the body, including the observing body, becoming a component of new machines, economies, apparatuses, whether social, libidinal, or technological? In what way is subjectivity becoming a precarious condition of interface between rationalized systems of exchange and networks of information?

Jonathan Crary

Becoming New Quotes #87323
#9. He was unique to her among men because he's impressed her as being not her admirer her superior. In some mysterious way he was becoming a part of her conscience as one woman who's nature is an object of reverential belief may become a new conscience to a man.

George Eliot

Becoming New Quotes #87945
#10. The gospel, in the New Testament, is the good news that God (the world's creator) is at last becoming king and that Jesus, whom this God raised from the dead, is the world's true lord.

N. T. Wright

Becoming New Quotes #112130
#11. New York seems to be thriving, which I'm grateful for. But I would hope that they would figure out how to negotiate the traffic and limit the pedicabs, because it seems to me that it's becoming a more chaotic city.

Patti LuPone

Becoming New Quotes #122476
#12. Always re-invent yourself. Always try new things; new food, new hobbies, meet new people. That will keep your life from becoming stagnant and boring. And you will have a lot more fun!

Lisa Bedrick

Becoming New Quotes #156571
#13. She left me then, surrounded by my extravagantly simple finery and I sat for a long time, uncomfortable both with the person I had been and the person I was finally becoming. Caught between the two of them, I felt rather lonely, as one often does with a new acquaintance.

Deanna Raybourn

Becoming New Quotes #180093
#14. One of the main arguments that I make in my new book, 'The Great Degeneration,' is that the rule of law in the U.S. is becoming the rule of lawyers.

Niall Ferguson

Becoming New Quotes #206177
#15. In this age of 'whatever,' Americans are becoming slaves to the new tyranny of nonchalance. James Morris

George F. Will

Becoming New Quotes #206935
#16. In the past two years, I've started the process of becoming a new man. I am much chastened and profoundly remorseful over the reckless and hurtful things I have done in my life, especially those which have brought me before you today.

Jack Abramoff

Becoming New Quotes #208039
#17. I wanted to do something new. The world is becoming a global village and we have to understand these different cultures. There is a Danish culture, an Israeli culture and so on. So if you want to go to Denmark, then read the book.

Enock Maregesi

Becoming New Quotes #219726
#18. Becoming a CoverGirl is truly an honor and a gift. It opens up a new platform for me to inspire women to feel stronger, braver and more beautiful inside and out.

Janelle Monae

Becoming New Quotes #237303
#19. On the other hand, in a society whose communication component is becoming more prominent day by day, both as a reality and as an issue, it is clear that language assumes a new importance.

Jean-Francois Lyotard

Becoming New Quotes #245695
#20. With my portable recording system, I didn't feel like I was listening as a distant observer; rather, I had been sucked into a new space - becoming an integral part of the experience itself.

Bernie Krause

Becoming New Quotes #250435
#21. You are not merely finding a physical release, you are coming into a new realm, coming into heaven, coming into him, becoming him.

Jasinda Wilder

Becoming New Quotes #254367
#22. Pop culture was the new religion. The era of the matinee idol was long gone. At the forefront of all things cool was the pop star, the rock artist. They were the new gods, and to be in a band, to be part of it all, was like joining an international religion, becoming part of a holy order.

Erich Rautenbach

Becoming New Quotes #267280
#23. Becoming limitless involves mental agility; the ability to quickly grasp and incorporate new ideas and concepts with confidence.

Lorii Myers

Becoming New Quotes #298242
#24. Becoming a parent erased many of my negative childhood feelings and filled them in with something new.

Mariska Hargitay

Becoming New Quotes #306272
#25. The most unfortunate thing that happens to a person who fears failure is that he limits himself by becoming afraid to try anything new.

Leo Buscaglia

Becoming New Quotes #306701
#26. I do increasingly feel like becoming a better writer is about trying to find new ways to solve the same problems over and over again, and I'll maybe be a good writer after I have solved the same problem ten million times.

Mike Young

Becoming New Quotes #317468
#27. The last remnants of Deanna the child--the idealist, the sheltered elite--had been torn loose by tonight's tragedies, slain with the same bullet that had felled her would-be killer. She had no idea who the new person inhabiting this shell of her old self would become. The realization frightened her.

Leslie Ann Moore

Becoming New Quotes #336451
#28. I don't mind America becoming a Third World country. The weather is better in the Third World than it is where I live in New Hampshire. And household help will be much cheaper.

P. J. O'Rourke

Becoming New Quotes #384929
#29. Nature is grand and is made of dream-like elements.
All is one, and connected,
making an incredible journey, becoming one and united, eternally.


Becoming New Quotes #395428
#30. Nevertheless, there is another threat on the horizon. I see this threat in environmentalism which is becoming a new dominant ideology, if not a religion. Its main weapon is raising the alarm and predicting the human life endangering climate change based on man-made global warming.

Vaclav Klaus

Becoming New Quotes #404150
#31. The thing about growing old is that when you wake up with a new pain, you can just about count on it becoming a permanent part of your life!

Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Becoming New Quotes #416313
#32. This new calm was becoming unsettling. Victor struggled to assess it.

V.E Schwab

Becoming New Quotes #426729
#33. Lots of TV is kind of becoming almost the new form for adult storytelling and cinema, but still with some independent films you still have those kind of jewels that people are able to make and it takes a lot of effort.

Alicia Vikander

Becoming New Quotes #428029
#34. The laws of physics could be like an onion, with new laws becoming operational as we probe new scales. We simply don't know!

Richard Feynman

Becoming New Quotes #436726
#35. The known fossil record fails to document a single example of phyletic evolution i.e., a species becoming a new species accomplishing a major morphological transition and hence offers no evidence that the gradualistic model can be valid.

Steven M. Stanley

Becoming New Quotes #442879
#36. There is no way to re-enchant our lives in a disenchanted culture except by becoming renegades from that culture and planting the seeds for a new one.

Thomas Moore

Becoming New Quotes #446318
#37. The immense value of becoming acquainted with a foreign language is that we are thereby led into a new world of tradition and thought and feeling.

Havelock Ellis

Becoming New Quotes #452285
#38. Sexual harassment is becoming the modus operandi of the new world (on-line) ... It is the means by which some males are conquering and claiming the new territory as their own.

Dale Spender

Becoming New Quotes #458679
#39. We incorporated new tastes and flavors into our kids' diets from a very early age, which helped to develop their palates and prevented them from becoming picky eaters. We don't buy junk food and give them options of fresh fruit, yogurt, raw almonds, or dried whole grain cereals for snack time.

Cat Cora

Becoming New Quotes #483058
#40. Some may try to tell us that this is the end of an era. But what they overlook is that in America, every day is a new beginning. For this is the land that has never become, but is always in the act of becoming.

Ronald Reagan

Becoming New Quotes #519950
#41. Every new medium transforms the nature of human thought. In the long run, history is the story of information becoming aware of itself.

James Gleick

Becoming New Quotes #529378
#42. Becoming a gran exhilarated me with a new purpose. The change was so big & granular & unexpected, I wanted to understand it. .,.. Does it happen this way to all grandmothers?

Lesley Stahl

Becoming New Quotes #549468
#43. In the new workplace, with its emphasis on flexibility, teams and a strong customer orientation, this crucial set of emotional competencies is becoming increasingly essential for excellence in every job in every part of the world.

Daniel Goleman

Becoming New Quotes #573369
#44. Amid all change, we desire something permanent; amid all variety, something stable; amid all progress, some central unity of life; something which deepens as we ascend; which roots itself as we advance; which grows more and more tenacious of the old, while becoming more and more open to the new.

James Freeman Clarke

Becoming New Quotes #582692
#45. My main focus is on becoming a new mom and giving the best of myself to my husband and growing baby.

Stacy Keibler

Becoming New Quotes #602282
#46. data is becoming a new asset class - one that may trump previous asset classes. Another

Don Tapscott

Becoming New Quotes #607298
#47. There was never any career plan. When 'Red Dwarf' started I thought we were doing a curious little sitcom on BBC2, I didn't think I was becoming an actor. I didn't see that 21 years later I'd still be talking about it, let alone filming a new one. For me everything's always been an accident.

Craig Charles

Becoming New Quotes #635708

Charon Lloyd-Roberts

Becoming New Quotes #645981
#49. The formation of a diaspora could be articulated as the quintessential journey into becoming; a process marked by incessant regoupings, recreations, and reiteration. Together these stressed actions strive to open up new spaces of discursive and performative postcolonial consciousness.

Okwui Enwezor

Becoming New Quotes #651387
#50. P15 - Our advanced technological society is rapidly making objects of us and subtly programming us into conformity to the logic of its system to the degree that this happens, we are also becoming submerged in a new "Culture of Silence".

Paulo Freire

Becoming New Quotes #670446
#51. It seems that our brave new world is becoming less tolerant, spiritual and educated than it ever was when I was young.

Lemmy Kilmister

Becoming New Quotes #674686
#52. By slapping the word mindfulness on new products and services simply to make them fashionable, these corporations are making the word itself somewhat impotent. "Mindfulness" is at risk of becoming the new "organic.

David Gelles

Becoming New Quotes #691816
#53. The gospel is not about ... pie-in-the-sky when they die ... It is imperative that the up and coming generation recognize that the biblical Jesus was committed to the realization of a new social order in this world ... Becoming a Christian, therefore, is a call to social action.

Tony Campolo

Becoming New Quotes #699575
#54. The logical connection was irrefutable. Her vision channels were being forced to encompass more than the narrow field of commerce, thereby becoming wider. The subject matter or palatability of the new visions was irrelevant. That they

Nalini Singh

Becoming New Quotes #707591
#55. It's becoming clear that the world is listening, so now we're trying to get new groups of people talking.

Ethan Zuckerman

Becoming New Quotes #721266
#56. Perhaps,' I wearily suggest, 'reading is the opiate of the educated classes.' 'Is it? Are you thinking of becoming a flower child?' he says, lighting up a new cigar.

Philip Roth

Becoming New Quotes #750789
#57. We can transition from being victims of the human condition to becoming secure, sound, effective managers of our world

Jeremy Griffith

Becoming New Quotes #758000
#58. My attention is constantly being caught! I'm constantly learning, constantly becoming fascinated by new things - I'm lucky that I read incredibly quickly and absorb a lot of information easily, because otherwise I don't think I'd ever get my head out of a book!

Elise Andrew

Becoming New Quotes #789265
#59. And so in my warnings, I was pointing to a number of incidents around the communion that could undermine our growing sense of communion - of becoming a global communion. So that's why I pointed to New Westminster in Canada, to incidents in the United States, and Sydney itself.

George Carey

Becoming New Quotes #797151
#60. I didn't really spend much time with anyone my own age during high school because I believed my true calling would be representing New Jersey in the U.S. Senate, and if that didn't work out, I could always fall back on becoming an Olympic pole vaulter.

Chelsea Handler

Becoming New Quotes #814656
#61. I always enjoy the process, meeting somebody new and spending time with them and becoming friends with them. That has always been the joy of 'Strictly' for me, so I enjoy every year.

Anton Du Beke

Becoming New Quotes #820261
#62. In my opinion, there's this new phenomenon where guys used to talk about cars a lot in the past. But, more and more it's becoming them talking about recording studios.

Fred Armisen

Becoming New Quotes #826886
#63. The rush of power to the head is not as becoming as a new hat

Helen Van Slyke

Becoming New Quotes #841986
#64. Galleries are becoming overwhelmed with psychedelic music/art. I like it; it's a good direction, a new blurring of the lines between what you do.

Brian Chippendale

Becoming New Quotes #843212
#65. I drove from New York to California by myself. The iconography of travel and escape is everywhere in my photographs ... So actually becoming a runaway was crucial. I had this idea that I'd make my way across the frontier and find my story as it was actually happening in the landscape.

Justine Kurland

Becoming New Quotes #847536
#66. As Apple continues to release new styles of netbooks, laptops, and even desktops with untold movie-watching and game-playing capabilities, I wouldn't be surprised to see the iPhone operating system running on them - and the Macintosh eventually becoming a thing of the past.

Douglas Rushkoff

Becoming New Quotes #884995
#67. Becoming Richard Pryor is a compulsively readable book that sets a new gold standard for American biography. Scott Scaul's research is extraordinary; his writing is taut, elegant, and insightful; and he captures both the hilarity and pain that made Richard Pryor such a towering figure,

Debby Applegate

Becoming New Quotes #889389
#68. When Jerusalem is destroyed, and Jesus' people escape from the ruin just in time, that will be YHWH becoming king, bringing about the liberation of his true covenant people, the true return from exile, the beginning of the new world order

N. T. Wright

Becoming New Quotes #892317
#69. In the past few years I have begun the process of becoming a new man.

Jack Abramoff

Becoming New Quotes #921812
#70. Becoming the new feminine ideal requires just the right combination of insecurity, exercise, bulimia and surgery.

Garry Trudeau

Becoming New Quotes #922845
#71. I was seventeen when I moved to New York. I was nineteen when I joined the main company. I was going through a lot. Just becoming an adult and just wanting to fit in, be accepted, and be in common with the other dancers.

Misty Copeland

Becoming New Quotes #938348
#72. The reason I shift gears constantly, why I'm doing an opera, why I've done essays, why I've written poetry for years that nobody wanted, why I do short stories and novels and screenplays ... is so I will have new ways of failing. This means becoming a student again.

Ray Bradbury

Becoming New Quotes #973388
#73. I guess I'm in a state of becoming. Even though I've had a full career and I've been around a long time, it's like dinosaurs are coming back. It's all new. I'm having to be on my own and seeing how exciting life can be now.

Valerie Simpson

Becoming New Quotes #985664
#74. The housing crisis may not be the worst thing that's happened to New York City because it was becoming impossible for some of the young doctors, for some of the young artists, for some of the people that make the city so special to be able to live here.

Juan Enriquez

Becoming New Quotes #992087
#75. In becoming a citizen, one undertakes certain duties and responsibilities. One of the more intangible of those duties and responsibilities is no matter what one's birth and background, to accept the historical past of the new country as one's own.

J.M. Coetzee

Becoming New Quotes #1017279
#76. The global economy is becoming a place where women are more successful than men, and these economic changes are starting to rapidly affect our culture - what our romantic comedies look like, what our marriages look like, what our dating lives look like, and our new set of superheroes.

Hanna Rosin

Becoming New Quotes #1026271
#77. We're becoming a planet of a thousand new major cities. The economy of the 21st century is a city-building economy. It's within our power to make it a carbon zero one, too; and to be blunt, civilization depends on our success.

Alex Steffen

Becoming New Quotes #1057562
#78. To be a human being means to be lonely.To go on becoming a person means exploring new modes of resting in our loneliness.

Robert Hobson

Becoming New Quotes #1064443
#79. In this era of tightening world food supplies, the ability to grow food is fast becoming a new form of geopolitical leverage. Food is the new oil. Land is the new gold.

Lester R. Brown

Becoming New Quotes #1072739
#80. Some kids dream of joining the circus, others of becoming a major league baseball player. I have been doubly blessed. As a member of the New York Yankees, I have gotten to do both.

Graig Nettles

Becoming New Quotes #1077193
#81. The art of painting is entering a new golden age. It is in no danger of becoming obsolete.

Joseph Plaskett

Becoming New Quotes #1106459
#82. The nation-state is becoming less and less competent to perform its international political tasks ... These are some of the reasons pressing us to lead vigorously toward the true building of a new world order.

Nelson Rockefeller

Becoming New Quotes #1117987
#83. In coming to the Congress as a new Member and becoming a fellow Blue Dog, we have had an opportunity to share and really spend a great deal of time in examining the challenges that our Nation finds itself in in getting its fiscal house in order.

Jim Costa

Becoming New Quotes #1119794
#84. As humans embrace new forms of social media to keep connected with friends and colleagues, our robots are becoming increasingly sociable.

Ken Goldberg

Becoming New Quotes #1150797
#85. A new study shows that American students are becoming less proficient in science, and if the trend continues, we will become a nation that's science and chemistry illiterate. And you thought a lot of meth labs are blowing up now?

Jay Leno

Becoming New Quotes #1185218
#86. To be a visionary parent, we need to keep working on ourselves, becoming forever new and improved.

Mark Victor Hansen

Becoming New Quotes #1192529
#87. I have new bodyguards ever since I got a TV show. I didn't know, but it's a lot like becoming president. They tell you every single secret, like who shot JFK. When you have a TV show, they not only tell you who shot JFK, but they assign you bodyguards.

Scott Aukerman

Becoming New Quotes #1194657
#88. The New Testament says the Word became flesh. Sacramental theology is all about discovering, in fear and trembling, how to allow that Word to go on becoming flesh.

N. T. Wright

Becoming New Quotes #1197882
#89. It is a fact that our fresh water is becoming more scarce and that the new ways we are getting energy in America - fracking, mountaintop removal, cyclic steam extraction, deep-sea drilling - all pollute water, pollute the air, and pollute our soil and food.

Mark Ruffalo

Becoming New Quotes #1212098
#90. That's why I think that cultivation, 'becoming a real human being,' really is the primary leadership issue of our time, but on a scale never required before. It's a very old idea that may actually hold the key to a new age of 'global democracy.

Peter M. Senge

Becoming New Quotes #1218843
#91. About half of the loyalists who left the United States ended up going north to Canada, settling in the province of Nova Scotia and also becoming pioneering settlers in the province of New Brunswick.

Rachel Martin

Becoming New Quotes #1240349
#92. Civilization never stands still; if in one country it is falling back, in another it is changing, evolving, becoming more complicated, bringing fresh experience to body and mind, breeding new desires, and exploiting Nature's cupboard for their satisfaction.

Arthur Keith

Becoming New Quotes #1252962
#93. You can bring tremendous value to your business, your customers, and yourself by becoming proficient at bringing in new business.

Mike Weinberg

Becoming New Quotes #1253076
#94. Obama came to power with this element of raising many new hopes and expectations but he's been fought back by the system, becoming almost paralyzed in a way.

Gilberto Gil

Becoming New Quotes #1270283
#95. In this new world economy, national boundaries are increasingly becoming obsolete.

Ronald Reagan

Becoming New Quotes #1288357
#96. I am no longer afraid of becoming lost, because the journey back always reveals something new, and that is ultimately good for the artist.

Billy Joel

Becoming New Quotes #1324470
#97. Now was not the time to get ensnared in something new and complicated, and he didn't really have the energy for a one-night hookup which, he knew, had a funny way of becoming as exhausting as something longer-term.

Hanya Yanagihara

Becoming New Quotes #1335146
#98. That's the thing about becoming a family: you gotta melt. You have to keep melting into each other until you become something entirely new. The only constant family rule is that everyone has to keep showing up.

Glennon Doyle Melton

Becoming New Quotes #1350313
#99. It's unbecoming," she agreed. "A perfect word for my new life. Unbecoming. I who have always been unbecoming am becoming un.

Gregory Maguire

Becoming New Quotes #1359428
#100. The Lord Himself is the one standard of conduct and character in the New Testament. People do not object to a man or a woman becoming outwardly holy, but they do object to his or her becoming a personal devotee of Jesus Christ.

Oswald Chambers

Becoming New Quotes #1378687

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