Top 75 Becoming Anything Quotes

#1. The state we call realization is simply being oneself, not knowing anything or becoming anything.

Ramana Maharshi

Becoming Anything Quotes #701268
#2. That's where all good music comes from, I think - anything that's likely to have an impact on pop culture comes from a point where there's no expectation of it becoming anything other than personal.

Billie Joe Armstrong

Becoming Anything Quotes #756112
#3. I often describe the Absolute as Pure Infinite Potential, prior to being or becoming anything. It is forever unborn, yet gives birth to all of existence. About our ultimate nature nothing can be said; it must be revealed.


Becoming Anything Quotes #1011440
#4. She was not becoming anything different from what she always was and always had the capacity to be. You just finally saw everything. And once you saw that other part of her ... You cannot pick and choose what parts of her to love. Just as you cannot pick which parts of me you accept.

Sarah J. Maas

Becoming Anything Quotes #1416093
#5. The fear of becoming a 'has-been' keeps some people from becoming anything.

Eric Hoffer

Becoming Anything Quotes #1578778
#6. Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

Paul Coelho

Becoming Anything Quotes #1743992
#7. Dont let anyone tell you what you are ever- that way you never run the danger of becoming anything but what you believe in.

Pete Wentz

Becoming Anything Quotes #689888
#8. That sounded about as likely as Apophis and Ra becoming Facebook buddies, but I decided not to say anything.

Rick Riordan

Becoming Anything Quotes #1332452
#9. Anything that opens you up emotionally is going to impact your acting. Parenthood, becoming a mom, certainly does that.

Keri Russell

Becoming Anything Quotes #880351
#10. You have to be again innocent, ignorant, not knowing anything, so that the questions can start arising again. Again the inquiry becomes alive, and with the inquiry becoming alive you cannot vegetate. Then life becomes an exploration, an adventure.


Becoming Anything Quotes #1221088
#11. After becoming deaf, I realized that I'd better get an education if I was ever to do anything with my life.

I. King Jordan

Becoming Anything Quotes #1199913
#12. So many stars in the sky, each unique and full of destiny. I wanted more than anything to be part of those stars.
I never realized becoming one would destroy me.

Tracy Krimmer

Becoming Anything Quotes #1167372
#13. I am the youngest of four children - three boys and one girl. I don't think becoming an actor had anything to do with seeking attention, though. My relationship with my siblings when I was growing up was close and playful.

David Harewood

Becoming Anything Quotes #1164331
#14. Evolve and see what comes with you anything that doesn't has taught you all you need to know.

Nikki Rowe

Becoming Anything Quotes #1129864
#15. Becoming a vampire is forever. You don't get to change your mind about it later. For me, I think that's one of the big drawbacks with anything that's permanent. How do you know how you're going to feel in five years or 10 years? Even with a tattoo.

Stephenie Meyer

Becoming Anything Quotes #1089076
#16. I went from not knowing anything to becoming really curious and wanting to know and respecting people in the industry, realizing how hard they work. I will always be thankful for 'Top Model' for that.

Fatima Siad

Becoming Anything Quotes #1064956
#17. Article Five: If you have no reason or ability to accomplish anything, then just practice the art of becoming.

Elif Shafak

Becoming Anything Quotes #1039367
#18. If you have the guts to do anything,then you better save enough to face the consequences. Becoming bigger than life requires guts & instinct.

Ziad K. Abdelnour

Becoming Anything Quotes #1031733
#19. Again Sam's genitals became rock, and this astonished him as much as anything. Through Franz, he was becoming the stone Earth; the final border separating him from the planet was disappearing. And this transformation to rock was fuelled by desire, the most ephemeral thing on Earth.

Barry Webster

Becoming Anything Quotes #980430
#20. I grew up in a Hindu household but went to a Roman Catholic school. I grew up with a mother who said, 'I'll arrange a marriage for you at 18,' but she also said that we could achieve anything we put our minds to an encourage us to dream of becoming prime minister or president.

Indra Nooyi

Becoming Anything Quotes #961992
#21. Obama is not the messiah any longer. He is now your standard, ordinary, everyday politician who lies, who breaks promises, who's in it for himself, who can't do anything on his own. He's not qualified. All of this is becoming known, sadly, too late.

Rush Limbaugh

Becoming Anything Quotes #953109
#22. When you get into any kind of period work, or any kind of prosthetic work, or anything that alters what your 8x10 looks like, it's the joy of escaping and becoming somebody else. And it is definitely freeing.

Scott Bakula

Becoming Anything Quotes #913131
#23. Golf is a game, and talk and discussion is all to the interests of the game. Anything that keeps the game alive and prevents us being bored with it is an advantage. Anything that makes us think about it, talk about it, and dream about it is all to the good and prevents the game becoming dead.

Alister MacKenzie

Becoming Anything Quotes #910900
#24. It was becoming clear to me that I shouldn't bother to get too attached to anything. Turn your back and you lose it. Just like that.

Sarah Dessen

Becoming Anything Quotes #1878437
#25. We become our own opposition when we accept the following: procrastinating, lying to ourselves, comparing ourselves to others, and having self-doubts - in short, anything that gets in the way of our becoming who we were created to be.

Steve Harvey

Becoming Anything Quotes #1575903
#26. The SUV was the only car moving. Josh had his foot pressed flat to the floor, and the needle on the speedometer hovered close to eighty. He was becoming more comfortable with the controls - he hadn't hit anything for at least a minute.

Michael Scott

Becoming Anything Quotes #1848392
#27. If you have no reason or ability to accomplish anything, then practice the art of becoming.
If you have no reason or ability to practice the art of becoming, then just be.
If you don't have any reason or ability to just be, then endure.

Elif Shafak

Becoming Anything Quotes #1835305
#28. I can honestly say, there was a moment when I was writing 'Upstream Color' where I fell so hard for what it was becoming that I couldn't think of anything else. I was absolutely secure in this story in the way I'm rarely secure about anything else in my life.

Shane Carruth

Becoming Anything Quotes #1793154
#29. If someone says that he can think or talk about quantum physics without becoming dizzy, that shows only that he has not understood anything whatever about it.

Murray Gell-Mann

Becoming Anything Quotes #1748654
#30. I believe that this life is all we have. I don't believe in anything after this, so I think the choices we make here are so important and the relationships we choose are crucial, especially in that time when we are developing ourselves and we're becoming adults.

Joel Kinnaman

Becoming Anything Quotes #1744063
#31. I've been doing my job for a long time and I never really thought about being an actress or being anything like that. I was always a bit scared as well because of the thing about models becoming an actress and all that. I just never really took it seriously.

Gisele Bundchen

Becoming Anything Quotes #1705851
#32. 'Bunk' is better than 'Wheel of Fortune' because we have a wheel, just like them, but our wheel is purposeless. It doesn't do anything. It just spins for no reason. Which is nice because it frees our wheel up to really pursue its dream: becoming a professional paddlewheel.

Kurt Braunohler

Becoming Anything Quotes #1684133
#33. It's a shame that jazz is now being turned into dried fruit. It's becoming quantized, diced and defined. It's becoming an idiom. To me if it's anything, jazz is a verb ? it's more like a process than it is a thing.

Pat Metheny

Becoming Anything Quotes #1631693
#34. Becoming interested in poetics got me interested in theater. Theater is supposed to be poetry, you know, before it's anything else. It just doesn't fly if it isn't musical.

Steve Earle

Becoming Anything Quotes #1355130
#35. I don't see how you can live in a black and white world without becoming ... uncreative. You can't make anything new. Everything already is what it is.

Susan Meissner

Becoming Anything Quotes #1533996
#36. People who are drawn to journalism are usually people who, because of their cynicism or emotional detachment or reserve or whatever, are incapable of being anything but witnesses to events. Something prevents them from becoming involved, committed, and allows them to remain separate.

Nora Ephron

Becoming Anything Quotes #1512492
#37. I kind of see myself as a cartoon that's on its way to becoming a real person that has to find that special amulet or mushroom to get to that next realm or level. I don't feel like anything is that tangible. It freaks me out, why I feel unhappy or conflicted and why that can change on a dime.

Carly Pope

Becoming Anything Quotes #1490672
#38. I was working in Chicago, in theater and in commercials and anything that anybody would let me do. When I moved to L.A., I had made a choice to be a character actor, meaning that I wanted to become somebody else. That's what attracted me to becoming an actor in the first place.

Janina Gavankar

Becoming Anything Quotes #1437785
#39. I know hockey is growing in the U.S., and it's becoming more popular, but anything to get the game out there and see how we view it. We view it as the best game in the world.

Patrick Kane

Becoming Anything Quotes #1426486
#40. Becoming an adult is all about accepting that you didn't know anything when you were a kid.

Andrew Sturm

Becoming Anything Quotes #1404574
#41. I first thought about becoming a writer after the age of 30, which is rather late, I'd say. In my 20s, I wasn't especially good at anything, and I didn't have a lot of experiences. I was just a young woman without a good job.

Natsuo Kirino

Becoming Anything Quotes #1358270
#42. But the "Get Tough America" policy, the spirit of revenge, the approbation of all destruction and killing, has earned us a name for obscene brutality, and cost the World the possibility of Germany's becoming a peaceful and intellectually fruitful nation in anything but the most remote future.

Kurt Vonnegut

Becoming Anything Quotes #129435
#43. Nothing seemed to give me pleasure anymore, not even music. My attitude was becoming more and more fatalistic and hopeless. I had no enthusiasm, and no particular interest in anything, including sex. It was as though I'd become a passionless robot, simply existing from day to day without feeling.

Scott Pratt

Becoming Anything Quotes #313032
#44. The most unfortunate thing that happens to a person who fears failure is that he limits himself by becoming afraid to try anything new.

Leo Buscaglia

Becoming Anything Quotes #306701
#45. Getting rich, or becoming outstanding at anything is all a matter of attitude. You must make up your mind once and for all - you commit yourself - and then just stay with it until you finally have what you set out to get.

Earl Nightingale

Becoming Anything Quotes #276954
#46. Look for, and work on becoming, a man or woman who, as a single, seeks God wholeheartedly, putting Him before anything else. Don't worry about impressing the opposite sex. Instead, strive to please and glorify God. Along the way you'll catch the attention of people with the same priorities.

Joshua Harris

Becoming Anything Quotes #233443
#47. It is becoming a bad dream
in the daytime as well as at night. I see him nearly all the time and can't get at him, I mustn't show anything, must remain gay while I'm really in despair.

Anne Frank

Becoming Anything Quotes #221910
#48. Songwriting never feels like it's me doing anything consciously except for becoming aware somehow that it's time to let something out, or let something in, depending on how you look at it.

Scout Niblett

Becoming Anything Quotes #193674
#49. Becoming a writer is not a 'career decision' like becoming a doctor or a policeman. You don't choose it so much as get chosen, and once you accept the fact that you're not fit for anything else, you have to be prepared to walk a long, hard road for the rest of your days.

Paul Auster

Becoming Anything Quotes #193221
#50. Before his Becoming, he would not have dared any of this. Now he realized he could do anything. Anything. Anything.

Thomas Harris

Becoming Anything Quotes #154683
#51. When I was younger, I always wanted to be a musician, a performer and an entertainer - but I never thought about becoming a poster or anything like that. It's pretty cool.

Ross Lynch

Becoming Anything Quotes #324500
#52. Becoming a mother has been the best experience of my life, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Karisma Kapoor

Becoming Anything Quotes #116890
#53. I'll admit that it's not easy to get an agent, but becoming successful in anything requires perseverance.

Nicholas Sparks

Becoming Anything Quotes #83003
#54. I mistook non-conformity for freedom and in so doing found myself anything but free. For it is in conformity to one's true nature that one is most becoming, in both senses of the word: well-fitted and beautiful.

Karen Swallow Prior

Becoming Anything Quotes #62655
#55. If it was something that I really committed myself to, I don't think there's anything that could stop me becoming President of the United States.

Will Smith

Becoming Anything Quotes #52424
#56. I couldn't say I ever dreamt of becoming a composer, a pianist, or anything else for that matter. I have the kind of brain where nothing is set in stone.

Anthony Hopkins

Becoming Anything Quotes #46749
#57. The image of the scientist who puts the pursuit of truth before anything else has been shattered and replaced by a man on the make or a quasi-religious enthusiast who wants to prove his case at any cost. Science is becoming the tool of campaigning warfare, in which truth is the first casualty.

Paul Johnson

Becoming Anything Quotes #42562
#58. Catty is not cool. I can't think of anything less becoming than a man who talks about people behind their backs.

Meghan Markle

Becoming Anything Quotes #26471
#59. You and I wear the dangerous looseness of doom and find it becoming. Life,for eternal us,is now;and now is much too busy being a little more than everything to seem anything,catastrophic included.

E. E. Cummings

Becoming Anything Quotes #538119
#60. I can't believe we've got away with becoming this huge band. And we still haven't done anything I think is that good yet.

Chris Martin

Becoming Anything Quotes #758952
#61. You're afraid of becoming your dad. You don't want to choose the wrong thing, so you don't choose anything at all.

Nicola Yoon

Becoming Anything Quotes #752937
#62. I love anything that has to do with expanding and becoming more than you can actually become. Going further than you did before.

Bobby Williams

Becoming Anything Quotes #749981
#63. You're not seeing anything, saying anything. The weird paradox is that you think you're at the center of things, and that makes your opinions more valuable, but you yourself are becoming less vibrant. I bet you haven't done anything offscreen in months.

Dave Eggers

Becoming Anything Quotes #732279
#64. When I was little, I thought about becoming a lawyer like my parents, and my mother would always tell me, "You can do anything you want - except be a lawyer."

Alexandra Daddario

Becoming Anything Quotes #708178
#65. To suffer because of anything you see, feel or experience here in the world of moment to moment is a mistake. It is like becoming upset over a frightening dream.

Frederick Lenz

Becoming Anything Quotes #671502
#66. I write from the same place I parent, and since becoming a single parent, I have found it difficult, if not impossible, to write anything of length.

Dirk Benedict

Becoming Anything Quotes #605265
#67. The best security for civilization is the dwelling, and upon properly appointed and becoming dwellings depends, more than anything else, the improvement of mankind.

Benjamin Disraeli

Becoming Anything Quotes #599494
#68. But we had no intention of becoming shopkeepers or merely earning money. We needed work that would at the same time procure us satisfaction. And more than anything, we desired to make ourselves useful

Heinrich Harrer

Becoming Anything Quotes #782055
#69. We historians are increasingly using experimental psychology to understand the way we act. It is becoming very clear that our ability to evaluate risk is hedged by all sorts of cognitive biases. It's a miracle that we get anything right.

Niall Ferguson

Becoming Anything Quotes #479634
#70. I honor anybody who wants to be a man and do the work of becoming a man. I honor anyone who mindfully becomes a woman. That's cool. But, I really don't get how there's only two choices. There's no two of anything else in the entire universe; why should there only be two genders? I don't get it.

Kate Bornstein

Becoming Anything Quotes #442193
#71. I paint a little and keep sketchbooks because it has the effect of preventing me becoming lazy about looking. The subject could be anything.

Richard Billingham

Becoming Anything Quotes #367946
#72. I'm not saying that the press is wrong to report any internal differences we have, but at the same time, I think it's our job to keep them from becoming public issues, for anything that detracts from the purely athletic aspects of the sport is bad for us.

Pete Rozelle

Becoming Anything Quotes #349192
#73. Macrobiotic living is the process of changing ourselves so that we can eat anything we like without fear of becoming ill; it enables us to live a joyful life during which we can achieve anything we choose.

George Ohsawa

Becoming Anything Quotes #348463
#74. IF YOUR OPPONENT strikes with fire, counter with water, becoming completely fluid and free-flowing. Water, by its nature, never collides with or breaks against anything. On the contrary, it swallows up any attack harmlessly.

Morihei Ueshiba

Becoming Anything Quotes #338687
#75. When I was at school, most people were planning on going to university and becoming doctors or lawyers. I wanted to be a singer, and I was laughed at. It was tough, but I never let anything stop me.

Mollie King

Becoming Anything Quotes #326252

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