Top 32 Beauty Dies Quotes

#1. Things thought too long can be no longer thought, For beauty dies of beauty, worth of worth, And ancient lineaments are blotted out.

William Butler Yeats

Beauty Dies Quotes #708669
#2. Virtue lives when Beauty dies.

Bill Vaughan

Beauty Dies Quotes #878526
#3. Love, built on beauty, soon as beauty, dies.

John Donne

Beauty Dies Quotes #1179689
#4. Goodness, Time's rude hand defies,
And winter lives when beauty dies.

Henry Kirke White

Beauty Dies Quotes #1725715
#5. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly lies to the bone. Beauty dies and fades away, but ugly holds its own! Create and cultivate Inner Beauty that never fades away but grows and matures with Time!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

Beauty Dies Quotes #11921
#6. After so many years even the fire of passion dies, and with it what was believed the light of the truth. Who of us is able to say now whether Hector or Achilles was right, Agamemnon or Priam, when they fought over the beauty of a woman who is now dust and ashes?

Umberto Eco

Beauty Dies Quotes #897223
#7. BEL-IMPERIA: Oh let me go; for in my troubled eyes
Now may'st thou read that life in passion dies.
HORATIO: Oh stay a while, and I will die with thee;
So shalt thou yield, and yet have conquered me.

Thomas Kyd

Beauty Dies Quotes #1579291
#8. Oh, that's the beauty of the rose, that it blossoms and dies.

Willa Cather

Beauty Dies Quotes #951015
#9. The other side of love is hate; the other side of love is jealousy. So if a woman gets caught in hate and jealousy, all the beauty of love dies and she is left only with poison in her hands. She will poison herself and she will poison everybody who is around. To


Beauty Dies Quotes #956270
#10. Every seed dies before It grows.


Beauty Dies Quotes #1108260
#11. All that is beautiful shall abide, All that is base shall die.

Robert Williams Buchanan

Beauty Dies Quotes #1139530
#12. Nothing divine dies. All good is eternally reproductive. The beauty of nature reforms itself in the mind, and not for barren contemplation, but for new creation.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beauty Dies Quotes #1224923
#13. Telling over to myself/ how beauty never dies/ but lies apart/ among the aborigines/ of art/ and far above the battlefields/ of love
pg. 23// // A Coney Island of the Mind

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Beauty Dies Quotes #1384406
#14. I have not stopped loving her, nor my parabatai; love does not stop when someone dies.

Cassandra Clare

Beauty Dies Quotes #1392176
#15. When someone dies but love remains, it like a star you can never touch. All its beauty remains so real; in the end, you would never wish it away.

S.L. Northey

Beauty Dies Quotes #1414037
#16. Flowers teach us that nothing is permanent: not their beauty, not even the fact that they will inevitably wilt, because they will still give new seeds.
Remember this when you feel joy, pain, or sadness.
Everything passes, grows old, dies, and is reborn.

Paulo Coelho

Beauty Dies Quotes #1483920
#17. Beauty plus pity-that is the closest we can get to a definition of art. Where there is beauty there is pity for the simple reason that beauty must die: beauty always dies, the manner dies with the matter, the world dies with the individual.

Vladimir Nabokov

Beauty Dies Quotes #1530839
#18. Nobody dies who leaves beauty behind.

Belinda Bauer

Beauty Dies Quotes #1565375
#19. If he's foolish enough to think beauty is in the skin and not the heart, then I hope he dies quickly and rids the world of his stupidity.

Sylvain Reynard

Beauty Dies Quotes #893050
#20. Looking young and attractive with makeup is the next best thing to actually being young and attractive. After all, a woman only has a few years where she really is youthful, but she can wear foundation makeup til the day she dies (and even after!).

Linda Sunshine

Beauty Dies Quotes #512926
#21. Beauty, without kindness, dies unenjoyed and undelighting.

Samuel Johnson

Beauty Dies Quotes #511920
#22. There is something beautiful in every person that never dies, no matter their misfortunes.

Bryant McGill

Beauty Dies Quotes #504183
#23. All dies! and not alone
The aspiring trees and men and grass;
The poets' forms of beauty pass,
And noblest deeds they are undone,
Even truth itself decays, and lo,
From truth's sad ashes pain and falsehood grow.

Herman Melville

Beauty Dies Quotes #346464
#24. Beauty is momentary in the mind
The fitful tracing of a portal; But in the flesh it is immortal. The body dies; the body's beauty lives. So evenings die, in their green going, A wave, interminably flowing.

Wallace Stevens

Beauty Dies Quotes #269477
#25. What is lovely never dies, but passes into other loveliness, Star-dust, or sea-foam, flower or winged air.

Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Beauty Dies Quotes #240097
#26. Art is the only beauty that never dies.

Sylvain Reynard

Beauty Dies Quotes #209926
#27. The ladies of St. James's! They're painted to the eyes; Their white is stays for ever, Their red it never dies; But Phyllida, my Phillida! Her colour comes and goes; It trembles to a lily,
It wavers to a rose.

Henry Austin Dobson

Beauty Dies Quotes #200588
#28. Hearts are like tapers, which at beauteous eyes Kindle a flame of love that never dies; And beauty is a flame, where hearts, like moths, Offer themselves a burning sacrifice.

Omar Khayyam

Beauty Dies Quotes #177547
#29. Beauty crowds me till I die.

Emily Dickinson

Beauty Dies Quotes #170600
#30. Beauty has wings, and too hastily flies, and love, unrewarded, soon sickens and dies.

George Edward Moore

Beauty Dies Quotes #77807
#31. Beauty thinks it needs no talent and can feed on itself, so it soon dies.

V.C. Andrews

Beauty Dies Quotes #30412
#32. Far too often, it is at the moment where we finally stand on the very precipice of some great thing that we turn and abandon it, for it is at these seminal moments that fear wins and greatness dies. The beauty of Christmas is that God steps over precipices.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Beauty Dies Quotes #17848

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