Top 40 Bad Environment Quotes

#1. There are no bad boys. There is only bad environment, bad training, bad example, bad thinking.

Edward J. Flanagan

Bad Environment Quotes #28459
#2. Philly ain't a good environment for you when you headed in a different direction. Bad things happen left and right. You might walk up the street, make a wrong turn, and your whole life could flip.

Meek Mill

Bad Environment Quotes #1543657
#3. They've never known a time when people drank rain water because it was pure, or could eat snow, or swim in any river or brook. The last time I drove to Washington the traffic was so bad that I could have made better time with a horse.

Madeleine L'Engle

Bad Environment Quotes #1336147
#4. It's much easier for people to compare wages or identify bad employers or discuss bad labor practices in the Internet economy than it was in, say, a factory environment, where that stuff wasn't usually published or available.

Leila Janah

Bad Environment Quotes #1346571
#5. If home cooks shopped in their own vegetable bin before going to the market, they would save money and help the environment, too, and all because they decided to rescue a vegetable before it turned bad.

Dana Cowin

Bad Environment Quotes #1363750
#6. Outsourcing is a reflection of a bad economic environment domestically. If you fix that, you fix outsourcing. Our primary export is paper money, and that should change if you change the monetary policy.

Ron Paul

Bad Environment Quotes #1368986
#7. It starts in the home environment. If the parents eat bad? Those kids are going to eat bad. If they see their parents stopping at McDonald's or Pizza Hut, then that's what they're going to eat as well.

Donald Driver

Bad Environment Quotes #1399471
#8. According to a new UN report, the global warming outlook is much worse than originally predicted. Which is pretty bad, when they originally predicted it would destroy the planet.

Jay Leno

Bad Environment Quotes #1407517
#9. Rehearsing failure is simply a bad habit, not a productive use of your time. When you choose to visualize the path that works, you're more likely to shore it up and create an environment where it can take place.

Seth Godin

Bad Environment Quotes #1432208
#10. So instead, I went to good old "Spare Parts" Rover 1 and stole its environment heater. I've gutted that poor rover so much, it looks like I parked it in a bad part of town. I

Andy Weir

Bad Environment Quotes #1434710
#11. People always accuse me of being motivational in a way, like it was a bad thing, but that's just how I was raised. My mom raised me in a positive environment, with lots of love in my heart, and that reflects in my music.

Lenny Kravitz

Bad Environment Quotes #1459517
#12. Wealth is not necessarily a bad thing when it has been earned in an honest manner and neither other individuals nor the environment suffered for it.

Dalai Lama

Bad Environment Quotes #1164284
#13. We have no reason to think that climate change is harmful if you look at the world as a whole. Most places, in fact, are better off being warmer than being colder. And historically, the really bad times for the environment and for people have been the cold periods rather than the warm periods.

Freeman Dyson

Bad Environment Quotes #1562279
#14. All good qualities in a child are the result of environment, while all the bad ones are the result of poor heredity on the side of the other parent

Elinor Smith

Bad Environment Quotes #1629925
#15. I certainly know first hand the waste one lady can create through her primping routine, because I am a victim of fashion: to me a day without makeup and a bouffant to match is a day wasted. I love it all - whether it's fancy, cheap or, I'm ashamed to say, even if it's bad for the environment.

Beth Ditto

Bad Environment Quotes #1714124
#16. I think unscripted variety television may or may not get a bad rap now, but it is a fabulous environment. It is exactly who I am, and there's so much creativity there to express.

James Pearse Connelly

Bad Environment Quotes #1719291
#17. The meat industry spends hundreds of millions of dollars lying to the public about their product. But no amount of false propaganda can sanitize meat. The facts are absolutely clear: Eating meat is bad for human health, catastrophic for the environment, and a living nightmare for animals

Chrissie Hynde

Bad Environment Quotes #1765510
#18. The wild is where you find it, not in some distant world relegated to a nostalgic past or an idealized future; its presence is not black or white, bad or good, corrupted or innocent... We are of that nature, not apart from it. We survive because of it, not instead of it.

Renee Askins

Bad Environment Quotes #1797105
#19. They kill good trees to put out bad newspapers.

James G. Watt

Bad Environment Quotes #1799096
#20. The leader's Attitude is like a thermostat for the place she works. If her attitude is good, the atmosphere is pleasant, and the environment is easy to work in. But if her attitude is bad, the temperature is insufferable.

John C. Maxwell

Bad Environment Quotes #1839442
#21. Take any person, put them in the wrong environment, and they can get off to some pretty bad things. Warren Buffett has said that he would not like to get into debt because he doesn't want to discover what behavior he's capable of.

Guy Spier

Bad Environment Quotes #1858351
#22. In life there are many thing's you may not like or want but is necessary for stability and sustainability for life and its environment. GOOD - BAD, BAD - GOOD = GOOD = BAD.


Bad Environment Quotes #575405
#23. It's just like any relationship, the more contained the environment, the more the good stuff appears and the more the bad stuff will reveal itself.

Bruce Greenwood

Bad Environment Quotes #2928
#24. All the Tauruses I know have this connection to the earth and the environment. We are very curious people, very loyal, very aware of and respectful of our surroundings. Also, we're stubborn, but that's our way. We understand what we want, which is not bad.

Francisco Costa

Bad Environment Quotes #29422
#25. It's too bad music can't be like movies. For me, playing music and listening to music and creating music is very environmental. It creates a certain environment; it sets a specific mood.

Avey Tare

Bad Environment Quotes #31141
#26. People in London are so much more exposed to danger, or bad things. It took me quite a long time to grow up in that environment.

Eliot Paulina Sumner

Bad Environment Quotes #253808
#27. There is consequence of our forgetting who we are. Forgetting that we're able to create our environment, from our health to economy to war. Something can be done about everything we perceive as bad, if we so choose. If we are aware of the concept of compassion.

Alanis Morissette

Bad Environment Quotes #347013
#28. Good attitudes are contagious; they inspire and encourage others. Bad attitudes are also contagious; they create a negative and hostile work environment and make others feel uncomfortable - like they have to walk on eggshells all the time.

Tony Cooke

Bad Environment Quotes #383053
#29. I would like the [film] industry to be more aware of what they're doing to influence people for good and for bad. There's no doubt that we're affected by our environment

Dorothy Arzner

Bad Environment Quotes #398219
#30. Notions of Good and Evil depend entirely on social context. It is not that people are good or bad, they are raised in an aberrant or twisted environment.

Jacque Fresco

Bad Environment Quotes #450605
#31. Living on through loss seems by contrast as bad or worse; it means experiencing environmental deterioration, steady decline in human well-being, and increasing constraint on future human action consciously and slowly while realizing that they are likely to continue for generations after one is gone.

Frederick Buell

Bad Environment Quotes #455520
#32. Nature doesn't see things through the prism of good or bad. It rewards efficiency. That's the beautiful simplicity of evolution. It matches design to environment.

Blake Crouch

Bad Environment Quotes #1103348
#33. Change your environment and if the need be, change your company because it goes a long way to create another version for you which can easily ripe for decay!

Israelmore Ayivor

Bad Environment Quotes #669589
#34. Things will absolutely go wrong. In a healthy team, as soon as things go wrong, that information should be surfaced. Trying to hide or obscure bad news creates an environment of distrust or lack of transparency.

Steven Sinofsky

Bad Environment Quotes #671655
#35. The Eisenhower Building - the furniture is mismatched; everything is just bad decor and bad quality. Everybody's looking down at their Blackberry. It's a really frantic, mismatched environment. But on the exterior, it's this whitewashed, gorgeous building. It's a fascinating contrast.

Tony Hale

Bad Environment Quotes #758932
#36. A good rule of thumb is that any environment that consistently leaves you feeling bad about who you are is the wrong environment.

Laurie A. Helgoe

Bad Environment Quotes #925352
#37. Something new prowled, something voracious and well-adapted to this environment. Something bad. Even the wood seemed to shiver with fear. And, no, trees do not make a sound when they fall in the forest with no one around to hear. But just before they fall, they scream.

Robert Dunbar

Bad Environment Quotes #952130
#38. After I saw how badly animals were treated to en up in our plates, how bad it was for our health and for the environment, I decided to stop this nonsense and educate others. After all, animals can't talk and they need people that have notoriety like me to be their voices.

Georges Laraque

Bad Environment Quotes #953909
#39. To get to play a bad person and do bad things in a safe environment like 'Arrow' was pretty amazing.

Seth Gabel

Bad Environment Quotes #1051821
#40. The Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS), which controls the living environment on shuttles and on the International Space Station, doesn't have the luxury of disposal: discharging trash into space has long been judged a bad idea.

Rose George

Bad Environment Quotes #1103240

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