Top 100 Art And People Quotes

#1. I'm also inspired by great art and people who create and contribute rather than destroy.

Raul Castillo

Art And People Quotes #72136
#2. Success is really when you create a space, a piece of art, and people come in and say, that's my story - when they claim it.

Haile Gerima

Art And People Quotes #1269730
#3. If movies and music are vehicles for emotionally "hooking" people into Hollywood worldviews, then the best countermeasure is to create more compelling, more beautiful forms of art that express a biblical worldview.

Nancy Pearcey

Art And People Quotes #6180
#4. I would say if you are familiar with our history and the history of our art and literature that you see a clear cut pattern of people wanting to contribute, not only artistically, but in some practical purpose, for the benefits of the community.

Gil Scott-Heron

Art And People Quotes #6291
#5. Even if states sometimes have problems with each other, arts and sports should not suffer from that. Arts and sports are there to bring the people together - and not to divide them.

Vladimir Putin

Art And People Quotes #7014
#6. Do not trust anybody but yourself. If people want to help you, fine. Put it on paper and understand exactly what every word says.

Art Alexakis

Art And People Quotes #10096
#7. I wanted to open the dialogue about race in ballet and bring more people in. It's just beautiful to see the interest that has exploded for such an incredible art form that I will forever be grateful to!

Misty Copeland

Art And People Quotes #12843
#8. In any form of art designed to appeal to large numbers of people, ... [t]he rich man is usually 'bad', and his machinations are invariably frustrated.:; 'Good poor man defeats bad rich man' is an accepted formula.

George Orwell

Art And People Quotes #20975
#9. The job of the artist is to make a gesture and really show people what their potential is. It's not about the object, and it's not about the image; it's about the viewer. That's where the art happens.

Jeff Koons

Art And People Quotes #25279
#10. We performers are monsters. We are a totally different, far-out race of people. I totally and completely admit, with no qualmsat all, my egomania, my selfishness, coupled with a really magnificent voice.

Leontyne Price

Art And People Quotes #25934
#11. I believe the cinema is one of our principal forms of art. It is an incredibly powerful way to tell uplifting stories that can move people to cry with joy and inspire them to reach for the stars.

Wes Craven

Art And People Quotes #28808
#12. Defining art is huge; I feel like it's such a subjective thing. It's more like what's not art. You know what I mean? I think there can be an art in the way people live their lives, and art can be a gift someone gives to somebody.

Kathleen Hanna

Art And People Quotes #30338
#13. One of the most unnecessary and most dangerous art of people is to create big tragedies from little things!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Art And People Quotes #31046
#14. One thing that took a while to really adjust to was, you do it for the the art, for the money, for being together and having a good time, but you do it for all those people out there who really care about the show. We are now talking about a show we did over 20 years ago.

Steve Kanaly

Art And People Quotes #31479
#15. I've had people come up to me with the strangest interpretations of what my lyrics might mean, and I'm like, "You go! I never thought of that, but that works,"...I think that true art is a universal reflection, and true artists are just messengers of that reflection or, at best, skilled presentors.

Serj Tankian

Art And People Quotes #33845
#16. Fear is a problem with film music and films; people want to be conventional, and there's more commercialism today. If you are not daring in your art, you're bankrupt.

Alex North

Art And People Quotes #37508
#17. Art is so subjective, and people can react however they want.

Jennifer Aniston

Art And People Quotes #42976
#18. It's not communism, it's shouldn't be that everybody gets a try no matter how good or bad they are. It's our profession and our art, so we should eventually strive to be working with the best people.

Amy Poehler

Art And People Quotes #43149
#19. More people now work in the arts than the steel, coal and car industries combined.

Melvyn Bragg

Art And People Quotes #44350
#20. For me, art is like a big support group, where you go and meet people who think the same way, and you go, 'Okay, I'm not nuts.'

Birgitte Hjort Sorensen

Art And People Quotes #47308
#21. People assume that artists must talk about art and beauty and the sublime whenever we get together, but no, we usually talk about money.

Christopher Bram

Art And People Quotes #52482
#22. Yet the ivory gods, And the ebony gods, And the gods of diamond-jade, Are only silly puppet gods That people themselves Have made.-

Langston Hughes

Art And People Quotes #53237
#23. But then people don't read literature in order to understand; they read it because they want to re-live the feelings and sensations which they found exciting in the past. Art can be a lot of things; but in actual practice, most of it is merely the mental equivalent of alcohol and cantharides.

Aldous Huxley

Art And People Quotes #55101
#24. I will never tell another person, "I don't understand you ... " and why? Because if I say that, it means that I am disabled in a way. The inability to connect to another's perspective is, I believe, a disability.

C. JoyBell C.

Art And People Quotes #55174
#25. Compassionate people are geniuses in the art of living, more necessary to the dignity, security, and joy of humanity than the discoverers of knowledge.

Albert Einstein

Art And People Quotes #56297
#26. But what does interest me is the notion that if you do a lot of work it means there's a potential for other people to understand that a lot of things are possible with a sustained effort and that the broadening of experiences is possible and I think that's all art can be.

Richard Serra

Art And People Quotes #56453
#27. People despite their struggles, flaws and faults are honestly the most beautiful creatures. We are wonderfully-broken pieces of art.

Alexander Pyles

Art And People Quotes #57876
#28. While most people in the arts think they have to be constantly looking forward to be edgy and creative ... the real secret of creativity is to go back and remember.

Twyla Tharp

Art And People Quotes #58030
#29. I've always wanted to do things differently, and if one person or ten people are doing the same, then I want to do it differently. I love to travel, I love art, I love fashion. I love going to great restaurants and trying different things. Different cultures are inspiring to me.

Molly Sims

Art And People Quotes #59690
#30. The problem with our art form: it's so ephemeral, and catching performances can be so difficult ... the important thing is what happens at the moment of performance, for the people who made the effort to be there: it lives with them.

Judith Weir

Art And People Quotes #59902
#31. You can actually take your pain and processes it into some kind of form of art. So I mean, I've easily always been able to do that, but also I've always been able to give myself perspective - or, you know, older people always give you perspective.

Chuck D

Art And People Quotes #61323
#32. Creativity is an area in which younger people have a tremendous advantage, since they have an endearing habit of always questioning past wisdom and authority.

William Redington Hewlett

Art And People Quotes #64276
#33. That's something I learned in art school. I studied graphic design in Germany, and my professor emphasized the responsibility that designers and illustrators have towards the people they create things for.

Eric Carle

Art And People Quotes #65522
#34. People are broad-minded. They'll accept the fact that a person can be an alcoholic, a dope fiend, a wife beater, and even a newspaperman, but if a man does not drive, there is something wrong with him.

Art Buchwald

Art And People Quotes #66743
#35. We must see that music theory is not only about music, but about how people process it. To understand any art, we must look below its surface into the psychological details of its creation and absorption.

Marvin Minsky

Art And People Quotes #66995
#36. We all agree now - by 'we' I mean intelligent people under sixty - that a work of art is like a rose. A rose is not beautiful because it is like something else. Neither is a work of art. Roses and works of art are beautiful in themselves.

Clive Bell

Art And People Quotes #68653
#37. An angry artist tells people what (he thinks) they need to hear. A hungry artist tells people what (he thinks) they want to hear.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Art And People Quotes #69471
#38. In Australia, there aren't a lot of people committed to art, so these communities form that are dedicated to music, theater, cinema, but they're very small. So, they tend to move ahead on the power of collaboration, enthusiasm and creativity.

Joel Edgerton

Art And People Quotes #70567
#39. I think art is good at looking back and looking forward. I don't think art is good at looking head-on. At the end of the day, people are more important than paintings.

Damien Hirst

Art And People Quotes #71789
#40. Revolt is the violence of an entire people; rebellion the unruliness of an individual or an uprising by a minority; both are spontaneous and blind. Revolution is both planned and spontaneous, a science and an art.

Octavio Paz

Art And People Quotes #72771
#41. To my mind, it is the duty of the younger Negro artist, if he accepts any duties at all from outsiders, to change through the force of his art that old whispering 'I want to be white,' hidden in the aspirations of his people, to 'Why should I want to be white? I am a Negro - and beautiful!'

Langston Hughes

Art And People Quotes #73094
#42. Why are other people profiting off that? I can see that if I have the page and sold it for $50 and 20 years later somebody's got it for $200, okay. That's business. But I had no say in that art being out there. It just really burns me.

Mike Royer

Art And People Quotes #75252
#43. Working in the arts, you see people who come from terrible circumstances and who, for whatever reason, have incredible talent. But of course, with that great talent comes some guilt because, if you come from circumstances that don't encourage it, it can be really confusing.

Jesse Eisenberg

Art And People Quotes #75278
#44. I did work at Christie's for a couple of weeks, getting ready for 'The Devil Wears Prada,' getting people coffee and doing whatever they needed around the office. It was amazing. I got to see some wonderful art, and everybody was really nice. It was great.

Anne Hathaway

Art And People Quotes #78628
#45. People think a big camera and big lighting will make art, and I want to break that rule. If you have a great concept, it can be art.

Nikki S. Lee

Art And People Quotes #79551
#46. People regard art too highly, and history not enough

John Irving

Art And People Quotes #80670
#47. Everyone who has any talent at all in sketching, painting, sculpturing or carving, should have the opportunity to use that talent. The expression is important for the person, and can tremendously enrich the lives of other people. What can you do?

Edith Schaeffer

Art And People Quotes #81311
#48. What you do in your art - TV, music, film stuff - touches people. And they want to touch you. So that's a blessing. I'm okay with it.

LL Cool J

Art And People Quotes #82344
#49. Every book begins and ends with other people- the readers who suggest the book to us and encourage us to read it, the talented author who crafted each word, the fascinating individuals we meet inside the pages- and the readers we discuss and share the book with when we finish.

Donalyn Miller

Art And People Quotes #88512
#50. My individual power is limited. I want to use my high-profile way to wake people up to take action together to do good things. I can only awake them with my performance art and creativity.

Chen Guangbiao

Art And People Quotes #88864
#51. Great art is always a way of concentrating, reinventing what is called fact, what we know of our existence- a reconcentration ... tearing away the veils, the attitudes people acquire of their time and earlier time. Really good artists tear down those veils

Francis Bacon

Art And People Quotes #89131
#52. Hopefully if you create something fine, people will relate to it, so you're communicating with people, and you're not in a void. On the other hand, because you're always creating and transforming, art always separates you - always.

Patti Smith

Art And People Quotes #94691
#53. Shadows sometimes people don't see shadows. The Chinese of course never paint them in pictures, oriental art never deals with shadow. But I noticed these shadows and I knew it meant it was sunny.

David Hockney

Art And People Quotes #97105
#54. The real question is, Why do you feel as though that's emasculating? A man can't have a conflict? When you try to do art, it's how it lands on people, and hopefully some people will see it the way that I saw it, which is all of these awful choices come from the place of a man who's damaged.

Wendell Pierce

Art And People Quotes #98378
#55. I think people should be given a test much like driver's tests as to whether they're capable of being parents! It's an art form. I talk a lot. And I think a lot. And I draw a lot. But never in a million years would I have been a parent. That's just work that's too hard.

Maurice Sendak

Art And People Quotes #98766
#56. The purpose of activism and art, or at least of mine, is to make a world in which people are producers of meaning, not consumers, and

Rebecca Solnit

Art And People Quotes #99432
#57. Magic is an art form where you lie and tell people you are lying.


Art And People Quotes #104348
#58. Show me what a people admire, and I will tell you everything about them that matters.

Jack McDevitt

Art And People Quotes #105844
#59. I don't think art is propaganda; it should be something that liberates the soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further. It celebrates humanity instead of manipulating it.

Keith Haring

Art And People Quotes #106060
#60. For me, visuals are as important as the music. I just love escapism and giving people something to escape to. To me, that's what art is.

Iggy Azalea

Art And People Quotes #106112
#61. There's a lot of thought in art. People get to talk about important things. There's a lot of sex, you know, in art. There's a lot of naked women and men, and there's intrigue, there's fakery. It's a real microcosm of the larger world.

Steve Martin

Art And People Quotes #106479
#62. What's important about the artists we learn about in art history and see in all the art books is that they have somehow pushed the boundaries of what people think art is or should be, and that's how they've made their work relevant. That's what I'm trying to figure out for myself.

Kadir Nelson

Art And People Quotes #109508
#63. I have nothing but respect for people who travel the world to make art and put exotic Indians in front of linen backdrops, but it's always been my philosophy to try to make art out of the everyday and ordinary.

Sally Mann

Art And People Quotes #111045
#64. That is the way convince people. Or change them and prevent them from hurting whether themselves and others. Art is the most effective form of communication.
You can use it to lift the human spirit and make them understand that there is more to life than their next drug use.

Jennifer Echols

Art And People Quotes #112110
#65. I have never understood, for instance, why some people see contemporary art as divided between 'painting' and 'conceptual art', as though this represented a genuine division.

Michael Craig-Martin

Art And People Quotes #112637
#66. One of the things I love about art, is that it can say number of things to people. I broad hope is that it would just open people's hearts and that they would experience love, and that that would experience God.

Michael Gungor

Art And People Quotes #114439
#67. The art world was very small and the people got together at parties. There was less commercialism.

Claes Oldenburg

Art And People Quotes #116898
#68. Philosophers of genius, children, and the people are equally wise - because they ask equally foolish questions. Foolish to a civilized man who has a well-furnished European apartment, with an excellent toilet, and a well-furnished dogma.

Yevgeny Zamyatin

Art And People Quotes #118072
#69. Above all, we are coming to understand that the arts incarnate the creativity of a free people. When the creative impulse cannot flourish, when it cannot freely select its methods and objects, when it is deprived of spontaneity, then society severs the root of art.

John F. Kennedy

Art And People Quotes #118415
#70. To make art is to realize another's sadness within, realize the hidden sadness in other people's lives, to feel sad with and for a stranger.

Marianne Wiggins

Art And People Quotes #120025
#71. I've had so much positive reaction and emotional fulfillment from the creation of my art and sharing it with everyday people that I never paid too much attention to the opinion of critics.

Thomas Kinkade

Art And People Quotes #121138
#72. People were more interested in the phenomena than the art itself. This, combined with the growing interest in collecting art as an investment and the resultant boom in the art market, made it a difficult time for a young artist to remain sincere without becoming cynical.

Keith Haring

Art And People Quotes #122678
#73. I look at composers and conductors, anybody involved in music or writing or art in general; they got more done as they got older. If I can, I'll be one of those people because what I do is my passion.

Sarah Brightman

Art And People Quotes #125158
#74. The moment you can learn to deal with homosexuality in art, it's quite an exciting moment, just as in a sense when people 'come out' it's quite an exciting moment. It means they become aware of their desires, and can deal with them in a remarkably honest way.

David Hockney

Art And People Quotes #125561
#75. Be remarkable Be generous Create art Make judgment calls Connect people and ideas . . . and we have no choice but to reward you.

Seth Godin

Art And People Quotes #126402
#76. Hollywood used to be run by artists and people who loved artists ... people who wanted to make movies for all the right reasons. For the love. The Art. To tell stories. Yes to make money as well, but it was about both. Now I feel, it's mostly about bottom line and making money.

Matthew Lillard

Art And People Quotes #129602
#77. Therapy is to make one happy. What is the point of that? Happy people are not interesting. Better to accept the burden of unhappiness and try to turn it into something worthwhile, poetry or music or painting: that is what he been believes.

J.M. Coetzee

Art And People Quotes #129814
#78. Evergreen had opened up a whole new world to me. There I met many internationally celebrated people: there I was surrounded by the best art and music, as well as conversation. I knew I could never return to the life I had led before.

Billy Baldwin

Art And People Quotes #130760
#79. Unfortunately, now in boxing people are only allowed to punch. In Judo, people are only allowed to throw. I do not despise these kinds of martial arts. What I mean is, we now find rigid forms which create differences among clans, and the world of martial art is shattered as a result.

Bruce Lee

Art And People Quotes #132272
#80. I am a real person that cares about his art and cares about what he's doing - I have a heart and a soul and want to touch people and give.

LL Cool J

Art And People Quotes #134328
#81. The reason companies work is because you're able to get a lot of people doing the work; it's not because of this visionary. Steve Jobs didn't make Apple; it was a bunch of people. The building of the right team is an art in and of its own right.

D.A. Wallach

Art And People Quotes #134425
#82. The New York art world readily proves people wrong. Just when folks say that things stink and flibbertigibbet critics wish the worst on us all because we're not pure enough, good omens appear.

Jerry Saltz

Art And People Quotes #134480
#83. Wonder, and its expression in poetry and the arts, are among the most important things which seem to distinguish men from other animals, and intelligent and sensitive people from morons.

Alan Watts

Art And People Quotes #137408
#84. New York City is one of the greatest places on the planet. You have the best in food, art, theatre, and definitely people-watching.

Matt Bomer

Art And People Quotes #140909
#85. Any artist is insulted by the suggestion that art is merely a matter of recording reality, and knows that it is impossible to explain how imagination can transform not only events and people, but the artist as well, into quite different "realities".

Joan Lindsay

Art And People Quotes #141761
#86. With the plundered people transferring their energies into relaxed and receptive thoughts, degradation and lust for power produced art.

Peter Weiss

Art And People Quotes #142463
#87. Art exists for the human species. I think that all of the people who love art, those who teach art, and all of you should burn with the obligation to save the world.

Shinichi Suzuki

Art And People Quotes #143692
#88. You know how creative people are, we have to try everything until we find our niche.

E.A. Bucchianeri

Art And People Quotes #144706
#89. He'd once told me that the art of getting ahead in New York was based on learning how to express dissatisfaction in an interesting way. The air was full of rage and complaint. People had no tolerance for your particular hardship unless you knew how to entertain them with it.

Don DeLillo

Art And People Quotes #144914
#90. I now believe that major labels can only work with people who care more about fame and money than the quality of the art they produce.

Malcolm Wilson

Art And People Quotes #145716
#91. The effort to create a work of art that is true and potentially lasting, that is the very best work of art you can create at that point in your life - a book that may only reach or move a few people but will seem to those people somehow transformative. That's the ideal; that's always the motivation.

Claire Messud

Art And People Quotes #146967
#92. It is painful to be told that anything is very fine and not be able to feel that it is fine
something like being blind, while people talk of the sky.

George Eliot

Art And People Quotes #150369
#93. The art world can be very intimidating because it's just so vast. You talk to people who are really clued in to all the young artists and coming into it you're never going to be able to catch up immediately, even though there's pressure to.

Daniel Radcliffe

Art And People Quotes #150690
#94. Art for the most part, is about concentration, solitude and determination. It's really not about other people's needs and assumptions. I'm not interested in the notion that art serves something. Art is useless, not useful.

Richard Serra

Art And People Quotes #152073
#95. Ask one hundred people to explain love. And you'll get one hundred different answers. Because love is like art, it's subjective. Fluid. Ever-changing. Evolving. Case

Kim Holden

Art And People Quotes #152617
#96. It's not like I think my art is inspirations from icons strung together. They're just sort of people who others talk about. I am definitely interested in the masters of different genres, they're talented and popular for a reason.

Lana Del Rey

Art And People Quotes #155531
#97. But as he no longer stands on his native soil, his art can't possibly have roots. An artist creates true art for his people only as long as he lives, and suffers, among them.

Olga Grushin

Art And People Quotes #158822
#98. I think it's very, very, very hard to get a book published. I never want to be one of those teachers that say, 'don't do this, ' because how sad would the world be if people didn't create art and write? But, it's not an easy journey being a writer.

Alyson Richman

Art And People Quotes #162179
#99. The real connoisseurs in art are those who make people accept as beautiful something everybody used to consider ugly, by revealing and resuscitating the beauty in it.

Jules De Goncourt

Art And People Quotes #162698
#100. I am doing what I want to do - painting pictures people want and understand. I have no burning ambition to create the kind of 'art' which the confused critics praise for its 'plastic significance,' 'fluid lines,' and 'inner awareness,' or 'must be understood on three levels.

Arnold Friberg

Art And People Quotes #164410

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