Top 100 Any Means Quotes
#1. Our objective is complete freedom, justice and equality by any means necessary.
Malcolm X
#2. Sure, and fatherhood is super important too. I'm not trying to make this a women-only club by any means. Just that even men rarely view their role in child rearing as the most important thing they do, when in fact it is clearly the most important thing that anybody does.
Rufi Thorpe
#3. Dex isn't a big guy by any means. He's on the short side and toned but still thin. But he has unpredictable pit-bull tactics and one hell of a lippy attitude with strangers. For heaven's sake, never give that man a shovel.
Karina Halle
#4. Though not a natural world by any means, more like a collection of living dioramas, a zoo exists in its own time zone, somewhere between the seasonal sense of animals and our madly ticking watch time.
Diane Ackerman
#5. I think it is far more important to save one square mile of wilderness, anywhere, by any means, than to produce another book on the subject.
Edward Abbey
#6. He wasn't a tiny meowing kitten by any means, but he wasn't the pit bull I'd become used to, either.
Kandi Steiner
#7. There are times when we do not recognize that it is time for us to move forward. When life is ready for us to move and we resist, life will move us by any means necessary. What may feel like a disaster is actually a graduation. Remain open to being guided, supported and protected by the universe.
Iyanla Vanzant
#8. I didn't have a normal childhood by any means.
Tre Cool
#9. I don't think that I'm modest by any means, but I'm also not an exhibitionist.
Kristen Bell
#10. When you challenge me, I like my chances in a fistfight. On the field, I use the same approach. I'm going to win. And I'll do it by any means necessary. If you're not willing to go that route, don't come my way.
Gary Sheffield
#11. I think it's the way I talk. I think they thought I was too country. And I'm not ashamed of that by any means.
Reba McEntire
#12. When you hear me say "by any means necessary," I mean exactly that. I believe in anything that is necessary to correct unjust conditions-political, economic, social, physical, anything that is necessary.
Malcolm X
#13. They think they know the book by its cover, but the book knows what it is. Now he knew better; if the book never opens up and comes out, it can be warped to fit the image others see.
... No, a book wasn't invulnerable to the appearance of its cover, not by any means.
Ken Kesey
#14. I have learned nothing in twenty years that would suggest that evil people can be rapidly influenced by any means other than raw power. They do not respond, at least in the short run, to either gentle kindness or any form of spiritual persuasion with which I am familiar.
M. Scott Peck
#15. I'm not a feminist that hates men by any means.
Imelda May
#16. So you'll cheat to win, huh?"
"I'll use any means necessary to win."
Her breasts ached at the smoky tone in his voice, like he'd reached out and rolled her nipples between his fingertips.
Tracey Alvarez
#17. If so few female geniuses are found in history, it is because society denies them any means of expression.
Simone De Beauvoir
#18. My mom is an art teacher and my dad owns a women's shoe store, so they're not actors by any means. Well, I guess to sell women's shoes, you have to be an actor.
James Wolk
#19. Of course I don't think I have it made by any means. I'm too insecure, obsessive and paranoid for that.
Harvey Pekar
#20. I consider my selfbeing ... that taste of myself, of I and me above and in all things, which is more distinctive than the taste of ale or alum, more distinctive than the smell of walnutleaf or camphor, and is incommunicable by any means to another man.
Gerard Manley Hopkins
#21. The Anarchists answer that the abolition of the State will leave in existence a defensive association, resting no longer on a compulsory but on a voluntary basis, which will restrain invaders by any means that may prove necessary.
Benjamin Tucker
#22. My desire to work - my desire to engage with my creativity as intimately and as freely as possible - is my strongest personal incentive to fight back against pain, by any means necessary, and to fashion a life for myself that is as sane and healthy and stable as it can possibly be. But
Elizabeth Gilbert
#23. To do a great right, you may do a little wrong; and you may take any means which the end to be attained will justify.
Charles Dickens
#24. The idea of Cable as a man out to protect his daughter by any means necessary gives the character an emotional heft and underlines everything he does. It's richly fulfilling.
Tom Brevoort
#25. Man seeks to escape himself in myth, and does so by any means at his disposal. Drugs, alcohol, or lies. Unable to withdraw into himself, he disguises himself. Lies and inaccuracy give him a few moments of comfort.
Jean Cocteau
#26. I kind of quit surfing when I got out of high school, but then a few years ago I started to take it up again. I'm not an expert by any means, but it's so wonderful to get out in the ocean and get a different perspective on things.
Jeff Bridges
#27. Earnestness is not by any means everything; it is very often a subtle form of pious pride because it is obsessed with the method and not with the Master.
Oswald Chambers
#28. Inner strength of character cannot be measured by any means but performance in the time of need.
K.L. Toth
#29. As you know, I played a little trumpet with Elvis. I overdub a few drum licks here and there on a session, but I'm not a drummer by any means.
Ray Stevens
#30. We must get out of the banged-up century, some said, out of this cheating, murderous century of riot and secret death, of scrabbling for public land and damn well getting them by any means.
John Steinbeck
#31. My witness is, that those who are honoured of their Lord in public, have usually to endure a secret chastening, or to carry a peculiar cross, lest by any means they exalt themselves, and fall into the snare of the devil.
Charles Spurgeon
#32. Choosing an unconventional career path - I am not a traditional Egyptologist by any means. I found what I love, and I have stuck with it.
Sarah Parcak
#33. I'm not a really good classical guitarist by any means, but what I learned from this is a way of working very slowly on solo pieces and I enjoyed working on these pieces of John's. They were not written for solo guitar but a lot of them were easy to adapt.
Marc Ribot
#34. However, I don't by any means suggest that I'm always playing myself.
Frank Langella
#35. Very conscious of the fact that an effort was being made to destroy my mind, because I was deprived of books, deprived of any means of writing, deprived of human companionship. You never know how much you need it until you're deprived of it.
Wole Soyinka
#36. I don't sing. I played guitar for a while. I'm not great, I'm not Lenny Kravitz by any means, but I do like to strum.
Liam Hemsworth
#37. I have a computer in my brain,' she said.'So while I'm not going to tell you that I am the smartest or, by any means, the most experienced person in this room, I would suggest that no one use my youth to believe that I am ignorant.' Cinder
Marissa Meyer
#38. Racism is a human problem and a crime that is absolutely so ghastly that a person who is fighting racism is well within his rights to fight against it by any means necessary until it is eliminated.
Malcolm X
#39. When you have a sense of calling, whether it's to be a musician, soloist, artist, in one of the technical fields, or a plumber, there is something deep and enriching when you realize it isn't just a casual choice, it's a divine calling. It's not limited to vocational Christian service by any means.
Charles R. Swindoll
#40. I run great risk of failing. It may be that I shall encounter ruin where I look for reputation and a career of honor. The chances are perhaps more in favour of ruin than of success. But, whatever may be the chances, I shall go on as long as any means of carrying on the fight are at my disposal.
Anthony Trollope
#41. America has shown its evil intentions, and the proud Iraqi people cannot accept it. They must defend their rights by any means they see fit.
Muqtada Al Sadr
#43. We are trying to remake Vietnamese society, a task which certainly cannot be accomplished by force and which probably cannot be accomplished by any means available to outsiders.
J. William Fulbright
#44. I don't think there is any one route to directing ... Other than that I think you just have to think 'By any means possible' and take any job you can that will get you experience. I also did a lot for free. I got paid virtually nothing for my first film, but it changed my life.
Mary Harron
#45. But we've got to work. We can't just live on reputations at all - by any means.
Dan Gable
#46. We live a pretty real life within our Hollywood selves. I'm not working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, by any means.
Rhea Perlman
#47. Heterosexuality is the traditional way of expressing love and romance; the act of enjoyment between opposite sexes. It is not only for the purpose of enjoyment and pleasure, but also the human general survival. Whilst homosexuality is the freedom of enjoyment and pleasure from any means and ends.
M.F. Moonzajer
#48. I'd say I watch a fair amount of TV, but I'm not a TV addict by any means.
Maulik Pancholy
#49. I want war. To me all means will be right. My motto is not "Don't, whatever you do, annoy the enemy." My motto is "Destroy him by all and any means." I am the one who will wage the war!
Adolf Hitler
#50. Policies change, and programs change, according to time.But objective never changes. You might change your method of achieving the objective, but the objective never changes. Our objective is complete freedom, complete justice, complete equality, by any means necessary
Malcolm X
#51. And here is a prejudice of mine, confirmed by my lights through many years of observation. Sinners are not all dishonorable people, not by any means. But those who are dishonorable never really repent and never really reform.
Marilynne Robinson
#52. I don't think commercialization is the answer to anything. It's just one more facet of Linux, and not the deciding one by any means.
Linus Torvalds
#53. 5 weeks since the Rapture "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition." Thessalonians 2:3
Phillip W. Simpson
#54. Money, make money; by honest means if you can; if not, by any means make money.
[Lat., Rem facias rem, Recte si possis, si non, quocumque modo rem.]
#55. Satan uses any means, ethical or unethical, to distract us from trusting in God, drawing us away to trust in ourselves by moving us into fear, into anger, into pride.
J.P. Moreland
#56. I know only enough of God to want to worship him, by any means ready to hand.
Annie Dillard
#57. Let go, gatito. Mourn and then move on. Your life is not over. Not by any means. So let the tears fall for the past and then we will speak of the future.
Laura Baumbach
#58. The fight for sanity in our gun safety laws is not by any means over. In many ways it's just beginning.
Michael D. Barnes
#59. Evolution is the most important battle that Christians have to fight today, a battle we must win by any means, fair or foul!
Hank Hanegraaff
#60. We declare our right on this earth ... to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary.
Malcolm X
#61. It was the guys who'd been bullied and roughed up for being the smallest in the class. Those guys had learned early how to fight tooth-and-nail, how to survive through any means necessary. And Kade should know. He'd been one of them. They grew up to be more dangerous than any of the bullies.
Tiffany Snow
#62. The next time you're tempted to overuse your powers, remember this, I will bring you back by any means necessary, so if you value your humanity, don't do that again.
Jeaniene Frost
#63. It is all nonsense, to be sure; and so much the greater nonsense inasmuch as the true interpretation of many dreams - not by any means of all dreams - moves, it may be said, in the opposite direction to the method of psycho-analysis.
Arthur Machen
#64. We were all in it together, of course, desperate to regain some hypothetical upper hand by any means necessary.
Peter Watts
#65. I'm not a divorce monger by any means, but if you're not happy in a relationship, and you've grown apart, it's not healthy for a couple to stay together. It's better for kids to see two happy parents than two miserable parents.
Laura Wasser
#66. A Canadian settler hates a tree, regards it as his natural enemy, as something to be destroyed, eradicated, annihilated by all and any means.
Anna Brownell Jameson
#67. Today everything comes under the laws of competition and the survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless. As a consequence, masses of people find themselves excluded and marginalized: without work, without possibilities, without any means of escape.
Pope Francis
#68. The one by L. Ron Hubbard ... I'm not in favor of his religion by any means, but he wrote a book called Battlefield Earth that was a very fun science fiction book.
Mitt Romney
#69. By Any Means Necessary"; "The Chickens Come Home To Roost".
Malcolm X
#70. I get my by any means on, whenever there's a drought get your umbrellas out because that's when I brainstorm.
#71. I grew up in California, which was not - at least in the '50s and '60s - a cultural oasis by any means. Certainly not Orange County, anyway.
Bob Gunton
#72. Not bragging by any means, but I could have done a lot of other stuff as far as working in films go and working in television ... I had chances to do that stuff, but I like baseball, I really do.
Bob Uecker
#73. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher.
#74. There are plenty of African-Americans in this country - and I would say this goes right up to the White House - who are not by any means poor, but are very much afflicted by white supremacy.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
#75. We weren't by any means like the Grateful Dead or something, who could just roll on and on and on.
Neil Innes
#76. Our God loves triumphing over what looks impossible; therefore, he calls an ambush without any means of escape "an opportunity"!
Lisa Bevere
#77. Once the law is broken with impunity, each man regains the right to any means he deems proper or necessary in order to defend himself against the new tyrant, the one who can break the law.
Allan Bloom
#78. Does he council you better who bids you, Money, by right means, if you can: but by any means, make money ?
#79. Leaning forward, Cinder spoke very clearly. "I have a computer in my brain," she said. "So while I'm not going to tell you that I am the smartest or, by any means, the most experienced person in this room, I would suggest that no one use my youth to believe that I am also ignorant.
Marissa Meyer
#80. The Press nowadays is not a literary press; classic diction and brilliancy of style do not distinguish it by any means.
Marie Corelli
#81. I'm not a person who needs to chit-chat between takes by any means.
Paul Dano
#82. I don't think cellulite is great - that's not a flaw that I want in a photo by any means! I retouch that crap out. But I tell women that I'm retouching it out.
Tyra Banks
#83. It's amazing how flexible the human mind is in terms of jumping into a backstory or an aside. Vonnegut is a great example - it's not a linear story by any means, but somehow your brain is keeping it moving in one direction even though the story is taking you in all these different directions.
Noah Hawley
#84. You take what you can get and hold on tight to it- by any means necessary. After all you only live once.
Oliver Bowden
#85. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never lose it or perish throughout the ages. [To all eternity they shall never by any means be destroyed.] And no one is able to snatch them out of My hand.
Max Lucado
#86. Oh, yes. In my future, a man will control all my possessions if I marry him, I shan't be allowed to vote, and I won't be given the opportunity to earn a living by any means except on my back - but by all means, the most dire threat I face is freckles.
Courtney Milan
#87. I do not consider divorce an evil by any means. It is just as much a refuge for women married to brutal men as Canada was to the slaves of brutal masters.
Susan B. Anthony
#88. My style is not trendy by any means; my inner artists loves to shine through in my wardrobe.
Kat Graham
#89. Let's be honest. There's not really any safe place to meet an aspiring head of a top-secret organization, trained in every manner of mind control and manipulation and bent on word domination by any means necessary.
Matt Kindt
#90. As kids we didn't complain about being poor; we talked about how rich we were going to be and made moves to get the lifestyle we aspired to by any means we could. And as soon as we had a little money, we were eager to show it.
#91. Now," Kvothe said angrily, "you've both acted understandably, but that does not by any means mean that either of you have behaved well.
Patrick Rothfuss
#92. We didn't have a strong drug scene by any means. Originally, it was just purple hearts, amphetamines, speed or whatever you want to call it. When The Beatles went down south, they sometimes brought back cannabis and gradually the drug scene developed in Liverpool.
Bob Wooler
#93. They would destroy every last woman and child with any means at their disposal. You do not let your foot off the throat of an enemy and remain powerful,
Pierce Brown
#94. Celibacy and suicide are a similar levels of understanding, suicide and a martyr's death not so by any means, perhaps marriage and a martyr's death.
Franz Kafka
#95. The Revolution of 1848 found all the Rougons on the lookout, frustrated by their bad luck, and ready to use any means necessary to advance their cause. They were a family of bandits lying in wait, ready to plunder and steal.
Emile Zola
#96. It was up to daughters to figure out survival by any means possible. She
Kiersten White
#97. I've never been - I don't think I'm, like, a great A&R, by any means. I don't even know production lingo, in all honesty.
Pusha T
#98. To obtain victory by any means and with any weapon.
Chris Bradford
#99. Real man is someone who handles his responsibilities. Take care of all of his responsibilities. No matter how, by any means take care of your situations.
Curtis Jackson
#100. I wasn't the most popular girl in school by any means.
Cindy Crawford
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