Top 11 Anti Marxist Quotes
#1. Chernobyl, an accident or the most successful anti-Marxist attack in recorded history?
Anders Breivik
#3. Your life is a show and you're the star so don't let anyone walk on set and treat you like an extra.
Lucas Mascotto-Carbone
#4. What I find interesting about Captain Action is that he is more an adventurer and spy than he is a soldier.
Chris Roberson
#5. There's a sick joke that the reason we have not been contacted by an alien civilization is that civilizations tend to destroy themselves when they reach our stage. But I have sufficient faith in the good sense of public to believe that we might prove this wrong.
Stephen Hawking
#6. As a young Marxist in college during the 1950s heyday of the anti-Communist crusade led by Senator Joseph McCarthy, I had more freedom to express my views in class, without fear of retaliation, than conservative students have on many campuses today.
Thomas Sowell
#7. I've always been big. I'm never going to be an underwear model. But I am who I am, and that has its advantages and disadvantages.
CC Sabathia
#9. He felt blind and deaf, the way he did when he was close to a good idea but couldn't tap into it. He'd told Lizzie about that feeling once, and Lizzie had said, That just means you aren't very smart, Reeve. Smart people have good ideas without having to be blind and deaf first.
Caroline B. Cooney
#10. It's beyond me how anybody can look at these protestors and call them anything other than what they are: anti-American, anticapitalist, pro-Marxist communists.
Rush Limbaugh
#11. We are more willing to offend someone with whom we have weak ties, and a willingness to offend is an important part of creativity. Strong ties make us feel good, make us feel that we belong, but they also constrict our worldview.
Eric Weiner
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