Top 42 Adverb Quotes
#1. All the words in the English language are divided into nine great classes. These classes are called the Parts of Speech. They are Article, Noun, Adjective, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction and Interjection.
Joseph Devlin
#2. If you've used adverbs, look at them carefully. Adverbs are the weakest words; verbs are the strongest. Many, many times I've found that I have the wrong verb so I'm attempting to cheat and modify the wrong verb by using an adverb.
Chris Offutt
#3. The other piece of advice I want to give you before moving on to the next level of the toolbox is this: The adverb is not your friend.
Stephen King
#4. The worthy officer had just given birth to this high-sounding adverb ...
Alexandre Dumas
#5. On the way home, I saw a fist fight between an adverb and a pair of parentheses.
I kept on walking.
Peter James West
#6. I think the best way to put it is that newspictures are the noun and the verb; our kind of photography is the adjective and adverb. The newspicture is a single frame; ours, a subject viewed in series. The newspicture is dramatic, all subject and action. Ours shows what's back of the action.
Roy Stryker
#7. Wind ought to be a verb or an adverb. It isn't really anything. It's a manner of movement of warmth and cold: a kind of information system of the air.
Alice Oswald
#8. I'm checking my pockets for spare words and sentences but I'm finding none, not an adverb, not a preposition or even a dangling participle because there doesn't exist a single response to such an outlandish request.
Tahereh Mafi
#9. Never use an adverb to modify the verb 'said' ... he admonished gravely. To use an adverb this way (or almost any way) is a mortal sin. The writer is now exposing himself in earnest, using a word that distracts and can interrupt the rhythm of the exchange.
Elmore Leonard
#10. No worries, Atticus. I will snarf surreptitiously. And I should get bacon, because my adverb was two syllables longer than yours, plus a bonus for alliteration."
I grinned. "It's a deal. You're the best hound ever.
Kevin Hearne
#11. He's smarter than all of us put together, but sometimes he talks like he's got a fifty-word vocabulary." A soft snort. "It's not like it'd kill him to use an adverb once in a while.
Peter Watts
#12. Looking back, one can almost imagine them stalking through the wild with specimen bottles and outsize nets, in determined pursuit of the Ojibwa adverb or the Cherokee pronoun.
Margalit Fox
#13. Overuse at best is needless clutter; at worst, it creates the impression that the characters are overacting, emoting like silent film stars. Still, an adverb can be exactly what a sentence needs. They can add important intonation to dialogue, or subtly convey information.
Howard Mittelmark
#14. Some one has defined a work of art as a "thing beautifully done." I like it better if we cut away the adverb and preserve the word "done," and let it stand alone in its fullest meaning. Things are not done beautifully. The beauty is an integral part of their being done.
Robert Henri
#15. Frankly, I wonder who Frank was, and why he has an adverb all to himself.
Jodi Picoult
#16. Death to all modifiers, he declared one day, and out of every letter that passed through his hands went every adverb and every adjective.
Joseph Heller
#17. I think the adverb is a much-maligned part of speech. It's always accused of being oppressive, even tyrannical, when in fact it's so supple and sly.
Eleanor Catton
#18. There is no verb for compassion, but you have an adverb for compassion. That's interesting to me. You act compassionately. But then, how to act compassionately if you don't have compassion? That is where you fake. You fake it and make it. This is the mantra of the United States of America.
Dayananda Saraswati
#19. It's "I felt bad," not "I felt badly," because "to feel badly" would mean "to grope about ineptly." The verb "felt" - definitely a verb of the senses, though not on Gordon's list - fuses the "bad" to the subject, rather than simply using an adverb to modify itself.
Mary Norris
#20. This poor gambler isn't even a noun. He is kind of an adverb.
Stephen Crane
#21. I am dead to adverbs; they cannot excite me. To misplace an adverb is a thing which I am able to do with frozen indifference; it can never give me a pang. There are subtleties which I cannot master at all - they confuse me, they mean absolutely nothing to me - and this adverb plague is one of them.
Mark Twain
#22. A relativist is an individual who doesn't know the difference between an adjective and an adverb.
Bill Gaede
#23. Every adjective and adverb is worth five cents. Every verb is worth fifty cents.
Mary Oliver
#24. If you are using an adverb, you have got the verb wrong.
Kingsley Amis
#25. She's never met an adjective or adverb she didn't like.
Loretta Chase
#28. I don't really know what an adverb is. A dangling participle? That sounds really rude. I don't know what character is, really. Plot seems vaguely juvenile to me. It's all about language, it's all about how you apply it to the page.
Colum McCann
#29. Who else is there to lead the masses? The smart kids? Please. They have no interests in politics. They're hoping simply to attract as little attention as possible until high school is over. Then they can escape to some college where no one will mock them for knowing how an adverb works.
Jesse Andrews
#30. She was one of those women who clearly hadn't accepted she wasn't nineteen anymore,
Raven St. Pierre
#31. This night I hold an old accustomed feast, Whereto I have invited many a guest, Such as I love; and you among the store, One more, most welcome, makes my number more.
William Shakespeare
#33. Why? Because, Michael whatever your middle fucking name is Ripton, there's something about that boxer fist bump handshake - something about that agreement we made - that tells me for the first time in your fucked up little life that you're not going to fuck me over,
Scott Hildreth
#34. From a certain age, I sort of accepted myself for what I was. And although to other people it was like nothing ever goes right, I had a really nice attitude that I'd inherited from my parents, and especially from my dad.
Johnny Vegas
#35. They act as if their religion were a celestial gumball machine, taking no blame for personal failures because they won't manifest their will in the real world by working for their goals.
Thomm Quackenbush
#36. The only thing I have never done is a Broadway play. I'm not sure I have the discipline necessary to do a Broadway play. I know it holds a fascination for certain actors.
Bob Newhart
#37. With the possible exception of God during the writing of the Bible, every writer in history has needed an editor. So do you.
Donald Davis
#38. You can't give up! If you give up, you're like everybody else.
Chris Evert
#39. Fulfilment does not mean our difficult emotions disappear; it means we change our relationship with them.
Russ Harris
#40. There's something to be said for going right into people's living rooms. I think actors have always loved that medium - you're right in there with people in their homes. A lot of very audacious work is being done on television.
Sigourney Weaver
#41. Death is not an experience in life; we do not live to experience death.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
#42. Curious is a good thing to be, it seems to pay some unexpected dividends.
Iggy Pop
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