Top 100 Advantage That Quotes

#1. It's a huge advantage to have parents who read to you. And it's an advantage that lasts a lifetime.

Laura Bush

Advantage That Quotes #19079
#2. I'm not going to sit here and say, 'Pity me; I came from modeling.' It's opened a lot of doors. People will take meetings because they've heard the name before. That's an advantage that I have.

Brooklyn Decker

Advantage That Quotes #29798
#3. Of course I'm ignorant, that remains true at all events and is extremely distressing for me, but it does have the advantage that the ignorant man dares more, so I shall gladly put up with ignorance and its undoubtedly dire consequences for a while, as long as my strength lasts.

Franz Kafka

Advantage That Quotes #64611
#4. The best laws cannot make a constitution work in spite of morals; morals can turn the worst laws to advantage. That is a commonplace truth, but one to which my studies are always bringing me back. It is the central point in my conception. I see it at the end of all my reflections.

Alexis De Tocqueville

Advantage That Quotes #101130
#5. even if we only gain a psychological advantage, that can mean the difference between victory and defeat. I'm reminded of the words of my father the king, who says that battles are decided more by the morale of the troops than by their bodily strength." Syazarees


Advantage That Quotes #162434
#6. Rossi was the first to describe another system working with valves in parallel; it has the advantage that it can easily be extended to coincidences between more than two events, and is therefore predominantly used today.

Walther Bothe

Advantage That Quotes #231092
#7. The advantage that hospitals have over other institutions is that hospitals are community-based. You can't outsource your work; you can't move your emergency department to Pakistan.

Mark Shields

Advantage That Quotes #266749
#8. He's very knowledgeable. That's the one advantage that I see in Kobe Bryant's career compared to Michael Jordan. Ten years into Kobe Bryant's career, we're seeing a very polished 27-year-old player who's probably got another seven or eight great years ahead of him.

Scottie Pippen

Advantage That Quotes #302086
#9. In our passage from the Cape of Good Hope the winds were mostly from the westward with very boisterous weather: but one great advantage that this season of the year has over the summer months is in being free from fogs.

William Bligh

Advantage That Quotes #318766
#10. I would not, if I could, give up the memory of the joy I have had in books for any advantage that could be offered in other pursuits or occupations. Books have been to me what gold is to the miser, what new fields are to the explorer.

Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

Advantage That Quotes #333439
#11. Some white people are so accustomed to operating at a competitive advantage that when the playing field is level, they feel handicapped.

Nathan McCall

Advantage That Quotes #365454
#12. The advantage that my children have is that my children are encountering the nicest white people that America has ever produced. Let's hope America keeps producing nicer white people.

Chris Rock

Advantage That Quotes #421714
#13. It isn't an easy job to paint oneself - at any rate if it is to be different from a photograph. And you see - this, in my opinion, is the advantage that impressionism possesses over all the other things; it is not banal, and one seeks after a deeper resemblance than the photograph.

Vincent Van Gogh

Advantage That Quotes #431723
#14. Increasing your repertoire has the advantage that you don't have to give up enjoying what you already like: it is always easier to add new behaviors than to deny your deepest desires.

Dossie Easton

Advantage That Quotes #436907
#15. By teaching tools and problem solving instead of memorization and by hiring only teachers with master's degrees, Finland created a higher educational platform that gave its kids an advantage. That's how its school system shot to number one.*

Shane Snow

Advantage That Quotes #446101
#16. Crises and deadlocks when they occur have at least this advantage, that they force us to think.

Jawaharlal Nehru

Advantage That Quotes #468549
#17. If small groups are included in the decision-making process, then they should be allowed to make decisions. If an organization sets up teams and then uses them for purely advisory purposes, it loses the true advantage that a team has: namely, collective wisdom.

James Surowiecki

Advantage That Quotes #497290
#18. Those who are passionate about what they do have an advantage that is nearly impossible to overcome. In passion there is energy, creativity, resilience and persistence. Passion will get it done.

Ralph Marston

Advantage That Quotes #540847
#19. An advantage that the Hague Conferences lack, in contrast to the peace associations and the Interparliamentary Union, is a bureau.

Fredrik Bajer

Advantage That Quotes #568399
#20. To show the American woman herself off to best advantage - that has always been my aim and that is my real biography.

Hattie Carnegie

Advantage That Quotes #571534
#21. If the legs did provide such an advantage that some of the people are claiming they did, then there would be a lot more amputees using the exact same prosthetic legs I have, running the exact same times I have - and that's not the case.

Oscar Pistorius

Advantage That Quotes #687784
#22. A garden has this advantage, that it makes it indifferent where you live. A well-laid garden makes the face of the country of no account; let that be low or high, grand or mean, you have made a beautiful abode worthy of man.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Advantage That Quotes #691421
#23. The scope of it might have driven another man mad; it was to Kaleb's advantage that he'd had his brush with madness as a child and survived. Whether or not he was sane was another question.

Nalini Singh

Advantage That Quotes #702184
#24. I always loved strange stories like the Dr. Seuss stuff. 'Go, Dog. Go!' was one of my favorite stories - it still is. It's just such a bizarre yet true book. And I did well reading and writing as a kid throughout school. I think early on that's what made me realize what an advantage that is.

Jon Scieszka

Advantage That Quotes #739300
#25. Asymmetry is the rhythmic expression of funtional design. In addition to being more logical, asymmetry has the advantage that its complete appearance is far more optically effective than symmetry.

Jan Tschichold

Advantage That Quotes #754357
#26. Effective leadership is the only competitive advantage that will endure. That's because leadership has two sides- what a person is character and what a person does- competence.

Stephen Covey

Advantage That Quotes #768704
#27. You have an advantage that neither education nor upbringing can buy - you have almost nothing. And therefore you have almost nothing to lose.

Felix Dennis

Advantage That Quotes #771524
#28. Many people use the word God to describe it; I often call it Being. The word Being explains nothing, but nor does God. Being, however, has the advantage that it is an open concept.

Eckhart Tolle

Advantage That Quotes #864872
#29. Now losers have this advantage, that though their own folk disapprove of them they are generally popular with everyone else. Having no work to chain them, they became public property. Just

Rabindranath Tagore

Advantage That Quotes #1000987
#30. A primary goal of teaching anything is the advantage that learning gives to people over their competitors who haven't been as well taught.

Bobby Knight

Advantage That Quotes #1043980
#31. No matter how skillful you are, you can't invent a product advantage that doesn't exist. And if you do, and it's just a gimmick, it's going to fall apart anyway.

William Bernbach

Advantage That Quotes #1060550
#32. Everyone - you included - is on her best behavior in the beginning of a relationship. Sometimes little quirks turn out to be big ones, and the big advantage that women have - sometimes the only advantage - is their intuition.

Nicholas Sparks

Advantage That Quotes #1104840
#33. The advantage that Democrats have is that they're a big-tent party.

Julian Castro

Advantage That Quotes #1202009
#34. Animals, we have been told, are taught by their organs. Yes, I would add, and so are men, but men have this further advantage that they can also teach their organs in return.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Advantage That Quotes #1218025
#35. I'd be derelict in my duty if I didn't go and continue to use every advantage that I can to promote New York's cause.

Michael Bloomberg

Advantage That Quotes #1227926
#36. The eyes of men converse as much as their tongues, with the advantage that the ocular dialect needs no dictionary, but is understood all the world over.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Advantage That Quotes #1253257
#37. When a man is discontented with himself, it has one advantage - that it puts him into an excellent frame of mind for making a bargain.

Laurence Sterne

Advantage That Quotes #1253658
#38. The distinction between the religious and secular orders is a fundamental aspect of Christianity. This distinction is an innovation compared to Islam and Judaism, and it is an advantage that has helped shape Europe.

Walter Kasper

Advantage That Quotes #1266251
#39. Self-love is even deceived by self-love, because by looking out for our own interests and disregarding those of other people, we lose the advantage that comes with the exchange of favors.

Madeleine De Souvre, Marquise De ...

Advantage That Quotes #1279703
#40. The greatest progress is in the sciences that study the simplest systems. So take, say, physics - greatest progress there. But one of the reasons is that the physicists have an advantage that no other branch of sciences has. If something gets too complicated, they hand it to someone else.

Noam Chomsky

Advantage That Quotes #1309594
#41. While extraordinary products and unique services still afford a competitive advantage, the one advantage that stands the test of time ... is people.

Mark Salsbury

Advantage That Quotes #1312217
#42. It was central to Nanny Ogg's soul that she never considered herself an old woman, while of course availing herself of every advantage that other people's perceptions of her as such would bring.

Terry Pratchett

Advantage That Quotes #1409336
#43. It is of great advantage that man should know his station, and not imagine that the whole universe exists only for him.


Advantage That Quotes #1501465
#44. I honestly believe that in this day and age of informational ubiquity and nanosecond change, teamwork remains the one sustainable competitive advantage that has been largely untapped.

Patrick Lencioni

Advantage That Quotes #1597758
#45. It is pity in which the state of nature takes the place of laws, morals and virtues, with the added advantage that no one there is tempted to disobey its gentle voice.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Advantage That Quotes #1752873
#46. A linear accelerator has the advantage that no magnet is required and that its cost should not rise much more steeply than with the energy of the particles required.

Ernest Walton

Advantage That Quotes #1766743
#47. It's them as take advantage that get advantage I' this world, I think: folks have to wait long enough afore it's brought to 'em.

George Eliot

Advantage That Quotes #1778709
#48. The written word has this advantage, that it lasts and can await the time when it is allowed to take effect.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Advantage That Quotes #1845355
#49. Our ... advantage was that we had evolved unstated but fruitful methods of collaboration ... If either of us suggested a new idea, the other, while taking it seriously, would attempt to demolish it in a candid but non-hostile manner.

Francis Crick

Advantage That Quotes #106
#50. The advantage of working for a corporation is that it has only one message, because a product or a service doesn't speak; it's just there, and you can advertise it.

Frank Luntz

Advantage That Quotes #2448
#51. On the other hand, there is a certain advantage in traveling with someone who has a reputation for shooting rather than being shot: as Keram said, in a self-satisfied way, they might kill me, but they would know that, if I was with him, there would be unpleasantness afterwards.

Freya Stark

Advantage That Quotes #3641
#52. I had a huge advantage with Edward Norton because he's directed a movie before, so one thing he appreciates is how hard my job is, he's very sensitive to that. We actually ended up finishing "Leaves of Grass" a day early.

Edward Norton

Advantage That Quotes #6284
#53. And experience had already instructed Henry that learning things gave a person advantage over other people

Elizabeth Gilbert

Advantage That Quotes #7490
#54. I always wanted to be a young mom, but generations of women have worked so hard so we can have a career and wait to have children. So I say carpe diem - take advantage of that.

Brittany Murphy

Advantage That Quotes #8989
#55. Charter laws do something really important. They give educators the freedom and flexibility that they need to attain results. But we also have to invest a lot in the leadership pipeline to take advantage of that freedom and flexibility.

Wendy Kopp

Advantage That Quotes #9496
#56. A great advantage I had when I started The Body Shop was that I had never been to business school.

Anita Roddick

Advantage That Quotes #15049
#57. It's only through Christ that we can take full advantage of God's mercy and forgiveness through repentance in Jesus' name.

Monica Johnson

Advantage That Quotes #16969
#58. Being young is an advantage. You've grown up with games as the dominant entertainment. You have a lot of experience of video games. So what do you want to see that's not been done? Innovation is really low cost for you. You can afford to take risks and fail to execute new ideas.

Kim Swift

Advantage That Quotes #17749
#59. I think women who are pretty certainly have an advantage in any field, in any profession. When a girl is born people still say: Oh, I'm glad that she is pretty. They don't look at whether she is intelligent.

Christiane Nusslein-Volhard

Advantage That Quotes #18878
#60. One advantage of a solar collector in space: It would be some kind of origami thing that would unfold and be relatively light because it doesn't have gravity to deal with.

Stewart Brand

Advantage That Quotes #19827
#61. Bouncing a sitting president requires conscious action, a national decision to redirect the country's course. This cuts against the grain, and that's why incumbents have a natural advantage.

John Podhoretz

Advantage That Quotes #20366
#62. When we're touring America or Europe, we use our own plane and a great advantage of that is it cuts out an awful lot of time checking in. You literally drive up to the plane, get on and then drive off at the other end.

Phil Collins

Advantage That Quotes #21640
#63. If I have any advantage, maybe, as a writer, it is that I don't think I'm very interesting. I mean, beginning a novel with the last sentence is a pretty plodding way to spend your life.

John Irving

Advantage That Quotes #25078
#64. Clever modern man is so witless that he thinks moral silence and empty conscience are an advantage.

Michael Leunig

Advantage That Quotes #25140
#65. I always wanted to be normal. I tried really hard, but it's like I try so hard and then people still say I'm offbeat. I've learnt to accept that and take advantage of it as an actor.

Zooey Deschanel

Advantage That Quotes #30623
#66. What's profound and exciting is the way young people are taking advantage of the fact that the Internet enables everyone to have a megaphone. It enables everyone to stand up and say, 'I deserve to be heard, and I demand that you listen.'

Chelsea Clinton

Advantage That Quotes #35415
#67. The dollar that's being paid the players has hurt the game. The players take advantage of coaches. The players' attitude is, "I make more than you, so don't tell me what to do."

Chick Hearn

Advantage That Quotes #37416
#68. They have destroyed your weapons," he had told the generals, in effect. "But these weapons would in any case have become obsolete before the next war. That war will be fought with brand-new ones, and the army which is least hampered with obsolete material will have a great advantage.

Winston S. Churchill

Advantage That Quotes #39731
#69. You can test what we have talked about today. Just try two things. Listen for the whisperings of the Spirit and then commit to obey ... God will take advantage of that if you let Him

Henry B. Eyring

Advantage That Quotes #47452
#70. I strongly suspect that there would be a positive economic advantage to the U.K. in leaving the single market.

Nigel Lawson

Advantage That Quotes #49439
#71. One of the advantages of being dead, I guess, is that somebody else can edit all this.

Hunter S. Thompson

Advantage That Quotes #51162
#72. The great advantage of being human is that we can employ rational thought and resolve to change our circumstances.

Mariella Frostrup

Advantage That Quotes #52211
#73. That's one of the nice things. I mean, part of the beauty of me is that I'm very rich. So if I need $600 million, I can put $600 million myself. That's a huge advantage. I must tell you, that's a huge advantage over the other candidates.

Donald Trump

Advantage That Quotes #52246
#74. Exercise your creative muscles all the time, either through classes or through other artistic avenues like painting or dancing or even gardening, staying active and being creative so that when opportunities do come up, you are in a position to take advantage of them.

Tom Irwin

Advantage That Quotes #52780
#75. There is a certain advantage to the British accent. I do notice that Americans love it; they think the we Brits are smarter than perhaps we are.

Piers Morgan

Advantage That Quotes #57291
#76. Love isn't invincible. Some people take advantage of that.

Ellen Hopkins

Advantage That Quotes #65004
#77. A culture exists within the [Ted] Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way.

Benjamin Carson

Advantage That Quotes #69734
#78. We were in the market ahead of competition. We brought new products on the market ahead of competition. We rolled out our networks. We begged, borrowed, stole, put things out. And while they were never near perfect, they were first. And that gave us, to my mind, a lot of advantage.

Sunil Mittal

Advantage That Quotes #73776
#79. Until we see the 'this- advantage' in the disadvantage we shall always be looking at the disadvantages in life. life does not present us with disadvantages, it gives us 'this- advantages' to take. It is only because of excuses and low courage that we regard 'this advantages' as disadvantages

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Advantage That Quotes #75060
#80. One special advantage of the skeptical attitude of mind is that a man is never vexed to find that after all he has been in the wrong.

William Osler

Advantage That Quotes #77687
#81. I think the advantage we had with "MacGruber" is the speed we had to put it together. We had a such a short period to write the movie and such a post-[production] period, it was almost like the way that the show worked, where everything is happening so fast you have to go with your gut.

Will Forte

Advantage That Quotes #82103
#82. In the sense of worldly advantage, it no longer signified whether people thought of him as having been an authentic man of virtue. There was no more political power or influence
to be gained from maintaining that identity. But to him it still mattered.

Marisa Linton

Advantage That Quotes #83305
#83. True revolution comes not when we learn to ignore our fat and pretend we're no different, but when we learn to use it to our advantage, when we learn to deconstruct all the myths that propagate fat-hate.

Nomy Lamm

Advantage That Quotes #84417
#84. Well, if you look at all of the cultures in America, this is a great opportunity for us to really get acquainted with the rest of the world. America is the only place you can do that, but we don't have sense enough to take advantage of that.

Erykah Badu

Advantage That Quotes #84941
#85. We still have some time to take advantage of the fact that radio and television stations are not yet guarded by the army.

Guy Debord

Advantage That Quotes #85005
#86. The value of time, that is of being a little ahead of your opponent, often provides greater advantage than superior numbers or greater resources.

Sun Tzu

Advantage That Quotes #85278
#87. One advantage of static factory methods is that, unlike constructors, they have names.

Joshua Bloch

Advantage That Quotes #85731
#88. A corporation has no rights except those given it by law. It can exercise no power except that conferred upon it by the people through legislation, and the people should be as free to withhold as to give, public interest and not private advantage being the end in view.

William Jennings Bryan

Advantage That Quotes #86578
#89. We have an amazing advantage right now in that we have developed technology that is so sexy, so engaging for kids.

LeVar Burton

Advantage That Quotes #87751
#90. Remember, he is not, like you, a pure spirit. Never having been a human (Oh that abominable advantage of the Enemy's) you don't realize how enslaved they are to the pressure of the ordinary.

C.S. Lewis

Advantage That Quotes #91583
#91. If you think about photo sharing sites, the mobile photo sharing and social, there's no competitive advantage, there's no obvious business model, so I never play with anything like that. I avoid it like the plague.

Aaron Patzer

Advantage That Quotes #92068
#92. I'd love to take a stab at writing videogames. There are a lot of storytelling opportunities that really aren't being taken advantage of in that field. I'd like to experiment with telling a truly non-linear story.

Patrick Rothfuss

Advantage That Quotes #92200
#93. If they who understand the utmost refinement of any art will enjoy the perfection of it in a manner superior to other men, will they not amply pay for that advantage in feeling more than other men the imperfection of it, which in the natural course of things must so much oftener fall in their way?

Fulke Greville, 1st Baron Brooke

Advantage That Quotes #92674
#94. Consistency and an established worldview were excess baggage in the intellectual mobile warfare that flared up in the mass media's tiny time segments, and it was his great advantage to be free of such things.

Haruki Murakami

Advantage That Quotes #93075
#95. I love both sports, but the deciding factor was, being a left-handed pitcher, I had a huge advantage in baseball because of that, and I didn't have that type of advantage in hockey.

Tom Glavine

Advantage That Quotes #97042
#96. Combining storytelling, humanity, and laughter will give you a huge advantage in your public speaking and the odds are good that you already have all the raw material you need.

David Nihill

Advantage That Quotes #97306
#97. He that would relish success to a purpose should keep his passions cool, and his expectations low; and then it is possible that his fortune might exceed his fancy; for an advantage always rises by surprise; and is almost always doubled by being unlooked for.

Jeremy Collier

Advantage That Quotes #98481
#98. Do not take advantage of foreigners who live among you in your land. 34 Treat them like native-born Israelites, and love them as you love yourself. Remember that you were once foreigners living in the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your God.


Advantage That Quotes #99910
#99. A cowardly act! What do I care about that? You may be sure that I should never fear to commit one if it were to my advantage.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Advantage That Quotes #101570
#100. Convinced that the attachment of colonies to the metropolis, depends infinitely more upon moral and religious feeling, than political arrangement, or even commercial advantage, I cannot but lament that more is not done to instill it into the minds of the people.

John Strachan

Advantage That Quotes #105215

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