Top 14 Adeyanju Olufunmilayo Quotes

#1. I didn't fully realize it at the time, but the goal of my life was profoundly molded by this experience - to help produce, in the next generation, more Mother Teresas and less Hitlers.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Adeyanju Olufunmilayo Quotes #118019
#2. It's much easier to make jokes about not having kids.

Jen Kirkman

Adeyanju Olufunmilayo Quotes #228161
#3. And then, with a European director and Norwegian actors speaking in Norwegian, it was going to be very interesting. So, whatever initial trepidation or fear I may have had was alleviated by those factors. I just said, "This is something to get on board with."

Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje

Adeyanju Olufunmilayo Quotes #289773
#4. After 9/11, we had to look at the world differently. After 9/11, we had to recognize that when we saw a threat, we must take it seriously before it comes to hurt us. In the old days we'd see a threat, and we could deal with it if we felt like it or not. But 9/11 changed it all.

George W. Bush

Adeyanju Olufunmilayo Quotes #506397
#5. When people talk about my business, my life, I'm really private. Maybe someone thinks I'm arrogant or something, but it's just me.

Mario Balotelli

Adeyanju Olufunmilayo Quotes #664298
#6. You see so many different personalities and mind-sets in the world of sports, just like you do with actors.

Marc Blucas

Adeyanju Olufunmilayo Quotes #734542
#7. But only in their dreams can men be truly free. 'twas always thus and always thus will be.

N.H. Kleinbaum

Adeyanju Olufunmilayo Quotes #771829
#8. If you don't make the best-seller list, if you don't get shortlisted for any prizes, it's goodbye.

Val McDermid

Adeyanju Olufunmilayo Quotes #862675
#9. I know I'm not the greatest singer or dancer, but that doesn't interest me. I'm interested in being provocative and pushing people's buttons.

Madonna Ciccone

Adeyanju Olufunmilayo Quotes #905785
#10. Grief and disappointment are like hate: they make men ugly with self-pity and bitterness. And how selfish they make us too.

Graham Greene

Adeyanju Olufunmilayo Quotes #1127549
#11. Whether you realize it or not, you have the power to be successful.

David Cottrell

Adeyanju Olufunmilayo Quotes #1272410
#12. Wanting to die and dying, she found were two separate things.

Jane Yolen

Adeyanju Olufunmilayo Quotes #1381039
#13. Think they're going to forget that?"
"You asked my opinion. Don't like it? Go fuck yourself."
"You're such a delicate flower, Annie. How'd you end up NASA's director of media relations?"
"Beats the fuck out of me," Annie said.

Andy Weir

Adeyanju Olufunmilayo Quotes #1494423
#14. Acting's fine if the script's written by Paddy Chayefsky and Martin Scorsese directs it, but unless you have something like that, I don't really enjoy acting.

Jeff Garlin

Adeyanju Olufunmilayo Quotes #1587212

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