Top 36 A Man Will Cheat Quotes

#1. But it's my reading of human nature that a man will cheat in his trade, but not in his hobby.

G.K. Chesterton

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1853397
#2. It is fully practical to create that which has form in the silence. The noise art makes is usually heard by those whose lives listen to god. It is not adviseable to cheat that which has no other stake than the deeps and brights of all man.

Kenneth Patchen

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1294526
#3. Trade is much superior to piracy. You can rob and kill a man but once, but you can cheat him again and again.

Louis L'Amour

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #935946
#4. A man who wouldn't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough.
Augustus "Gus" McCrae

Larry McMurtry

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1025299
#5. I am a man. I don't run. I don't lie. I don't cheat, and I don't use. I don't find enjoyment in games, either. I've paid for my mistakes in life and learned from them. I know what I want, Aesa, and I want you. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Amber Lynn Natusch

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1150221
#6. You can't cheat an honest man.

W.C. Fields

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1161607
#7. A man that ain't willin' to cheat for a poke don't want it bad enough.

Larry McMurtry

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1174157
#8. Men can cheat because there are so many women willing to give themselves to a man who doesn't belong to them.

Steve Harvey

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1211767
#9. I was raised to believe in myself. I know I'm cool. I'm not trying to brag or say I'm the man or anything like that. I don't lie or cheat, and I'm not mean to anybody. I treat people with respect.

Freddie Prinze Jr.

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1251686
#10. Ambition is a passion, at once strong and insidious, and is very apt to cheat a man out of his happiness and his true respectability of character

Edward Bates

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1279264
#11. Any man who will cheat for you will cheat against you.

Sam Rayburn

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #811808
#12. The principle can be established that for a man who does not cheat what he believes to be true must determine his actions.

Albert Camus

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1346181
#13. A man's own self is the last person to believe in him, and is harder to cheat than the rest of the world.

George Bernard Shaw

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1419052
#14. Most vices may be committed very genteelly: a man may debauch his friend's wife genteelly: he may cheat at cards genteelly

Samuel Johnson

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1424275
#15. If you are stupid enough to cheat, then definitely dumb enough to get caught.

Aman Jassal

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1473021
#16. A fool thinks that he can cheat others, but a prudent man knows that he can only cheat himself.

Debasish Mridha

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1593923
#17. [Black Hawk] has fought for his countrymen, the squaws and papooses, against white men, who came year after year, to cheat them and take away their lands. You know the cause of our making war. It is known to all white men. They ought to be ashamed of it.

Black Hawk

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1605913
#18. O evil man, leave the upright man alone and quit trying to cheat him out of his rights. Don't you know that this good man, though you trip him up seven times, will each time rise again? But one calamity is enough to lay you low.


A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1653061
#19. You can always cheat an honest man, but it takes more work.

Neil Gaiman

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #1875617
#20. A rich man is an honest man
no thanks to him; for he would be a double knave, to cheat mankind when he had no need of it: he has no occasion to press upon his integrity, nor so much as to touch upon the borders of dishonesty.

Daniel Defoe

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #350452
#21. Just like my Uncle Charlie used to say, just before he sprung the trap: He said, You can't cheat and honest man! Never give a sucker an even break or smarten up a chump!

W.C. Fields

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #9816
#22. We're flimflam artists. But remember, sonny, you can't con people unless they're greedy to begin with. W. C. Fields had it right. You can't cheat an honest man.

Sidney Sheldon

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #21308
#23. Dependability, integrity, the characteristic of never knowingly doing anything wrong, that you would never cheat anyone, that you would give everybody a fair deal. Character is a sort of an all-inclusive thing. If a man has character, everyone has confidence in him.

Omar Nelson Bradley

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #102690
#24. A small lie, if it actually is a lie, condemns a man as much as a big and black falsehood. If a man will deliberately cheat to the amount of a single cent, give him opportunity and he would cheat to any amount.

Edwin Hubbel Chapin

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #279206
#25. You know how many stunning women told me they can't stand a good-looking man? ... Women feel secure with an ugly guy because a man in bad shape isn't gonna cheat.

Jackie Mason

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #280041
#26. As you grow older, you'll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don't you forget it - whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash

Harper Lee

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #308452
#27. A man compounded of Law and Gospel, is able to cheat a whole country with his Religion, and then destroy them under Colour of Law.

Benjamin Franklin

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #321911
#28. Honey, that man would do anything to keep you. Lie, steal, cheat, kill, clean up after himself, and do laundry.

Alisa Sheckley

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #335352
#29. Just ask yourself, if we weren't taught to be women, what would we be? (Ask yourself this question even if you're a man, and don't cheat by changing the words.)

Karen Joy Fowler

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #690821
#30. To cheat a man isnothing; but the womanmust have fine parts indeed who cheats a woman!

John Gay

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #418502
#31. Each man takes care that his neighbor shall not cheat him. But a day comes when he begins to care that he does not cheat his neighbor. Then all goes well - he has changed his market-cart into a chariot of the sun.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #424692
#32. How smoothly one becomes, not a cheat, exactly, not really a liar, just a man who'll say anything for pay.

Sloan Wilson

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #484907
#33. In restoring man from evil sovereignty, we must cheat.

Sun Myung Moon

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #493336
#34. In a kingdom of thieves, the ways of an honest man will always be a crime.

Dennis Adonis

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #601765
#35. You can cheat an honest man but not make a fool out of him.


A Man Will Cheat Quotes #627325
#36. To be intimate with a married man, when my own father cheated on my mother, is not something I could forgive. I could not look at myself in the morning if I did that. I wouldn't be attracted to a man who would cheat on his wife.

Angelina Jolie

A Man Will Cheat Quotes #687799

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