Top 62 A Kiss In Time Quotes

#1. For what it's worth" - he rose from his seat, moved around the table and bent over her, whispering in her ear as he pressed a kiss to her cheek - "I like you better in a pair of worn jeans, and I think you deserve someone who appreciates what he's got. Not someone out to have a good time.

J.M. Stewart

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1476888
#2. He crushed her mouth in a searing, hungry kiss. A kiss that made her stomach drop away.

Angela Quarles

A Kiss In Time Quotes #883122
#3. He leaned in. "Kiss me, one last time."
I called up a distant memory of his lips against mine. But this time, I kept my eyes open.
When he pulled back, Logan passed his hand over my hair. "Don't forget me, okay?

Jeri Smith-Ready

A Kiss In Time Quotes #981167
#4. I have a hard time getting my head around the idea of playing 'The Perfect Kiss' in my 50s. I can't quite get there.

Peter Hook

A Kiss In Time Quotes #981828
#5. Mitch
"All right, baby, I'll shut you up."
Then he did, his head slanting and his lips taking mine in a repeat performance of the open-mouthed, knock my socks off, rock my world, best kiss in the history of all time.

Kristen Ashley

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1006397
#6. There was nothing glamorous about the kiss. It was breathy and sloppy and noisy, more passion than finesse, but it was like a hit of speed tripping
through his blood, rippling pleasure through his thighs and buttocks and belly, their heads twisting greedily in time to the wild buck of his hips.

Amy Andrews

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1017921
#7. Business colleagues who have not seen each other for a long time but who have a good relationship can always shake hands warmly and grab each other's right upper arm or shoulder with their free left hand. Men and women executives should not kiss each other in public.

Letitia Baldrige

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1064687
#8. And then ... he cupped her face with both hands, lowered his own and paused. Hesitated. His mouth hovering a hair's breath away. His soft, warm breath caressing. Teasing. And she held her own. Waiting. Willing him to commit himself while the kiss hung between them, a sweet promise suspended in time.

Victoria Vane

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1093026
#9. He brushed his lips over hers, and this time his kiss was a bit more heated than the last. She clutched onto him, deepening it until he pulled back.
He groaned, simmering heat in his gaze. "Let's get you in the bath before I lose my head."
"Maybe after the bath you can lose it.

Katie Reus

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1251399
#10. I wanted to preserve this moment, this slice of time when the night was cool and bright with reflected moonlight and the possibility of a kiss hung between us, full of unspent promise. Every event in my life after this would be different because I would have been kissed.

Alex Flinn

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1251578
#11. Your heart has stolen mine; two souls beating in time.
Yet you push me away-rejection a cruel slay.
I beg you to kiss me. Take me. Claim me.
Make me yours and put my fears at bay.

Pepper Winters

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1286199
#12. When I get on a plane, I kiss the plane and I tap it three times. If I don't do it ... I have to do it. One time I sat in my seat and I had to get back up to touch the plane.

Jana Kramer

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1300024
#13. Every time I kiss you
After a long separation
I feel
I am putting a hurried love letter
In a red mailbox.

Nizar Qabbani

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1352176
#14. Thanks I remembered the last time Annabeth and I had parted ways, when she'd given me a kiss for luck in Mount St. Helens. This time, all I got was the hat.

Rick Riordan

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1464177
#15. My very first kiss happened when I was 6, underneath some desks during 'nap time', but my first real kiss happened when I was 15 in the parking lot at a Mexican food restaurant.

Armie Hammer

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1472194
#16. It was a kiss made in lonely dreams. A kiss that took its time. A kiss that felt so right she couldn't remember all the reasons it was wrong.

Susan Elizabeth Phillips

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1473613
#17. You are right. I have no idea, and it is none of my business, and I was taught to obey my parents. But sometimes it is just impossible to obey blindly.
Sometimes a child must strike out on her own. A child cannot be a child forever, whether that means not touching a spindle or ... or ...

Alex Flinn

A Kiss In Time Quotes #871645
#18. But you kissed her. I saw you."
"No, you saw her kiss me. You saw me not cause a scene in the middle of the club."
"Well, you didn't look like you hated it."
"But I did. The whole time, all I could think about was kissing you instead." He starts to bend his head toward mine.

M. Leighton

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1481995
#19. Until Elle.
I'd never known complete perfection until I made love to her for the first time. Every touch, kiss, stroke, or caress made was all in a need to show her how much I cared. How much I loved her.

Angela McPherson

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1529021
#20. They were at war. Time was the one luxury no one had anymore. Tomorrow felt as ephemeral as a kiss in the dark. She

Kristin Hannah

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1530610
#21. In a world in which time is a circle, every handshake, every kiss, every birth, every word, will be repeated precisely.

Alan Lightman

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1559789
#22. Locked together in hatred. But I can't hate you Louis. Louis my love, I was mortal till you gave me your immortal kiss. You became my mother, and my father, and so I'm yours forever. But now it's time to end it, Louis. Now it's time to leave him. - Claudia, 'Interview with a Vampire

Anne Rice

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1571977
#23. In a corner you condense yourself and cry- in the same corner you caress and kiss. Life is this, something different each time.

Jasleen Kaur Gumber

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1578462
#24. Let me be cursed, let me be base and vile, but let me also kiss the hem of that garment in which my God is clothed; let me be following the devil at the same time, but still I am also your son, Lord, and I love you, and I feel a joy without which the world cannot stand and be.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1608192
#25. This baby let's me take my low E string from an E Note to a D and back in a flash without having to retune. It can cry like a baby and scream like a devil; it's got angel wings and horns both,and it'll kiss you at the same time it fucks you. Not many dudes can top that,right?

C.M. Stunich

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1680697
#26. This is not the time to be passive. This is the time to shape, sculpt, paint, participate ... the time to get sweaty, to get dirty, to fall in love, to forgive, to forget, to hug, to kiss ... this is the time to experience, participate and live your life as a verb.

Steve Maraboli

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1739234
#27. You didn't understand what he was saying, until he kissed you. It was a kiss of such complicity, of such uncomplicated sympathy, that you felt for the first time not alone in your suffering.

Sarah Hall

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1746515
#28. What if I turned out to be a great kisser, and suddenly, girls everywhere wanted to kiss me? Did I really want to risk losing my free time to watch people so I could kiss every girl in town?

S.L. Madden

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1787321
#29. What are you doing?"
"What I've wanted to do for a long time."
She couldn't move, couldn't think. She was lost in his dark eyes, and as he slowly lowered his head toward hers, she whispered, "Are you going to throttle me, then?"
He was laughing when he kissed her.

Julie Garwood

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1831091
#30. Imagine a pleasure in which the moment of satisfaction is simultaneous with the moment of destruction: to kiss is to poison; lifting to your lips this face after which you have ached, dreamed, longed for, the face shatters, every time.

Andrew Holleran

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1842192
#31. If I were in a different body, this would be the time I would lean down and kiss her. If I were in a different body, that kiss could transform the night from off to on. If I were in a different body, she would see me inside. She would see what she wanted to see.
But now it's awkward.

David Levithan

A Kiss In Time Quotes #1866366
#32. I had a dream about you last night, for the millionth time! We did what we always do in my dreams. We talked, but we never made out. How come I still dream about you if we never freaking make out?

Crystal Woods

A Kiss In Time Quotes #290828
#33. My poor mother. Every time I get a job, she asks, 'Am I gonna have to watch you kiss someone again in this one?' and I say, 'You're probably gonna have to watch me kiss someone in most of them, Mom.'

Luke Bracey

A Kiss In Time Quotes #9403
#34. I always wanted to be a hero
to sacrifice my life in a big way one time
and yet, God has required my sacrifice to be thousands of days, over many years, with one more kiss, one more story, one more meal.

Sally Clarkson

A Kiss In Time Quotes #18618
#35. In the only love story he ever attempted, "Kiss Me Again," he had written, "There is no way a beautiful woman can live up to what she looks like for any appreciable length of time." The moral at the end of that story is this: "Men are jerks. Women are psychotic.

Kurt Vonnegut

A Kiss In Time Quotes #133269
#36. It wasn't a little kiss, Not like your first peck or like the time you made out with your junior high boyfriend behind the movie theater. It was throw-your-arms-around-his-neck, bury-your-fingers-in-his-hair, why-haven't-we-done-this-before kissing

Jenna Evans Welch

A Kiss In Time Quotes #145659
#37. Bonobos are... ambassadors from a primordial world of peace through pleasure, inviting us in one kiss at a time.

Susan Block

A Kiss In Time Quotes #156361
#38. He'd done nothing wrong, and to prove it, I used all of my strength to pull him back on top of me. Kale lost his balance, but turned just in time and landed half on me, half on the couch. I smiled and pulled his head down to mine for a kiss he returned with urgency

Inger Iversen

A Kiss In Time Quotes #181576
#39. These were things she hadn't felt wile being kissed in a long, long time. Exciting things. Especially when he lowered his head to kiss her again, this time on the throat. That's when she felt that her heart might burst from happiness.

Meg Cabot

A Kiss In Time Quotes #185267
#40. The thought I may never see her again streaks through me. The time's all wrong. We only have twenty minutes before we head out. But right now, I don't give a damn. I grab her and push her against the door. No time to do anything except in the most primal of ways. I kiss her hard...

Magda Alexander

A Kiss In Time Quotes #188217
#41. You know how it is. Every time you kiss someone else, in a way you always remember that very first time.

Breckin Meyer

A Kiss In Time Quotes #201187
#42. First crush, first kiss, first time I saw the ocean
And dug my toes in the sand
Baseball and summer nights, casting out when the fish first bite,
First time I got a Chevy in my hands
I thought nothing can touch that by a mile
I thought nothing can make that moment seem so worthwhile

Scotty McCreery

A Kiss In Time Quotes #208734
#43. My own opinion is enough for me, and I claim the right to have it defended against any consensus, any majority, anywhere, any place, any time. And anyone who disagrees with this can pick a number, get in line, and kiss my ass.

Christopher Hitchens

A Kiss In Time Quotes #228096
#44. Anderson sent me to give you this he said. I believe the subtext was kiss and makeup. This time I was sure I made a face. "I rather kiss a copperhead." I grabbed the envelop from his hand. He laughed and held up his hands in surrender. Don't worry. It was only a figure of speech.

Jenna Black

A Kiss In Time Quotes #247941
#45. There was no time for kissing but she wanted him to know that in the future there would be. A kiss in so much loneliness was like a hand pulling you up out of the water, scooping you up from a place of drowning and into the reckless abundance of air. A kiss, another kiss.

Ann Patchett

A Kiss In Time Quotes #249392
#46. You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you.

Frederick Buechner

A Kiss In Time Quotes #286527
#47. I kiss him with everything that I have and everything that I am. I kiss him with the passion of a woman tasting the promise of true love for the very first time in her life. Every man before him forgotten.

Mia Asher

A Kiss In Time Quotes #287979
#48. When you read a book, the neurons in your brain fire overtime, deciding what the characters are wearing, how they're standing, and what it feels like the first time they kiss. No one shows you. The words make suggestions. Your brain paints the pictures.

Meg Rosoff

A Kiss In Time Quotes #8918
#49. Who or what is an Ipod?

Alex Flinn

A Kiss In Time Quotes #315074
#50. If you sit on an airplane and you tell the English person sitting next to you that you have a bomb in your bag, they would probably be pissed off. Not as much pissed off as if you were talking to them all the time during the journey, but still, quite pissed off.

Angela Kiss

A Kiss In Time Quotes #336478
#51. You can plan on a change in the weather and time, but I never planned on you changing you mind.

Taylor Swift

A Kiss In Time Quotes #350434
#52. Our life is ... a time in which sadness and joy kiss each other at every moment.

Henri Nouwen

A Kiss In Time Quotes #413968
#53. But every smile on your face
seems to replace
A memory I'd rather not hold
Each time you laugh, it fills a
Each kiss heals another wound
in my soul

Colleen Hoover

A Kiss In Time Quotes #414223
#54. Every time his lips meet mine, my whole body begins a slow tingle that starts from within in my chest, and spreads like a wildfire.

Alex Rosa

A Kiss In Time Quotes #429409
#55. The last time you kiss someone does not have to feel like you are losing them in a war.

Nikita Gill

A Kiss In Time Quotes #466900
#56. In the meantime, I promise not to kiss you again. However, if you kiss me first, I will kiss you back. I think that's only fair, don't you?" She looked over at him again, but this time, there was a smile on her face. "You're confident, aren't you?" But he wasn't - not when it came to Janet.

Pamela Clare

A Kiss In Time Quotes #471569
#57. It's about damned time," he said in a husky voice. "If I had to wait five more minutes to kiss you, I think I probably would have turned into a dragon myself.

Deborah Blake

A Kiss In Time Quotes #490114
#58. In Manhattan, marriage is a trend. Couples kiss over their arugula and radicchio salads. They fondle each other's genitals while devouring their pasta puttanesca. By the time the tiramisu arrives, they've slid under the table.

Cynthia Heimel

A Kiss In Time Quotes #496358
#59. When you're late in a fairy tale, people wind up dead. And not true-love's-kiss, glass-coffin-nap-time dead. Really dead, the kind of dead you don't recover from.

Seanan McGuire

A Kiss In Time Quotes #712707
#60. I remember how Talia got me to talk about the gardening thing. I've never told anyone else about that, but with this girl, I sort of feel like I can be myself without worrying about looking uncool. After all, she doesn't even know what "cool" is.

Alex Flinn

A Kiss In Time Quotes #741201
#61. But, in the end, a kiss is just a kiss; I have no time for love, or seasoned lips.

Phar West Nagle

A Kiss In Time Quotes #787156
#62. Can you kiss me again?" the whisper came like a plea laced with honey and need, and any desire to enjoy one thing at a time was lost in that second. "Come here baby boy and I'll kiss you forever,

Talon P.S.

A Kiss In Time Quotes #864125

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