Top 70 27 Now Quotes

#1. The last thinkg I want to do is spend the rest of my life pretending to be 17 or 27. Now it's pretty interesting to me to see what can be said in the point of view of where I am now.

Tristen Gaspadarek

27 Now Quotes #1177111
#2. I love being around kids. I couldn't figure out why all these 70-year-olds wanted to hang out with me when I was 27. Now I understand, and I'm trying to steal their energy from them like they stole from me at the time.

Stanley Druckenmiller

27 Now Quotes #877661
#3. Somehow, I always knew I would get married by the time I was 27. Even in college, I had this weird thing in my head that I would get married when I was 27, and hopefully my career would be stable, and I'll have kids by 30. And that's exactly what has happened.

Emraan Hashmi

27 Now Quotes #260870
#4. I did not know it then, but Frida had already become the most important fact in my life. And would continue to be, up to the moment she died, 27 years later.

Diego Rivera

27 Now Quotes #197412
#5. If female were working in the same proportion as men do, the level of GDP would be up 27 percent in a country like India, but also up 9 percent in Japan and up 5 percent in the United States of America. It's not just a moral issue, not just a philosophical issue. It just makes economic sense.

Christine Lagarde

27 Now Quotes #260168
#6. I came to Los Angeles and did auditions for television. I made a terrible mess of most of them and I was quite intimidated. I felt very embarrassed and went back to London. I got British television jobs intermittently between the ages of 23 and 27, but it was very patchy.

Michael Fassbender

27 Now Quotes #258966
#7. I'm 27. I feel like I get it. I'm OK with being sexy if I feel like it. Some days I'm brainy, some days I'm funny, some days I'm sexy, and sometimes, I just want to dance.

Nelly Furtado

27 Now Quotes #256749
#8. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)


27 Now Quotes #249120
#9. For what else is tragedy than the portrayal in tragic verse of the sufferings of men who have attached high value to external things? [27]


27 Now Quotes #243680
#10. Jacob: I've never seen so much manure. Wade: Baggage stock horses. They pack'em in 27 a car. Jacob: how do you stand the smell? Wade: what smell?

Sara Gruen

27 Now Quotes #239891
#11. Middle-aged women on telly is a bit of a hot topic - before, we were 27 to 37, and now we're 40 to 50. You do notice as you get older ... you go past 35, and suddenly you're playing baddies.

Sally Phillips

27 Now Quotes #235339
#12. My first album didn't come out until I was 27, which in pop years is late, you know. But when it came time to arrange it, I became a kid in a toy shop. I had a harp and a saxophone quartet and a symphony orchestra. I went berserk for a time.


27 Now Quotes #228041
#13. At such times when we feel the floods are threatening to drown us and the deep is going to swallow up the tossed vessel of our faith, I pray we may always hear amid the storm and the darkness that sweet utterance of the Savior of the world: 'Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid' (Matt. 14:27)

Howard W. Hunter

27 Now Quotes #220720
#14. About once a year, I do these long-distance relays with some friends of mine, and it takes about 27 or 28 hours to complete it.

Anson Mount

27 Now Quotes #219998
#15. I am more than perfect
because I am more than love
Petra Hermans
September 27, 2016

Petra Hermans

27 Now Quotes #219286
#16. This was the ethos of the intelligence analysis directorate during most of the 27 years I spent there.

Ray McGovern

27 Now Quotes #212627
#17. I remember once in junior high school, on a Friday, my mom came home from work and said to my brother and I, 'You know, between us, we have only 27 cents, but we have food in the refrigerator, we have our little garden out back, and we're happy, so we are rich.'

John Paul DeJoria

27 Now Quotes #201474
#18. I've been investing in the stock market for 27 years and, within that time, have helped investors beat the market nearly four to one.

Louis Navellier

27 Now Quotes #197899
#19. Never knowingly be serious. Rule 27.

Steven Moffat

27 Now Quotes #1878575
#20. I had a pension that I was paying into for 27 years ... It's now worth less than a Herman Cain endorsement.

Martin Bashir

27 Now Quotes #895723
#21. Each of us now has 2.27 kg (5 lbs) of plastic embedded in our bodies.

David Suzuki

27 Now Quotes #1777155
#22. My mother and father were perfect role models. They were together for 25 years and very much in love. But I've got too much to do now. I'm only 27.

Katherine Jenkins

27 Now Quotes #1666098
#23. I didn't moisturise when I was younger, but when I got to 27 I decided to start slathering myself in oil, and now I'm obsessed with moisturising.

Alexa Chung

27 Now Quotes #1535773
#24. I was mostly surprised by the rap artists, actually, that were influenced by Sabbath. That was a surprise. But it's very nice and I'm very honored. It's nice to know after 27 years now that what I said in the first place has stuck, and that was the belief in it.

Tony Iommi

27 Now Quotes #1442545
#25. The soul should not be surprised at feeling itself unable to offer up to God such petitions as it had formally made with freedom and facility; for now the Spirit maketh intercession for it according to the will of God ("with sighs too deep for words" - Romans 8:26-27).

Jeanne Marie Bouvier De La Motte Guyon

27 Now Quotes #1396338
#26. Now the interesting thing about the movie is that many of the questions it raised about the Warren Commission and its investigation were all investigated by our committee 13 years ago. We published our findings in 27 volumes of information and evidentiary material.

Louis Stokes

27 Now Quotes #1372326
#27. I've got about 27 gigs right now. I've got radio, I've got television, I've got The Washington Post.

Tony Kornheiser

27 Now Quotes #1338314
#28. By the year 2025, 500 million people will die of smoking. Now, that's a Vietnam War every day for 27 years. That's the Titanic sinking every 27 minutes for 27 years.

C. Everett Koop

27 Now Quotes #1131619
#29. Jesus didn't leave a material inheritance to His disciples. All He had when He died was a robe. But Jesus willed His followers something more valuable than gold. He willed us His peace. He said: "My peace I give to you; not as the world gives" [John 14:27 KJV].

Billy Graham

27 Now Quotes #267309
#30. My success set me up for life, and it meant that I could retire from the music industry at 27 to spend time with my newborn daughter and my wife. My time away from the spotlight allowed me to rediscover my love for music, and I'm doing it for me now and no one else.

Rick Astley

27 Now Quotes #798527
#31. Remember those black-and-white films with Frank Sinatra? Those guys looked like men and they were only 27! Listen to Otis Redding singing 'Try A Little Tenderness'. That was a man who understood what a man has to know in the world. Show me a real man now! Where are they?

Chrissie Hynde

27 Now Quotes #557933
#32. I think now what you're seeing is guys that are in the peaks of their careers anywhere from 27 to 35 years old, seems to be when they play their best hockey.

Mark Messier

27 Now Quotes #552437
#33. I was a military man for 27 years. I fought so long as there was no chance for peace. I believe that there is now a chance for peace, a great chance. We must take advantage of it for the sake of those standing here, and for those who are not here - and they are many.

Yitzhak Rabin

27 Now Quotes #458128
#34. I'm 27 and guys are pitching into their 40s now. For unfortunate reasons, I haven't been healthy since 2005. But I feel that I have a lot of great years ahead of me.

Mark Prior

27 Now Quotes #454526
#35. After I did 'Mr. Show,' I was basically just a writer for a while. I was really young, and I kinda was like, wow, I'm 27 and I was already on this iconic show, and now I can just coast. But no one likes coasting, because you have to fill your day with stuff.

Scott Aukerman

27 Now Quotes #437254
#36. I feel like since I was 27, I was calling myself 30. And then, when it happened, it was like, 'I'm finally here now. This is it.

Autre Ne Veut

27 Now Quotes #301700
#37. The heartfelt counsel of a friend is sweet as perfume and incense. - Proverbs 27:9

Gary Chapman

27 Now Quotes #93446
#38. And now," he continued, speaking to Milo, "where were you on the night of July 27?"
"What does that have to do with it?" asked Milo.
"It's my birthday, that's what," said the policeman as he entered "Forgot my birthday" in his little book. "Boys always forget other people's birthdays.

Norton Juster

27 Now Quotes #129484
#39. 27 k Do not work for the food that perishes, but for l the food that endures to eternal life, which m the Son of Man will give to you.


27 Now Quotes #128137
#40. I'm 27 years old. I'm going to go into Hollywood really arrogant. I'll be breaking a lot of rules. It's going to be hot.

Wyclef Jean

27 Now Quotes #117142
#41. I just had a baby girl. My daughter weighed 27 pounds. She was 3 years old. She was delivered to me by way of the court system and a blood test.

Donnell Rawlings

27 Now Quotes #108720
#42. more 27 and 53,'i said. 'Food of the gods,' he said

David Almond

27 Now Quotes #107336
#43. I've got more friends than I've ever had in my life at the age of 39 - although given that I didn't have any friends until the age of 27, it doesn't say much - because I found the internet.

Caitlin Moran

27 Now Quotes #106293
#44. I feel about John ['s gospel] like I feel about my wife; I love her very much, but I wouldn't claim to understand her.
(Following Jesus, p. 27.)

N. T. Wright

27 Now Quotes #100039
#45. In 1960 when Pittsburgh beat us in the World Series, we outscored them 55-27. It was the only time I think the better team lost. I was so disappointed I cried on the plane ride home.

Mickey Mantle

27 Now Quotes #95639
#46. Goal; Be kind to a stranger today.

Demi Lovato

27 Now Quotes #129951
#47. I am a much happier 27-year-old than I was at 20 years old. I am so fortunate because I have an amazing family, amazing friends and a great support system.

Meryl Davis

27 Now Quotes #87158
#48. He gambled all his life, he's got 27 children, yet he's never had a wife.

Bob Dylan

27 Now Quotes #72668
#49. Earned a bachelor's at 27, then an M.F.A. that is still completely unused and in mint condition, never taken out of the box.

Daniel Woodrell

27 Now Quotes #63538
#50. Theres a lot of churches that hide their dirty laundry under the rug, and I know about that from being in the church 27 years. Oh, yeah.

Al Green

27 Now Quotes #48462
#51. I think the age of 27 to 28 is ideal for the Salvadoran player to play qualifiers. That's why we've brought players who are between 23 and 24. I think in three years, they'll be well-armed to play qualifiers.

Agustin Castillo

27 Now Quotes #39343
#52. I had started working in television but it did not pay that much. I was 27, renting this little one-bed flat in Shepherd's Bush, West London, with a bathroom so small only someone of my size could actually get in it.

Anthea Turner

27 Now Quotes #31915
#53. Back on Nov. 23, 1963, I sailed into Manhattan Harbor onboard the Queen Mary and landed with no job and contacts and just $135 in my pocket. My first lodging was in a rundown hotel for $27 a week with the bathroom down the end of a corridor of beds.

Robin Leach

27 Now Quotes #9410
#54. I was in 27 Broadway plays in a row as a kid, and in between, I learned how to play the horses from the stagehands.

Dick Van Patten

27 Now Quotes #160689
#55. In an area of more than 1,000 war graves and with birdsong as the only sound, I contemplated the thin margin between life and death. If the sniper's bullet had been just two feet to one side, my father's life would have been over, aged just 27, and I would never have been born.

Michael Ashcroft

27 Now Quotes #195661
#56. I am deeply devoted to the 27,000 songs I can take anywhere on my iPod Classic as well as the exquisitely engineered MacBook Air on which I typed this column.

Eric Alterman

27 Now Quotes #189174
#57. Angels are thoughts of God
to pray to an angel is to look to a level of pure thinking, divine thinking, and to ask that it replace our thoughts of fear. (Page 27.)

Marianne Williamson

27 Now Quotes #187797
#58. There is a certain 'beauty' in illness - one is alone - one reads - one thinks - one sees only the people one like seeing. (27 (?)/5/1928) - From a Letter to Duncan Grant)

Virginia Woolf

27 Now Quotes #181961
#59. In fact, there are more slaves in the world today than at any other point in human history, with an estimated 27 million in bondage across the globe.

Jen Lilley

27 Now Quotes #173051
#60. The scar on my forehead is from running through a plate-glass panel when I was 15. I had 27 stitches, which took two hours.

Alan Hansen

27 Now Quotes #167206
#61. When I was 27, I didn't have a clue what was going on! At that age, to have that much power and to have that much ambition is something.

Stephen Graham

27 Now Quotes #163969
#62. NEH13.27 Shall we then hearken unto you to do all this great evil, to transgress against our God in marrying strange wives?


27 Now Quotes #162830
#63. UNIVAC: a device, which contained 20,000 vacuum tubes, occupied 1,500 square feet and weighed 40 tons; there was also a laptop version weighing 27 tons.

Dave Barry

27 Now Quotes #196282
#64. My father was one of those men who sit in a room and you can feel it: the simmer, the sense of some unpredictable force that might, at any moment, break loose, and do something terrible. [Burnside, p. 27]

John Burnside

27 Now Quotes #157118
#65. Oh, 1994, April 27. There won't be a day like that ever again. I mean, the sky was blue, with a blueness that had never been there before.

Desmond Tutu

27 Now Quotes #153655
#66. My servant Jacob, do not be afraid, and do not be discouraged, Israel, for without fail I will save you from far away. Jeremiah 46:27

Beth Moore

27 Now Quotes #149076
#67. I leave CNN with the utmost respect, love and admiration for the company and everyone who works here. This has been my family and shared endeavor for the past 27 years, and I am forever grateful and proud of all that we have accomplished.

Christiane Amanpour

27 Now Quotes #144962
#68. I grew up in western Oregon, just outside Eugene, on 27 wooded acres that served as my playground.

Benjamin Percy

27 Now Quotes #144130
#69. It costs about $27 million to win a seat in the United States Senate, so when you win one, you like to sit down.

Arlen Specter

27 Now Quotes #143897
#70. But Jesus looked at them and said, With men, it is impossible. But not with God. With God, all things are possible.

Mark 10 27

27 Now Quotes #138920

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