Top 85 Tim LaHaye Quotes
#1. Bible prophecy helps us to better understand the future and realize the urgent need to spread the Gospel. It motivates us to personal purity and gives us hope in a hopeless age.
Tim LaHaye
#2. There are the saints who were raptured at the beginning of the tribulation period - those are the Christians.
Tim LaHaye
#3. And then I met Jerry and he's such a creative fiction writer, and I don't know if there's ever been a team put together the way we are - where one person does the theological way out and suggestions, and the other person goes into the cave and does the fiction writing.
Tim LaHaye
#4. Jerry and I hoped that it would be a popular bestseller.
Tim LaHaye
#5. good-byes to Hattie, and she was cordial enough,
Tim LaHaye
#6. Why not admit that the words separation and church do not even appear in the US Constitution, he added. Instead, they do appear in Article 52 of the Constitution of the Soviet Union.
Tim LaHaye
#7. Christianity is the only faith whose founder died for His followers in order to enable them to escape the consequences of their sins.
Tim LaHaye
#8. All I know is that the closer I get to God, the deeper I get into the Bible, and the heavier the burden seems on my shoulders.
Tim LaHaye
#9. It's going to be used in the last days to get people to come against Christ, and that's the issue: they come against the Lord Jesus Christ. And in this new book, we show Christ coming to settle that big issue.
Tim LaHaye
#10. Yes, I think that when the Bible refers to a horse or a horseman, that's exactly what it means.
Tim LaHaye
#11. Rock musicians are consistent in their disdain and irreverent treatment of Jesus Christ.
Tim LaHaye
#12. The tribulation period is seven years, and when the signing of the covenant occurs, people who know the Bible and take it literally will know that, seven years later, Christ is going to come in His power and glory.
Tim LaHaye
#13. If Jesus is the Son of God in human flesh, He's one of a kind of the 13 billions of people who have ever lived.
Tim LaHaye
#14. Most of all, I believe God has chosen to bless this series. In doing so, he's giving the country and maybe the world, one last, big wake-up call before the events transpire.
Tim LaHaye
#15. But when you take the Bible literally, for what it says, you have to come back to the fact that there is only one way of salvation; there's only one Savior.
Tim LaHaye
#16. There is something therapeutic about doing for others that lifts a person out of the rut of self-thought.
Tim LaHaye
#17. Since the writing of our Constitution, our religious liberties have been systematically threatened and whittled away by Supreme Court justices who interpret the First Amendment as a prohibition against religious activity on public property.
Tim LaHaye
#18. The movie industry would never purposely offend homosexuals, native Americans, environmentalists, animal rights activists, or women's groups, but they don't think twice about something that might offend Christians.
Tim LaHaye
#19. You have to take Bible prophecy literally, just like everything else in the Bible.
Tim LaHaye
#20. There were times I didn't think we would ever make it, even when we were cranking two out a year.
Tim LaHaye
#21. We're in a religious war and we need to aggressively oppose secular humanism; these people are as religiously motivated as we are and they are filled with the devil.
Tim LaHaye
#22. We both know that, my friend, but a man's perception soon becomes his reality.
Tim LaHaye
#23. People recognize something's going to happen, and they'd better get ready.
Tim LaHaye
#24. My life's an open book. Some of the pages are a little ripped, but it's open.
Tim LaHaye
#25. Unbelief, which causes fear, always limits God's use of a life.
Tim LaHaye
#26. The book of Revelation says that we no longer need the sun or the moon, for Christ is the light of the world.
Tim LaHaye
#27. The devil, as a master of deceit, does everything he can to keep people from believing in the existence of a hell; but hell is a literal state of existence that will be the plight of all those who reject the Lord Jesus Christ.
Tim LaHaye
#28. credited with one of the most poignant summaries of commitment to Christ ever penned: "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep [this temporal life] to gain what he cannot lose [eternal life with Christ].
Tim LaHaye
#29. The unsaved people will be cast into utter darkness forever.
Tim LaHaye
#30. When you allegorize, you're gonna get everybody saved somehow.
Tim LaHaye
#31. About 40 years ago I had an experience where I wrote a tract.
Tim LaHaye
#32. The farther we go from God, the less we know of peace.
Tim LaHaye
#33. Inside was where she lived, physically and mentally. She resided in the horn of plenty of her own prodigious mind, fertilized by inexhaustible curiosity.
Tim LaHaye
#34. One of the comments that we've heard that has really blessed us is people have been driven back to the book of Revelation to prove us wrong only to find that what we said was there.
Tim LaHaye
#35. And part of my vision is to do dynamic videos for kids.
Tim LaHaye
#36. But the Jews will also be believers, so you can say that all the saints, both gentiles and Jews, will go into the millennial kingdom and populate the earth.
Tim LaHaye
#37. It is a well-known fact among prophecy scholars that there were more than one thousand prophecies contained within the Bible at the time that it was written, and over five hundred of these have been fulfilled. The remainder are end-time prophecies whose time has not yet come.
Tim LaHaye
#38. If you are worrying about tomorrow, you can't possibly enjoy today. Think about it: you can't really give God tomorrow; you can give him only what you have, and today is all you have.
Tim LaHaye
#39. Dear God, I know I am a sinner. Forgive me and pardon me for waiting so long. I receive your love and salvation and ask you to live your life through me. I accept you as my Savior and resolve to live for you until you come again.
Tim LaHaye
#40. But then one day the Lord put us together through our agent and it's been a wonderful match.
Tim LaHaye
#41. The removal of religion as history from our schoolbooks betrays the intellectual dishonesty of secular humanist educators and reveals their blind hostility to Christianity.
Tim LaHaye
#42. I always tell my critics that if they don't like this theory for helping people - come up with a better one and I'll use it.
Tim LaHaye
#43. Whenever a nation turns its back on God or beings to live as if He does not exist, it begins to show up in its citizens' disregard for human life.
Tim LaHaye
#44. The mainline media attacks all conservatives, especially Christians, and distorts their policies and beliefs so that the local population is afraid to vote for them.
Tim LaHaye
#45. Ezekiel 33:11: 'I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live.
Tim LaHaye
#46. When I gave my life to the Lord, I thought I'd be a preacher.
Tim LaHaye
#47. The Evidence Bible is a handy tool for anyone interested in proving the reliability of Scripture, the deity of Jesus Christ, and the incredible offer of our eternal salvation. It makes the defense of Scripture easily understood and should be read by all serious Bible students.
Tim LaHaye
#48. A major contributor to the present-day tendency to accept and encourage homosexuality is Dr. Sigmund Freud.
Tim LaHaye
#49. I need to get you out of here," Buck said. "And I have no idea how." "Have you prayed?" "Constantly." "The Lord will make a way somehow." "It seems impossible right now, sir." "Yahweh is the God of the impossible," Tsion said.
Tim LaHaye
#50. After I'd preached a message on Sunday night, I'd print it up.
Tim LaHaye
#51. Future events cast their shadow before them.
Tim LaHaye
#52. Most media leaders are liberal and much of their programming reflects anti-Christian sentiment.
Tim LaHaye
#53. You have to admit, when people disappear, some rules go out the window.
Tim LaHaye
#54. New fiction writers are a special breed in my estimation, and I never dreamed that so many people would be interested, but I remember being led by God.
Tim LaHaye
#55. Revenge is the most worthless weapon in the world.
Tim LaHaye
#56. I think God has chosen to use this as a tool.
Tim LaHaye
#57. If you could see the instructions that I gave Jerry to begin with, I'd be embarrassed.
Tim LaHaye
#58. Fear is an inhibitor that has kept more people from fulfilling their destiny than any other one emotion.
Tim LaHaye
#59. The curse of Adam and Eve that fell upon the earth because of their sin will be lifted when Christ returns.
Tim LaHaye
#60. Sure, he was lonely. Sure, they had a lot in common. Sure, he was attracted to her, and it was clear she felt the same about him.
Tim LaHaye
#61. The elite attack religious people and clergy with a vengeance.
Tim LaHaye
#62. We cant wait for someone else to do it, we have to take matters into our own hands or it will never be done.
Tim LaHaye
#63. Yes, in fact, it's hard to believe this, but it was almost 18 years ago when I first got the idea.
Tim LaHaye
#64. It's the lie of evolution that all man are just evolved and that they're all equal, and that all creatures are equal.
Tim LaHaye
#65. I'm currently working on a Mind Siege for youth.
Tim LaHaye
#66. This joy was a deep abiding peace, an assurance that God was sovereign. They didn't have to like what was happening. They merely had to trust that God knew what he was doing.
Tim LaHaye
#67. I came to the conclusion that I am not a fiction writer.
Tim LaHaye
#68. What Jerry has done, in a masterful way, is go through and select portions of the Scripture and put words in Jesus' mouth that are legitimate because they already appear in the Bible.
Tim LaHaye
#69. All people, even secular people, are seeing books on the market like The End of History.
Tim LaHaye
#70. [The Freedom Writer] is full of disinformation ... typical of left-wing journals like yours, you print anything you can find that is derogatory to those with whom you disagree - without checking the facts.
Tim LaHaye
#71. Nobody is just anything ... everyone is of equal value, regardless of their station
Tim LaHaye
#72. Every person in every generation has a choice: to obey God or to do his own thing.
Tim LaHaye
#73. We believe Prime Minister Sol Bensky already knows we want to talk.
Tim LaHaye
#74. To suggest that the merciful, longsuffering, gracious and loving God of the Bible would invent a dreadful doctrine like Calvinism, which would have us believe it is an act of 'grace' to select only certain people for heaven and, by exclusion, others for hell, comes perilously close to blasphemy.
Tim LaHaye
#75. Liberal humanists now seem to dominate the fields of art, journalism, and communication, which are powerful and uniquely able to spread anti-Christian thought.
Tim LaHaye
#76. He stretched out on the bed and was suddenly struck by how utterly lonely he was.
Tim LaHaye
#77. He believed he was in love with her, if he knew what love was.
Tim LaHaye
#78. The man who seeks revenge is like the man who shoots himself in order to hit his enemy with the kick of the gun's recoil.
Tim LaHaye
#79. He imagined them sitting somewhere, just enjoying each other's company, her head on his chest, his arm around her. And he realized how desperately lonely he had become.
Tim LaHaye
#80. I've written many nonfiction books, but that's a special gift.
Tim LaHaye
#81. When our atheistically dominated Supreme Court removed the Ten Commandments from our halls, not a whimper was heard from the 95 million Christians in this country, who still don't realize that their religious freedoms are being systematically removed without a fight.
Tim LaHaye
#82. In short, selfishness is the opposite of love.
Tim LaHaye
#83. God's people need to study the prophetic Scriptures so they can both be prepared themselves and help others prepare for His coming.
Tim LaHaye
#84. The Bible says that the Cross offends. If you are offended, I am doing my job. If you are attracted to Christ, the Spirit is doing his work. - Bruce Barnes
Tim LaHaye
#85. Yeah, I have been because, generally speaking, to we Biblical literalists, the media is very hostile.
Tim LaHaye
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