Top 24 Tara Sue Me Quotes

#1. All of life is faith. Just because something has a label doesn't mean it's always going to match the inside. Trust me. Sometimes it takes more faith to believe the label.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #174844
#2. We could have slept anywhere and I wouldn't have cared. His arms were the heaven I never wanted to leave.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #229813
#3. There's a special place in hell for people who mistreat animals.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #243556
#4. I don't want your apology. I want your obedience.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #397466
#5. Gray was two people from different worlds coming together unexpectedly and creating something new. Gray took the best parts of us both and fit them together into something larger than we were apart.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #401586
#6. His lips were smooth and strong, and his tongue stroked mine with a passion and yearning that curled my toes. And we weren't dom and sub; we weren't master and servant; we weren't even man and woman. We were lovers...

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #471235
#7. I never want to leave this shower," he said, thrusting. "Never want to leave you. 'Cause I'm never going to fucking get enough.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #479648
#8. Even your orgasms are mine.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #483201
#9. He moved first, rolling us so he was under me and I rested on him. "Damn you, Abby," he whispered coarsely, but holding me tight. "Damn you for what you do to me. You are everything to me and part of me dies when I think you don't trust me. I'd never do anything to hurt you.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #562281
#10. They say the eyes are windows to the soul and in that moment, it was true.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #616988
#11. I'm going to fuck you during the Super Bowl, Abigail." He bit down on my earlobe, and I sucked in a breath. "As long as you're quiet, no one will know.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #754185
#12. You express yourself through written words. You're a writer.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #766501
#13. In that moment, I understood that love and hate were opposite sides of the same coin. For as much as I'd loved Nathaniel ten minutes ago, I hated him now.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #885591
#14. For me, there's something liberating in knowing you can drop all your worries, cares, and inhibitions and just feel for a while. Trust someone else to take care of everything. To take care of you.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #987996
#15. I will have you do things you never thought possible, but I can also bring you a pleasure you never imagined.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #1025786
#16. I've never been so jealous of water before." His fingers slid over my skin. "How it can touch you everywhere - all at once.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #1061814
#17. Don't be afraid of what's on the inside. I can make a masterpiece with the insides.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #1112951
#18. Mr. Sue Me, one day we'll be reunited with our own two angels. If you get there before me, tell them I love them and never forgot. I'll do the same for you.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #1311333
#19. For those who wait with full hearts and empty arms.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #1360120
#20. If you choose to wear this, you'll be marked as mine. Mine to do with as I wish. You will obey me and never question what I tell you to do.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #1394748
#21. giving you time to think, because I know you'll search for the truth and when you find it, it'll lead you back to me.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #1400355
#22. She needed cans.
Cans, because it was her who show me that I could be much more than the world thought. We could be much more than the world thought. - Nathaniel West

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #1555765
#23. When you love someone, you have the ability not only to harm their body, but to cut their soul to pieces. And though those cuts may heal, they leave scars behind. With enough scars, you stop feeling anything at all. The skin's too thick.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #1567110
#24. You were the goddess I longed to worship. My unobtainable dream. The relationship I could never hope to have.

Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me Quotes #1801937

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