Top 100 Mary Karr Quotes

#1. The editor self thinks only of saving the reader time and shaping a powerful emotional experience.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #41691
#2. I'm doomed to act like myself, even when it's inconvenient!

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #58531
#3. Most of the people I write about I'm still in touch with, so I would be loath to make up stuff about them.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #110798
#4. You are loved, someone said. Take that and eat it.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #128041
#5. She holds every dress briefly by its shoulders like it's a schoolkid she's checking out for smudges before church. Then one by one they get flung away from her and into the fire.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #143430
#6. I've plumb forgot where I am for the instant, which is how a good lie should take you. At the same time, I'm more where I was inside myself than before Daddy started talking, which is how lies can tell you the truth.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #148154
#7. Standing in the shower, I feel something on the back of my leg that turns out to be my ass.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #164853
#8. The first night he slept with her, he took a washrag and a jug of wood alcohol to get rid of her makeup, saying he wanted to know what he was getting into.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #174349
#9. Young writers often mistakenly choose a certain vein or style based on who they want to be, unconsciously trying to blot out who they actually are. You want to escape yourself.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #189805
#10. Was behind in every conceivable way. So the old attack dog started howling through my head as I'd

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #192648
#11. Writing the real self seldom seems original enough when you first happen on it.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #233040
#12. If you let yourself tell those smaller anecdotes or stories, the overarching capital-S Story will eventually rise into view.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #235971
#13. Nobody sounds good writing about your divorce, let's face it.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #259615
#14. That's what's so gorgeous about humanity. It doesn't matter how bleak our daily lives are, we still fight for the light. I think that's our divinity. We lean into love, even in the most hideous circumstances. We manage to hope.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #270622
#15. I was 40 years old before I became an overnight success, and I'd been publishing for 20 years.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #282851
#16. Most great writers suffer and have no idea how good they are. Most bad writers are very confident. Be willing to be a child and be the Lilliputian in the world of Gulliver, the bat girl in Yankee Stadium. That's a more fruitful way to be.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #334653
#17. Reading is socially accepted disassociation. You flip a switch and you're not there anymore. It's better than heroin. More effective and cheaper and legal.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #425502
#18. His silence hadn't been helplessness - it hadn't even been love. It had been pity.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #431947
#19. I threw away over 1,200 finished pages of my last memoir and broke the delete key on my keyboard changing my mind. If I had any balls at all, I'd make a brooch out of it.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #487245
#20. KIDS IN DISTRESSED FAMILIES ARE GREAT repositories of silence and carry in their bodies whole arctic wastelands of words not to be uttered, stories not to be told.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #492102
#21. The shreiking fight or the out-of-character insult endures forever, while the daily sweetness dissolves like sugar in water.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #494023
#22. I get about five memoirs per week in my mailbox, and few of them inspire anything but a desire to pick up the channel changer.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #527733
#23. A university is a city of ideas, and we're grateful you became citizens of our city.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #587176
#24. I'm always astonished by the confidence my readers put in me.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #588339
#25. Having devoted the first half of my life to the dark, I feel obliged to rever any pinpoint of light now.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #591807
#26. The image pleases me enough : to slip from the body's tight container and into some luminous womb, gliding there without effort till the distant shapes glow brighter and more familiar, till all your beloveds hover before you, their lit arms held out in welcome.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #608328
#27. It was dawning on me how uphill a poet's path was, and I confessed to her that if I had to be the choice between being happy or being a poet, I'd choose to be happy.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #609576
#28. I do have a really good memory. I mean, like, I can remember all the phone numbers of everybody on the street I grew up on.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #621972
#29. The truth is when I went to graduate school I would've said I was among the least talented of the students, I was certainly the least smart, or less educated. But I worked very hard.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #657477
#30. Slurping these spirits is soul preparation, a warped communion, myself serving as god, priest, and congregation.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #679017
#31. It was a feminist act, revealing secrets in order to free herself and the women of her clan from the silence and obscurity to which a misogyny thousands of years old would have relegated them.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #682728
#32. When people suffer, their relationships usually suffer as well. Period. And we all suffer because, as the Buddha says, that's the nature of being human and wanting stuff we don't always get.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #702330
#33. My idea of art is, you write something that makes people feel so strongly that they get some conviction about who they want to be or what they want to do. It's morally useful not in a political way, but it makes your heart bigger; it's emotionally and spiritually empowering.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #707150
#34. I exhale a highway of smoke and stare down it, then say, Each day has just been survival, just getting through, standing it.
Don't you see how savage that sounds? Like, that's the way men in prison yards think. You live in a rich suburb and teach literature.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #797220
#35. I think we fall in love and become adults and become citizens in a way by writing stories about ourselves.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #822211
#36. When you do try to picture the boys who do ask you out, they're absolutely featureless, like old carvings eroded by centuries of rain and wind.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #826412
#37. Most kids bent their heads onto their notebooks and tried to sleep. One boy gauged the quality of his day by sleeping on graph paper, then drawing a circle around the drool spot he'd made and comparing it for size and integrity to his drool spot from the day before. For

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #826734
#38. In my godless household, poems were the closest we came to sacred speech
the only prayers said.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #831853
#39. To my mind, a small bit of catshit equals a catshit sandwich, unless I know where the catshit is and can eat around it.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #845937
#40. Childhood was terrifying for me. A kid has no control. You're three feet tall, flat broke, unemployed, and illiterate. Terror snaps you awake. You pay keen attention. People can just pick you up and move you and put you down.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #854264
#41. Others can't stand to revise; instead they decide they're avant-garde, so everybody who doesn't like their work is unenlightened. (Note: being avant-garde is now ... well, garde.)

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #866163
#42. No writer can impose his own standards onto any other, nor claim to speak for the whole genre.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #880910
#43. People who didn't live pre-Internet can't grasp how devoid of ideas life in my hometown was. The only bookstores sold Bibles the size of coffee tables and dashboard Virgin Marys that glowed in the dark.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #910921
#44. The American religion-so far as there is one anymore-seems to be doubt. Whoever believes the least wins, because he'll never be found wrong.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #923274
#45. I lock all my scaredness down in my stomach until the fear hardens into something I hardly notice. I myself harden into a person that I hardly notice.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #959714
#46. I'm always terrified when I'm writing.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #967541
#47. A dysfunctional family is any family with more than one person in it.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1001282
#48. For days on end, I avoid the Web, never logging in until about two or three, after I've written all morning. On a good week, I don't go online till after Wednesday, so four or five days might lapse without my checking e-mail.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1015470
#49. I'd spent way more years worrying about how to look like a poet
buying black clothes, smearing on scarlet lipstick, languidly draping myself over thrift-store furniture
than I had learning how to assemble words in some discernible order.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1027328
#50. On a piece of prose, you have to work at least six hours a day. I don't know how you can do that and teach and raise a kid and paint the house.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1034790
#51. I was a philosophy major as an undergraduate, and I'm just an arrogant little thing. It's hard for me to admit that I can't understand something, let alone not be in charge of it.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1037547
#52. Patti proposes that I pray to accept whatever reality I'm in, staying alert for practical solutions rather than issuing orders in prayer. It takes discipline to stop beseeching the heavens for wheelbarrows of gold

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1073697
#53. I find a great deal of comfort and care in my faith and prayer. I'd sooner do without air than prayer.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1093269
#54. I always thought my family was so bizarre, so when people started coming up to me and saying, 'My family was exactly like yours,' I was completely knocked out.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1094877
#55. There are all kinds of things God wants me to do that I'm very obstreperous about.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1124526
#56. Sure the world breeds monsters, but kindness grows just as wild ...

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1138529
#57. Unless you're a doubter and a worrier, a nail-biter, an apologizer, a rethinker, then memoir may not be your playpen. That's the quality I've found most consistently in those life-story writers I've met.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1148130
#58. I revise and revise and revise. Any editor of mine will tell you how crappy my early drafts are. Revisions are about clarifying and evoking feelings in the reader in the same way they were once evoked in me.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1179423
#59. The audiobooks I buy are never first-time reads - only rereadings of books I know well that I find intoxicating.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1201705
#60. The changes are coming fast and blind now, and in your skull sits an hourglass with a grain size hole through which numb seconds are sliding.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1256351
#61. He was so proud that she had more going on north of her neck than her hairdo.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1273180
#62. There are women succeeding beyond their wildest dreams because of their sobriety.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1276208
#63. If dysfunction means that a family doesn't work, then every family ambles into some arena in which that happens, where relationships get strained or even break down entirely. We fail each other or disappoint each other. That goes for parents, siblings, kids, marriage partners - the whole enchilada.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1277270
#64. What hurts so bad about youth isn't the actual butt whippings the world delivers. It's the stupid hopes playacting like certainties.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1283781
#65. Our strange cynicism about truth as a possibility has permitted us to accept all manner of bullshit

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1313271
#66. Your heart, Mary Karr, he'd say. His pen touched my sternum, and it felt for all the world like the point of a dull spear as he said, Your heart knows what your head don't. Or won't.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1323795
#67. The memoirist's job is not to add explosive whammies on every page, but to help the average person come in.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1361043
#68. (Later, I'l learn that's the structure of an elegy: lament, consolation; bad news, followed by good news.)

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1370577
#69. It strikes me that whatever advantages there are to being a boy
getting to stay out late and having other people wash your clothes and bring you plates of stuff
get undercut by having to play football.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1370965
#70. The fact that my house was Not Right metastasized into the notion that I myself was somehow Not Right, or that my survival in the world depended on my constant vigilance against various forms of Not-Rightness.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1380348
#71. How much smaller the large places are once we're grown up, when we have car keys and credit cards.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1389157
#72. Age about 30, I stopped looking up my books in bookstores. Paying attention to the marketplace isn't a healthy thing for me.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1391939
#73. I couldn't have been more than six, but I was calling her an ignorant little bitch. Her momma stood on the porch step shaking her mop at me and saying there were snakes and lizards coming out of my mouth, to which I said i didn't give a shit.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1442023
#74. Such a small, pure object a poem could be, made of nothing but air a tiny string of letters, maybe small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. But it could blow everybody's head off.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1497086
#75. Nothing matters but the quality of the affection - in the end - that has carved the trace in the mind dove

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1520797
#76. Her parents roared around in the masks of monsters. Not

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1522940
#77. Being smart and rich are lucky, but being curious and compassionate will save your ass. Being curious and compassionate can take you out of your ego and edge your soul towards wonder.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1534304
#78. Every poem probably has sixty drafts behind it.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1553626
#79. I've never contended that I had a really horrible life.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1581157
#80. A hawk reeled overhead with a rodent squirming in its beak, close enough so you could see the bird's black shiny eyes.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1597888
#81. Poetry privileges music and is aesthetically more challenging. Prose privileges information and is emotionally more challenging.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1599881
#82. In those days, I still enjoyed a child's desperate tendency to put sparkles on my whole tribe.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1612112
#83. Your mother rolls her eyes at the cat lapping grapefruit juice, says, Everything that comes into this house is crazy - whether we choose them for that or they get that way, I don't know.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1669020
#84. It turned out to be impossible for me to 'run away' in the sense other American teenagers did. Any movement at all was taken for progress in my family.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1671557
#85. Having a great dad probably permitted me to pal around with guys in a way that some women don't.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1690131
#86. We're not made to wallow in pleasure. Pleasure is joy's assassin.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1693703
#87. Poetry is for me Eucharistic. You take someone else's suffering into your body, their passion comes into your body, and in doing that you commune, you take communion, you make a community with others.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1699397
#88. Every writer needs two selves - the generative self and the editor self.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1703704
#89. For me, everything's too much and nothing's enough.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1715004
#90. But I'm not ready to stop listening to the screwed-up inner voice that's been ordering me around for a lifetime. My head thinks it can kill me ... and go on living without me.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1715499
#91. Joy, it is, which I've never known before, only pleasure or excitement. Joy is a different thing, because its focus exists outside the self-delight in something external, not satisfaction of some inner craving.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1769582
#92. If your goal is to polish up a fake person you can sell to a public you perceive as dumb, the unexamined life will do perfectly well, thank you.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1772867
#93. I don't think I look like the pope's favorite Catholic - at least not under close scrutiny.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1790639
#94. Comfort makes fools of us that way, and a kid gets faith back quick.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1794995
#95. The trick in that town was getting through a night at all without stalling in the sludge of your own thoughts.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1797274
#96. Asking me how to write a memoir is a little like saying, "I really want to have sex, where do I start?" What one person fantasizes about would ruin the romance for another.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1807110
#97. It's hard to be an articulate ghost.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1812473
#98. Put your mind where your body is. One day at a time forces you to reckon with the instant you actually occupy, rather than living in fantasy la-la that never comes.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1820644
#99. Ten years, she's dead, and I still find myself some mornings reaching for the phone to call her. She could no more be gone than gravity or the moon.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1839943
#100. Most morally ominous: from the second you choose one event over another, you're shaping the past's meaning.

Mary Karr

Mary Karr Quotes #1854067

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