Top 88 Tippett Quotes

#1. I grew up as a little 4- and 5-year-old kid, watching Phil Tippett and my dad make monsters in our garage. That's what I did, as a child.

Robert Stromberg

Tippett Quotes #1384396
#2. Andre Tippett was an impact player who consistently played at a level that set him apart. Accounting for him limited what an offense could do. He made quarterbacks nervous.and rightly so.

Raymond Berry

Tippett Quotes #1190482
#3. Silence is an endangered quantity in our time ... Silence, embraced, stuns with its presence, its pregnant reality - a reality that does not negate reason and argument, but puts them in their place.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1507296
#4. I'm also thinking a lot lately that Descartes has so much to answer for - his idea, "I think therefore I am." Western culture is so built around this overly cerebral disembodied way we've created all of our institutions, and we're impoverished by it. We're so much smaller for it. So

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #982495
#5. Fear usually looks like anger.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1490127
#6. Race, john powell says, is like gravity, experienced by all, understood by few.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1472257
#7. Public notice does not necessarily accord with internal fulfilment.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1453218
#8. If we can't face our losses, we can't be present either fully to everything that is. When people have cut off or not made peace with some part of themselves, they miss out on other aspects of life.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1451896
#9. What a liberating thing to realize that our problems are probably our richest sources for rising to the ultimate virtue of compassion.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1421162
#10. I had been a journalist in Europe and then went to divinity school in the early 1990s, and came out as somebody who had the perspective of a journalist and was now also theologically educated.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1419819
#11. I teach in a university, and I think about where's the place in that kind of educational institution for embodied knowledge? And how do we cultivate that? And how do we trust it? But

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1366512
#12. The more personal you are willing to be and the more intimate you are willing to be about the details of your own life, the more universal you are.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1255960
#13. Music remains the most strange of the materials because we don't understand what happens when music moves you.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1201512
#14. This is something special. You can attempt to have a kind of non-living music.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1170844
#15. Mystery is a birthright of theology and faith, but you often do find religious people grasping for answers that shut things down and narrow what is possible.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1170102
#16. Compassion also brings us into the territory of mystery - encouraging us not just to see beauty, but perhaps also to look for the face of God in the moment of suffering, in the face of a stranger, in the face of the vibrant religious other.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1129513
#17. Really feeling your body move and the life inside of yourself is critical. Western culture is astoundingly disembodied and uniquely so.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1116832
#18. In many ways, religion comes from the same place in us that art comes from. The language of the human heart if poetry

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1109113
#19. How we carry what has gone wrong for us is essential to being at home in ourselves, and present to the world with all of its failings.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1068208
#20. beginners when it came to inner landscapes of beauty that would anchor and nourish them on the inside, beyond work, in the intimate spaces that in the end define us all.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1061678
#21. Structure is something that calms our nature; we know this of toddlers.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1031944
#22. Being intellectually hospitable is a virtue that I bring into the interview space.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1005016
#23. I'm outside the music I've made. I have no interest in it.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #992480
#24. For every shrill and violent voice that throws itself in front of microphones and cameras in the name of God, there are countless lives of gentleness and good works who will not. We need to see and hear them, as well, to understand the whole story of religion in our world.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1870567
#25. Poetry is fascinating. As soon as it begins the poetry has changed the thing into something extra, and somehow prose can go over into poetry.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1660759
#26. I remain a humanist. We are a very curious race.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1862268
#27. Shiva danced the world into existence ... that's a very nice thought.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1844078
#28. Compassion is a piece of vocabulary that could change us if we truly let it sink into the standards by which we hold ourselves and others.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1799269
#29. The things that go wrong for you have a lot of potential to become part of your gift to the world.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1789030
#30. The mystery and art of living are as grand as the sweep of a lifetime and the lifetime of a species. And they are as close as beginning, quietly, to mine whatever grace and beauty, whatever healing and attentiveness, are possible in this moment and the next and the next one after that.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1753939
#31. You are not going to be perfect every day. It's about turning up the next day and doing it again.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1753715
#32. Tolerance is not really a lived virtue; it's more of a cerebral ascent.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1739214
#33. More to the point: the growing universe of the Nones - the new nonreligious - is one of the most spiritually vibrant and provocative spaces in modern life. It is not a world in which spiritual life is absent. It is a world that resists religious excesses and shallows.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1692663
#34. For many people who were never religious or who leave the religion of their childhood behind, it's the experience of having children of your own that brings an urgency to the question of what you believe.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1690819
#35. Intelligence alone does not get us where we need to go or even necessarily where we want to go. For that, the human creature must exercise harder-won capacities of wisdom, and wise action.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1673834
#36. To be alive is by definition messy, always leaning towards disorder and surprise. How

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1522798
#37. I like to say that I'm tracing the intersection between big ideas and human experience, between theology and real life.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1649452
#38. I learned to be wary that summer of a pious approach to life that saw good intentions and righteous prayer as substitutes for planning and pragmatic action.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1627040
#39. Beethoven suppressed everything, his personal life disappeared until he was locked inside. That is a figure quite extreme.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1626890
#40. When we use terms we get confused, yet we have no other way.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1590341
#41. You can disagree with another person's opinions. You can disagree with their doctrines. You can't disagree with their experience.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1546583
#42. One of the things I reject in our cultural divisions is the clash between faith and reason, and I would say the same about mystery and intellect. They are somehow mysteriously akin to each other.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1539693
#43. I've seldom become nostalgic or settled.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1527906
#44. I make no apologies for the fact that I have a religious life of my own. I'm speaking as a Christian because I'm speaking as myself.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1525671
#45. Einstein believed deeply that science should transcend national and ethnic divisions. But he watched physicists and chemists become the purveyors of weapons of mass destruction in the early 20th century.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #1525407
#46. I am no prince if not yours. -Brandon Maxfield

Ninya Tippett

Tippett Quotes #252803
#47. Resilience is a successor to mere progress, a companion to sustainability.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #508196
#48. The interesting and challenging thing about this moment is that we know the old forms aren't working. But we can't yet see what the new forms will be. We are making them up in "real time"; we're even reimagining time.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #503930
#49. Compassion is a spiritual technology.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #502918
#50. The thing about the raw materials of the life of the spirit is that they are always changing. What you see in the past is dependent on what you are able to see now. I've

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #398768
#51. Music is a performance and needs the audience.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #375962
#52. Maybe this is another way to think about original sin - the ingrained lure of the possibility of going numb, a habit of acquiescence to it.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #361321
#53. The Greek sculptor - I don't think he was very different from any of us.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #312967
#54. Conductors don't suffer, they are part of the performance.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #293047
#55. Shakespeare fascinated me. He hardly ever left the country. His imagination was worldwide though reading.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #258399
#56. Kindness is the stuff of moments, but it can be absolutely transformative in moments. Beautiful lives are transformative in moments. But we have to train ourselves to look for them.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #254474
#57. Hope, like every virtue, is a choice that becomes a habit that becomes spiritual muscle memory. It's a renewable resource for moving through life as it is, not as we wish it to be. I

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #510404
#58. [Kindness] is a most edifying form of instant gratification.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #242298
#59. In life, in religion, in science, this I believe: any conviction worth its salt has chosen to cohabit with a piece of mystery, and that mystery is at the essence of the vitality and growth of the thing. The

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #239513
#60. Music is a performing art, as any Native American will tell you. It isn't there in the score.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #234107
#61. Buddhist mindfulness is about the present, but I also think it's about being real. Being awake to everything. Feeling like nothing can hurt you if you can look it straight on.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #130337
#62. app, 'Functional Ear Trainer' which isn't like any other ear trainer in the way that it teaches you relative pitch in the context of cadences instead of just guessing random intervals. Check out the creator's website here. And

Graham Tippett

Tippett Quotes #114762
#63. Characters are an extreme form in Shakespeare's theater.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #54165
#64. I don't accept the idea that there are two sides to any issue. I think that the middle ground is to be found within most of us.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #40291
#65. My true function within a society which embraces all of us is to continue an age-old tradition. This tradition is to create images from the depths of the imagination and to give them form, whether visual, intellectual or musical.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #40287
#66. More riveting to me in the end than the politics of Berlin was the vast social experiment its division had become... it was possible to have freedom and plenty in the West and craft an empty life; it was possible to "have nothing" in the East and create a life of intimacy and dignity and beauty.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #20623
#67. The blues are like the fugue in 18th century. It's probably the music that belongs most to our time.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #10990
#68. If God is God, we can't be afraid of what we can learn.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #687327
#69. To love you fully is to love you in every way possible, even in the smallest, most inconspicuous ways that will eventually all lead back to you.

Ninya Tippett

Tippett Quotes #888380
#70. Humanity needs this technology as much as it needs all other technologies that have now connected us and set before us the terrifying and wondrous possibility of actually becoming one human race.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #882097
#71. Truth can be told in an instant, forgiveness can be offered spontaneously, but reconciliation is the work of lifetimes and generations.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #844824
#72. I am quite certain in my heart of hearts that modern music and modern art is not a conspiracy, but is a form of truth and integrity for those who practise it honestly, decently and with all their being.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #844019
#73. Kindness is an everyday byproduct of all the great virtues.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #809817
#74. As the era of care-less food comes to a reckoning, we're relearning the astonishingly elemental delight in growing what we eat and preparing it as though it matters. It's

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #798513
#75. The incredible thing about children is they're unified in their body, whereas we can be very disunified. We can say one thing and feel another. And

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #711920
#76. Why America has never made the connection between tract housing and psychosis is beyond me

Jackson Tippett McCrae

Tippett Quotes #710074
#77. I come to understand that for most of my life, when I was looking for love, I was looking to be loved. In this, I am a prism of my world. I am a novice at love in all its fullness, a beginner.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #708924
#78. My depression is not something very special. A lot of people go through depression. My divorce is not something very special; a lot of people go through divorce.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #690835
#79. justice makes charity less necessary

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #912681
#80. Listening is about being present, not just about being quiet. I meet others with the life I've lived, not just with my questions.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #676190
#81. Strong religious identities survive and thrive. But more than ever before, even in their most conservative iterations, they are chosen.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #676144
#82. Spiritual life is a way of dwelling with perplexity - taking it seriously, searching for its purpose as well as its perils, its beauty as well as its ravages. In

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #668903
#83. 'fundamentalism' and 'liberalism' and terrorism.' These labels only tell us partial truths. We must use them humbly, guardedly, Niebuhr would say, aware of the limitations of our own vision and of our own capacity for misunderstanding and self-deception.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #660181
#84. Nature has different times.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #622044
#85. The nearest figure to myself would be Shakespeare.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #584072
#86. I think we're all pretty odd.

Michael Tippett

Tippett Quotes #572882
#87. Taking in the good, whenever and wherever we find it, gives us new eyes for seeing and living.

Krista Tippett

Tippett Quotes #526991
#88. Heroes aren't heroes because they worship the light, but because they know the darkness all to well to stand down and live with it.

Ninya Tippett

Tippett Quotes #511778

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