Top 36 Sally Green Quotes

#1. It's easier to stay positive with your eyes open.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #63919
#2. Gabriel jokes, "If they find out Blondine got the last of the bread there'll be murder."
Nesbitt says, "If that's true I'll murder her myself.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #130727
#3. Her skin is soft and skin-colored - not dirt-colored.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #197497
#4. I'm tired of your revenge, your anger, your hate. The war is killing you.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #218884
#5. I always thought a person's Gift reflected something about that person and all I can think is that my Gift reflects my desires, and my desires are to be totally wild, totally free.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #234320
#6. I've killed fifty-two people. But really all I want is to get my hands on her. I'd be happy with fifty-three. Just one more and I'll be satisfied.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #244949
#7. The trick is not to mind.
Not to mind about it hurting.
Not to mind about anything.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #255890
#8. Learn from your mistakes but expect your enemies to learn from theirs.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #270864
#9. Sometimes I think you're still a prisoner. You're not free of this place in your head, Nathan. And you're definitely not free of those people. They haunt you.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #303986
#10. Later I wake and he's asleep and I move over him gently to kiss across his chest and listen to his slow heartbeat, and I want to stay there, listening to his heart. I feel strange. I can't remember ever feeling like this. I think I'm sort of happy.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #410803
#11. People are always dying. Its a terrible habit they have and nothing you can do will change that.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #581822
#12. I'm not a hero but I can end the war

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #617562
#13. He says, "You know I love you. Still. Forever".

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #656965
#14. Wild is an interesting word. We imagine wild to be untamed and out of control but, of course, nature isn't like that; nature is controlled, ordered, extremely disciplined by all its elements.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #712282
#15. You have the power to fight. You do what other people can't do.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #777068
#16. A year ago I was being kept in this cell and I didn't want to kill anyone, not even the people who held me prisoner. I just wanted to escape, just wanted freedom. And now I have that; I have my freedom.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #826923
#17. Nice basket too. You can never have too many baskets, I've found." She studies the basket, turning it round. "If you learn nothing else today, at least remember that.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #930028
#18. He says in a strong German accent, "Half and half, eh?"
Nesbitt laughs. "You got that right: half human, half animal."
Gabriel says, "And always pissed off - though I can't imagine why when he's in your company, Nesbitt.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #979809
#19. The point of being good is doing it when it's tough, not when it's easy.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #991087
#20. And Gabriel leans closer and closer and, very slowly and gently, he kisses me, on the lips, with infinite tenderness, so that our skin is barely touching. I pull away a little but he stays close to me.
"Don't hate yourself. Don't hate any bit of yourself.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1017916
#21. You've been away a long time. Were you lost?

I was wounded, not lost.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1061337
#22. Is he a psychopath? I don't know. I don't know what the definition is. Don't know how far down the path of eating people you have to go before you officially become a psycho.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1146214
#23. Wounded, not lost.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1158653
#24. What do you want to do?" Gabriel asks.
"Not commit suicide," I say. "Wait for Marcus.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1282834
#25. But the more store you set in visions the more they have a habit of coming true.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1295898
#26. The new trick is to stay in the present ... Get lost in the detail of it ... Enjoy it!

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1356242
#27. You wound me in other ways, Nathan

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1455602
#28. Tired?" he asks.
"Tired - yes. Angry - yes. Pissed off - ninety-nine percent of the time. Fun to be around - never."
Gabriel smiles. "Who wants fun when you can have interesting?

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1473704
#29. Later I remember what I could do. It's easy. I could kill them all.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1485479
#30. I'm smiling. I'm supposed to be a Black Witch and I'm smiling like a little kid.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1499886
#31. I can't not be with you, Nathan. I wanted to leave you in that grave and walk away but I couldn't. I can't walk ten paces away from you without it hurting me. I treasure every second with you. Every second. More than you know.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1504816
#32. If I have friends how come I always feel alone?

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1570216
#33. I want to be a Half Code. I want to be Black and White, the best of both.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1601344
#34. It's amazing to see the beauty of the world. It's so beautiful and so brutal. It's a reminder that every second of life is precious.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1603584
#35. Finally, the day of our meeting crawls into the light and then takes a year to drag itself to the afternoon.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1646578
#36. If you fight then I fight too.

Sally Green

Sally Green Quotes #1710801

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