Top 4 Mike Nesbitt Quotes

#1. I grew up in leafy suburbs in north and east Belfast, but if I had been born a mile down the road closer to the city centre, you might never heard of me.

Mike Nesbitt

Mike Nesbitt Quotes #122891
#2. The really big challenge is delivering the social justice agenda in the Belfast Agreement, which hasn't been delivered.

Mike Nesbitt

Mike Nesbitt Quotes #625589
#3. I cannot imagine any circumstances under which David McNarry would be back in the Ulster Unionist Assembly group of MLAs when I have control of the whip.

Mike Nesbitt

Mike Nesbitt Quotes #1152931
#4. I'd like to live in an area of social deprivation because I think it's important to get a feel of what it's like.

Mike Nesbitt

Mike Nesbitt Quotes #1199721

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