Top 5 Jessica Seinfeld Quotes

#1. I shop for clothes when I have time - early in the morning or late at night.

Jessica Seinfeld

Jessica Seinfeld Quotes #597759
#2. How many people have had starter marriages? For some reason, mine really offends people.

Jessica Seinfeld

Jessica Seinfeld Quotes #690385
#3. I had three jobs in college. The best day of my life was when I paid off my student loans, on my own.

Jessica Seinfeld

Jessica Seinfeld Quotes #986076
#4. My Nike Free sneakers add a splash of color and slide on fast, perfect for when I'm rushing to catch the school bus. And my favorite cargos are skinny but stretchy, so I can go up or down a few pounds and they still fit!

Jessica Seinfeld

Jessica Seinfeld Quotes #1014047
#5. During the week, my days are consumed with school commitments, play-dates and work for Baby Buggy, a nonprofit I started, which collects kids' gear for parents in need. So on weekends, I look forward to uninterrupted time with my family.

Jessica Seinfeld

Jessica Seinfeld Quotes #1320214

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