Top 50 Carmine Gallo Quotes
#1. Guy Kawasaki, "The essence of evangelism is to passionately show people how you can make history together. Evangelism
Carmine Gallo
#2. IDEAS ARE THE CURRENCY OF the twenty-first century. Some
Carmine Gallo
#3. novelty is the single most effective way to capture a person's attention.
Carmine Gallo
#4. The 18-minute rule isn't simply a good exercise to learn discipline. It's critical to avoid overloading your audience. Remember, constrained presentations require more creativity.
Carmine Gallo
#5. Authentic happiness can only come from the long-term cultivation of wisdom, altruism, and compassion, and from the complete eradication of mental toxins, such as hatred, grasping, and ignorance.
Carmine Gallo
#6. Great leaders have an air of confidence," he replied. "Subordinates need to look up to somebody who is still standing strong, like an oak, regardless of events around them.
Carmine Gallo
#7. In Mastery author Robert Greene argues that we all have the ability to push the limits of human potential.
Carmine Gallo
#8. many companies rank low on the customer satisfaction index because their employees are discouraged, disillusioned, and uninspired.
Carmine Gallo
#9. It's been said that success doesn't lead to happiness; happiness creates success.
Carmine Gallo
#10. Apple wants to reach your heart instead of your wallet.
Carmine Gallo
#11. Andy Hertzfeld, an original member of the Apple team and now an engineer at Google, once said that what Jobs taught him was to "follow your heart" and only great work comes out of doing what you adore.
Carmine Gallo
#13. Passion fuels the rocket; vision directs the rocket to its ultimate destination.
Carmine Gallo
#14. True leaders inspire people to a bigger vision,
Carmine Gallo
#15. Every 'no' means you're one step closer to 'yes.
Carmine Gallo
#16. Apple does not like to hire arrogant techies who think they know it all,
Carmine Gallo
#17. is willing to hire people based 10 percent on their knowledge and 90 percent on their personality,
Carmine Gallo
#19. The most important component to the Apple experience is that the staff isn't focused on selling stuff. It's focused on building relationships and trying to make people's lives better.
Carmine Gallo
#20. Passion is the thing that will help you create the highest expression of your talent. - LARRY SMITH, TEDx, NOVEMBER 2011
Carmine Gallo
#21. The first step to inspiring others is to make sure you're inspired yourself.
Carmine Gallo
#22. Great conversations or presentations take you to ideas you'd never considered.
Carmine Gallo
#23. Great public speakers know this and build presentations around one of the senses predominantly, but they incorporate at least one or two others: sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. Smell and taste are harder to incorporate
Carmine Gallo
#24. Nothing is more dramatic than a well-placed pause.
Carmine Gallo
#25. you can invite trouble if you slouch, avoid eye contact, use vague, imprecise language, and are generally sloppy in your attire.
Carmine Gallo
#26. Leaders are fascinated by the future. You are a leader if, and only if, you are restless for change, impatient for progress, and deeply dissatisfied with the status quo." He
Carmine Gallo
#27. The biggest lesson was that if you were clear about what you wanted as leaders and then let people give it to you without tying their hands behind their backs, you got it.
Carmine Gallo
#28. People cannot inspire others unless and until they are inspired themselves.
Carmine Gallo
#29. Successful presentations are understandable, memorable, and emotional
Carmine Gallo
#30. Clutter forces the brain to consume energy. Create uncluttered environments instead.
Carmine Gallo
#31. The only way to have a great career, says Smith, is to do what you love.
Carmine Gallo
#32. New research into cognitive functioning - how the brain works - proves that bullet points are the least effective way to deliver important information. Neuroscientists are finding that what passes as a typical presentation is usually the worst way to engage your audience.
Carmine Gallo
#33. When you change the way you see yourself as a speaker, the speaker your audience sees will change." CARMINE GALLO You
Carmine Gallo
#34. Studying brands outside of your industry can spark creative brainstorms.
Carmine Gallo
#35. Humor plays a key role in the playbooks of the world's most inspiring public speakers.
Carmine Gallo
#36. I'm a learning machine and this is the place to learn.
Carmine Gallo
#37. As Daniel Pink notes in To Sell Is Human, "Like it or not, we're all in sales now."4
Carmine Gallo
#38. Storytelling is not something we do. Storytelling is who we are.
Carmine Gallo
#39. I spend 60 hours a week on my business but I don't work for a minute. Work is hard. But what I do - writing, speaking, researching, learning, and sharing information - is pure joy. It's what I was called to do.
Carmine Gallo
#40. Successful organizations and companies share the stage with their best storytellers. Brands are a collection of narratives. Unleash your best stories.
Carmine Gallo
#41. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Nothing great has ever been achieved without enthusiasm.
Carmine Gallo
#42. Learning is one addiction I don't mind admitting to. In fact, I celebrate it.
Carmine Gallo
#43. The most exciting business ideas fit on the back of an airplane napkin.
Carmine Gallo
#44. To Sell Is Human, "Like it or not, we're all in sales now.
Carmine Gallo
#45. Science shows that passion is contagious, literally. You cannot inspire others unless you are inspired yourself. You stand a much greater chance of persuading and inspiring your listeners if you express an enthusiastic, passionate, and meaningful connection to your topic.
Carmine Gallo
#46. Apple, your products are expensive and your shops a bit weird, but I love your customer service.
Carmine Gallo
#47. The goal is not to impress customers with knowledge. The goal is to leave customers feeling special and to enrich their lives.
Carmine Gallo
#48. The most inspiring leaders are those who ... inspire the rest of us to be our best selves and to match our skills with our passions. They give us confidence to pursue our dreams.
Carmine Gallo
#49. Steve Jobs had been known to ask: What are you passionate about in your life? "If this is just a job to you, it's the wrong place,
Carmine Gallo
#50. In writing and speaking, three is more satisfying than any other number.
Carmine Gallo
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