Top 3 Audrey Greathouse Quotes

#1. Their meal was illuminated by torches, which Gwen found were utterly without fire. What the children called torches were really just small platforms on tall, wooden poles. The reason they radiated light was because fairies had flown up to them to waltz and glow on the tiny dance floors.

Audrey Greathouse

Audrey Greathouse Quotes #140219
#2. Why spend your whole life on the high seas looking for treasure,' Peter asked, talking to the clouds as he scaled a rope up what remained of the half-crumbled mast, 'when you could have a promised pay check in exchange for all the life you'd live between nine-and-five.

Audrey Greathouse

Audrey Greathouse Quotes #246091
#3. Natural isn't the same as right. Normal isn't the same as moral. Everyone deserves a say in what happens to the world.

Audrey Greathouse

Audrey Greathouse Quotes #498750

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