Top 15 Zugic Velimir Quotes

#1. If you can't be happy where you are, you can't be happy anywhere

Neil Gaiman

Zugic Velimir Quotes #40600
#2. In fall-orbed glory, yonder moon Divine Rolls through the dark-blue depths.

Robert Southey

Zugic Velimir Quotes #288071
#3. I honor religion except when it gets into shedding blood.

Rip Torn

Zugic Velimir Quotes #308605
#4. We met a people who loved it when it was said to them "Fear Allah the most high!". Today you find people become annoyed at this.

Sufyan Al-Thawri

Zugic Velimir Quotes #856478
#5. Don't ever let the media tell you what your body is supposed look like. You're beautiful the way you are. Stay beautiful, keep it ugly.

Gerard Way

Zugic Velimir Quotes #931024
#6. Not only is social life identical with communication, but all communication (and hence all genuine social life) is educative.

John Dewey

Zugic Velimir Quotes #963328
#7. A building is not something you finish. A building is something you start.

Stewart Brand

Zugic Velimir Quotes #981586
and it occurred to me that people who don't talk about themselves are limiting their own potential. They think they're guarding themselves for some sort of abstract dange, but they're actually allowing other people to decide who they are and what they're like.

Chuck Klosterman

Zugic Velimir Quotes #1050316
#9. I strive for what you do find in Shakespeare's work - that there is a definite humanity and a definite character behind the writing in the sonnets, and it's very real because it's so deeply personal. I try to aspire to that in what I do.

Rufus Wainwright

Zugic Velimir Quotes #1370060
#10. I am rubbish at the gym. I prefer to exercise by moving around - it doesn't matter whether I am dancing on a Friday night or on my bike getting from A to B.

Erin O'Connor

Zugic Velimir Quotes #1474743
#11. The best investment opportunities are often scary.

Robert D. Arnott

Zugic Velimir Quotes #1555971
#12. Let me tell you what I just heard. Talk, talk, talk, I. Talk, talk, talk, I. Well, what about me?

Gena Showalter

Zugic Velimir Quotes #1667005
#13. I am not one of those who think that the people are never in the wrong. They have been so, frequently and outrageously, both in other countries and in this. But I do say that in all disputes between them and their rulers, the presumption is at least upon a par in favour of the people.

Edmund Burke

Zugic Velimir Quotes #1676665
#14. The minute you start assuming that the audience is very happy to see the same show again, you're dead.

Simon Cowell

Zugic Velimir Quotes #1718521
#15. Time burns but leaves no ashes.

Elsa Triolet

Zugic Velimir Quotes #1794251

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