Top 7 Zavodny Dentist Quotes

#1. The truth is, I was D.J.-ing on my college radio station in 1987, and I was called 'Mad Marj.'

Marjorie Gubelmann

Zavodny Dentist Quotes #329875
#2. Work/Loaf Ratio" ... I have spent fourteen years perfecting ... I won't bore you with a long-winded explanation of the "W/LR" save to say that it is an algebraic formula of such complex numeric subtlety that it can be understood only by mathematicians and hobos.

Gary Reilly

Zavodny Dentist Quotes #341226
#3. In strategy it is necessary to treat training as part of normal life with your spirit unchanging.

Miyamoto Musashi

Zavodny Dentist Quotes #540589
#4. I believe in nonjudgmental love; it is in the fundament of all creation.

Debasish Mridha

Zavodny Dentist Quotes #548554
#5. I sometimes tell students the only guarantee you've got is the music and no-one can take that away from you. Only you can take that away from you-by not practicing and not putting in enough elbow grease. The more you put into your music, the more your passion for it will grow.

Mike Stern

Zavodny Dentist Quotes #806728
#6. My life has been very full.

Dolly Parton

Zavodny Dentist Quotes #951165
#7. Marriage isn't supposed to make you happy -
it's supposed to make you married.

Frank Pittman

Zavodny Dentist Quotes #1339674

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