Top 7 You Make My World Spin Quotes

#1. In this world we must help one another.

Jean De La Fontaine

You Make My World Spin Quotes #292800
#2. One has to go away, leave the self. How far must one not arrive in order to write, how far must one wander and wear out and have pleasure? One must walk as far as the night. One's own night. Walking through the self toward dark.

Helene Cixous

You Make My World Spin Quotes #299564
#3. Men have the illusion of having a duty to make the world spin properly, which is precisely what makes it wobble.

Vernon Howard

You Make My World Spin Quotes #470088
#4. He who knows others is learned, but the wise one is the one who knows himself. Learning without wisdom is of no use.

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

You Make My World Spin Quotes #492075
#5. O God, that I were a man! I would eat his heart in the marketplace." ~~Beatrice

William Shakespeare

You Make My World Spin Quotes #1025843
#6. - and only when ye have all denied me, will I return unto you.

Friedrich Nietzsche

You Make My World Spin Quotes #1724912
#7. Remember
Love doesn't make the world go round
Sex makes it spin for a second or two
If you're lucky
So do chips, sausage rolls and girls in short skirts
Lays its fingers on your heart
And holds it
Under water
Remember that
When the next girl smiles

Cath Crowley

You Make My World Spin Quotes #1792436

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