Top 77 You Are Generous Quotes

#1. It is because you are generous in spirit; and may I be like that; may I become like you - which unrealistic wish, to become the other, is such a true and revealing symptom of love, its most obvious clue, its unmistakable calling card.

Alexander McCall Smith

You Are Generous Quotes #275063
#2. Don't take 'no' for an answer, never submit to failure. Do not be fobbed off with mere personal success or acceptance. You will make all kinds of mistakes, but as long as you are generous and true, and also fierce, you cannot hurt the world or events.

Winston Churchill

You Are Generous Quotes #117749
#3. You will make all kinds of mistakes; but as long as you are generous and true and also fierce you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her. She was meant to be wooed and won by youth.

Winston S. Churchill

You Are Generous Quotes #1317342
#4. You are generous with your time, your money, and your cock.

Alessandra Torre

You Are Generous Quotes #1197181
#5. You make all kinds of mistakes, but as long as you are generous and true and also fierce, you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her.

Winston S. Churchill

You Are Generous Quotes #1092526
#6. Be just before you are generous.

James Joyce

You Are Generous Quotes #1050723
#7. Friends, suffering, marriage, environment, study and recreation are influence which shape character. The strongest influence, if you are generous enough to yield to it, is the grace of God.

Hubert Van Zeller

You Are Generous Quotes #1036400
#8. What great profit you gain from God when you are generous! You give a coin and receive a kingdom; you give bread from wheat and receive the Bread of Life; you give a transitory good and receive an everlasting one. You will receive it back, a hundred times more than you offered.

Thomas Of Villanova

You Are Generous Quotes #964456
#9. Love is the falcon's flight over your sands. Because for him, you are a green field, from which he always returns with game. He knows your rocks, your dunes, and your mountains, and you are generous to him.

Paulo Coelho

You Are Generous Quotes #659832
#10. A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses. If you are generous, you will gain everything.


You Are Generous Quotes #508878
#11. When you forgive somebody, when you are generous, when you withhold judgment, when you love and when you stand up to injustice, you are, in that moment, bringing heaven to earth.

Rob Bell

You Are Generous Quotes #389004
#12. Among the rich you will never find a really generous man even by accident. They may give their money away, but they will never give themselves away; they are egotistic, secretive, dry as old bones. To be smart enough to get all that money you must be dull enough to want it.

G.K. Chesterton

You Are Generous Quotes #1266096
#13. He stared at me. "Are you done? "
"May I get up? "
"I see you like your men with their egos gutted."
"Only when I'm feeling generous.

Roshani Chokshi

You Are Generous Quotes #774299
#14. Americans are the most generous country on the planet. I've worked in Europe, I've worked in Australia. There is no where else where you get absolutely no attitude for being a foreigner. If you do your job well, they embrace you.

Hugh Jackman

You Are Generous Quotes #1242400
#15. You are a universe, Kacey. I kept waiting to find the end of your love and beauty, the end of your generous heart. I never did. I never will.

Emma Scott

You Are Generous Quotes #1215902
#16. If you are extremely generous, greed will run away.

Nirmala Srivastava

You Are Generous Quotes #1208602
#17. I could almost imagine him as a leader of men without laughing hysterically. [Why are you glaring at me, Carter? That was quite a generous description.] Carter

Rick Riordan

You Are Generous Quotes #1185163
#18. The challenges and changes you meet are, in effect, hand delivered to you by a generous, loving Universe for the purpose of making you stronger and wiser.

Chris Prentiss

You Are Generous Quotes #1128671
#19. ...the only trick with friendship, I think, is to find people who are better than you are - not smarter, not cooler, but kinder, and more generous, and more forgiving - and then appreciate them for what they can teach you...

Hanya Yanagihara

You Are Generous Quotes #1120276
#20. Generosity is luck going in the opposite direction, away from you. If you're generous to someone, if you do something to help him out, you are in effect making him lucky. This is important. It's like inviting yourself into a community of good fortune.

Twyla Tharp

You Are Generous Quotes #1099008
#21. Truly, you are as generous as you are violent.

Seanan McGuire

You Are Generous Quotes #1053300
#22. Dear Teddy, you are without a doubt the best boyfriend in the world. You're kind. You're generous. You threaten to maim people for me. -- Billy

Allan Heinberg

You Are Generous Quotes #1015659
#23. When you have gained a victory, do not push it too far; 'tis sufficient to let the company and your adversary see 'tis in your power but that you are too generous to make use of it.

Eustace Budgell

You Are Generous Quotes #984682
#24. There's a generation of people who've made their own money and are among the most generous people you would ever meet.

Ian Wace

You Are Generous Quotes #954675
#25. Your parents are always a big influence on you. They help you make you who you are. The main thing my parents taught me is just to be a nice person - to be generous, kind and happy. I hope it comes off when I work and meet people.

Amber Le Bon

You Are Generous Quotes #911371
#26. Doing your own thing is a generous act. Being gifted creates obligations, which means you owe the world your best effort at the work you love. You too are a natural resource.

Barbara Sher

You Are Generous Quotes #892832
#27. There are people whose external reality is generous because it is transparent, because you can read everything, accept everything, understand everything about them: people who carry their own sun with them.

Carlos Fuentes

You Are Generous Quotes #865910
#28. Be generous before you are just. Do not temper mercy with justice.

Lord Acton

You Are Generous Quotes #1855273
#29. Here's conventional wisdom: Success makes you happy. Happiness permits you to be generous. In fact, it actually works like this: Generosity makes you happy. Happy people are more likely to be successful.

Seth Godin

You Are Generous Quotes #1301995
#30. If you are not generous when it's difficult, you will not be generous when it's easy. Generosity is a function of the heart, not the wallet.

Wayne Dyer

You Are Generous Quotes #1387567
#31. You can't be good to others if you're not strict with yourself. The more shallow you are with yourself, the harsher you are with others. The more profound you are with yourself, the more generous you are with others

Tariq Ramadan

You Are Generous Quotes #1409010
#32. By giving to yourself you are fulfilled, abundant and generous. You have spare love to share.

Annette Vaillancourt

You Are Generous Quotes #1419437
#33. Alec Baldwin is an incredible ... I mean this guy is a tour de force when you talk about people that are generous and available and somebody you could approach and I have ideas.

Kate Hudson

You Are Generous Quotes #1433450
#34. Being generous often consists of simply extending a hand. That's hard to do if you are grasping tightly to your righteousness, your belief system, your superiority, your assumptions about others, your definition of normal.

Patti Digh

You Are Generous Quotes #1451803
#35. Not only must you be an artist, must you be generous, and must you be able to see where you can help but you must also be aware. Aware of where your skills are welcomed.

Seth Godin

You Are Generous Quotes #1487161
#36. I have not a doubt of your doing very well together. Your tempers are by no means unlike. You are each of you so complying, that nothing will ever be resolved on; so easy, that every servant will cheat you; and so generous, that you will always exceed your income.

Jane Austen

You Are Generous Quotes #1491229
#37. You are stingy with your words," she accused, then laughed gayly as she swept around, tossing over her shoulder a roguish look that drew the length of him. "But I am more generous, my lord. You are indeed a fine sight." - Aislinn

Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

You Are Generous Quotes #1493561
#38. The American people are not uniquely, but characteristically the most spontaneously generous in the world and you're seeing that all over this country in Web sites of charitable organizations that are crashing because of the overwhelming desire on the part of ordinary people to help out.

Richard Norton Smith

You Are Generous Quotes #1542824
#39. I wish we questioned the aid model as much as we are questioning the capitalism model. Sometimes the most generous thing you can do is just say no.

Dambisa Moyo

You Are Generous Quotes #1614201
#40. Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won't have to haunt for happiness

William Ewart Gladstone

You Are Generous Quotes #1660273
#41. Giving out of your surplus does not make you generous, it makes your selfishness more tolerable! Giving while you are lacking is what pleases the Lord.

William Branks

You Are Generous Quotes #1705372
#42. You are still on your own; be stoic; don't panic; get through this hell to the generous sweet overflowing GIVING love of spring ... dawn came, black and white gray into a frozen hell.
I lived: that once. And must shoulder the bundle, the burden of my dead selves until I, again, live.

Sylvia Plath

You Are Generous Quotes #1722974
#43. You are too generous to trifle with me. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged; but one word from you will silence me on this subject for ever.

Jane Austen

You Are Generous Quotes #1723533
#44. Canadians have been very generous toward Haiti after the earthquake and, thanks to you, our most vulnerable people have received food, drinkable water, shelter, medical care and education. For that, we are extremely grateful.

Laurent Lamothe

You Are Generous Quotes #1726926
#45. Be strong,be kind,be generous of spirit, be understanding and let people know how grateful you are.Dont get even. Comfort the ones i've hurt and let down.Say your prayers and ask for Gods understanding and strength.Finish with a smile and some gustoand do what's' right and finish strong.

George H. W. Bush

You Are Generous Quotes #229597
#46. If you are smart be simple. If you are powerful be generous. If you are rich be humble. If you want to be smart be simple. If you want to be powerful be generous. If you want to be rich be humble.

Enock Maregesi

You Are Generous Quotes #377314
#47. One day. I am going to marry you. I'll be generous and let you pick when, even if it's ten years from now. Or twenty. But one day, you are going to be my wife.

Sarah J. Maas

You Are Generous Quotes #369823
#48. I think it's a problem that people are considered immoral if they're not religious. That's just not true ... If you do something for a religious reason, you do it because you'll be rewarded in an afterlife or in this world. That's not quite as good as something you do for purely generous reasons.

Lisa Randall

You Are Generous Quotes #338816
#49. If, for example, you are miserly by nature, you will never go beyond a certain limit; only generous souls attain greatness.

Robert Greene

You Are Generous Quotes #317118
#50. You are who you are. I know you. You believe that?
"Yea but
"You're Eve Dallas. You're the love of my life. My heart and Soul. You're a cop, mind and bone. You're a woman of strength and resilience. Stubborn, hardheaded, occassionally mean as a badger, and more generous that you'll admit.

J.D. Robb

You Are Generous Quotes #312624
#51. You don't have to go looking for pictures. The material is generous. You go out and the pictures are staring at YOU.

Lee Friedlander

You Are Generous Quotes #304786
#52. There are great challenges before you, from the overwhelming nature of climate change to the unfairness of an economy that excludes so many from our collective wealth, and the changes necessary to build a more inclusive and generous Canada. I believe in you.

Jack Layton

You Are Generous Quotes #251282
#53. PULL and PUSH" are basic principles of life. You must PULL to work hard and then PUSH to give hard" ... The reason why we gain is to give!

Israelmore Ayivor

You Are Generous Quotes #241435
#54. There are so little outtakes from the Joy Division era. We didn't have much money. You couldn't be very generous in recording, so we were very thrifty in how we recorded. Everything was very, very well looked after financially because we just couldn't afford it.

Peter Hook

You Are Generous Quotes #382404
#55. Anyone who works on a quilt, who devotes her time, energy, creativity, and passion to that art, learns to value the work of her hands. And as any quilter will tell you, a quilter's quilting friends are some of the dearest, most generous, and most supportive people she knows.

Jennifer Chiaverini

You Are Generous Quotes #216985
#56. When you are kind and loving the world will become kind, generous, and loving.

Debasish Mridha

You Are Generous Quotes #183030
#57. Great calm, generous detachment, selfless love, disinterested effort: these are what make for success in life. If you can find peace in yourself and can spread comfort around you, you will be happier than an empress.

Rabindranath Tagore

You Are Generous Quotes #180356
#58. You can't expect to draw people into your life who are kind, confident, and generous if you're thinking and acting in cruel, weak, and selfish ways. You must be what it is that you're seeking- that is, you need to put forth what you want to attract.

Wayne Dyer

You Are Generous Quotes #176216
#59. Thank you all for such a warm and generous welcome. As we all are perfectly aware, my first act as mistress of the house shall be to bed your master. Do excuse.

Alissa Johnson

You Are Generous Quotes #114281
#60. If you give, it will be given to you. And I have found that generous people are blessed people.

Greg Laurie

You Are Generous Quotes #69344
#61. The most wonderful thing, Mary, is that you and I are always walking together, hand in hand, in a strangely beautiful world, unknown to other people. We both stretch one hand to receive from Life - and Life is generous indeed.

Kahlil Gibran

You Are Generous Quotes #56118
#62. You become charming, loving, kind, and generous when you are forgiving.

Debasish Mridha

You Are Generous Quotes #768090
#63. Be generous when you are giving your love.

Debasish Mridha

You Are Generous Quotes #492358
#64. That you are fair or wise is vain,
Or strong, or rich, or generous;
You must have also the untaught strain
That sheds beauty on the rose.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

You Are Generous Quotes #494738
#65. They are a very decent generous lot of people out here and they don't expect you to listen ... It's the secret of social ease in this country. They talk entirely for their own pleasure. Nothing they say is designed to be heard.

Evelyn Waugh

You Are Generous Quotes #514829
#66. Beware of those who are stingy, for they would rather sting you than give you anything.

Suzy Kassem

You Are Generous Quotes #540486
#67. I love it. It's silly to say that it is a world of false and stupid people. Sure there are witches and swindlers, but you can meet there many creative, talented and generous persons too. Hollywood is a pleasant place, when you are hip to the game and you enjoy it for what it is really.

Matthew McConaughey

You Are Generous Quotes #594360
#68. Connecticut would not be Connecticut if we cut $3.5 billion out of the budget. We are a strong, generous, hopeful people. We'd be taking $800 million out of education. You can't do that in this state.

Dannel Malloy

You Are Generous Quotes #625056
#69. To succeed in the tech industry, you start businesses, make money, and make smart investments. But to succeed in the tech community, you do and build awesome things, are generous with your time and efforts, and make a point of making space for strangers - without any expectation of payback.

Jon Evans

You Are Generous Quotes #640881
#70. Practice loving those who do not love you. Feel for those who do not feel for you. Be generous to those who are generous only to themselves. If you heap hatred on your enemy, neither he nor you are able to perceive the inherent beauty of your soul.

Paramahansa Yogananda

You Are Generous Quotes #641075
#71. Actors are the most generous people when it comes to sharing their technique. But if you grew up in a household of carpenters, and you're making a table, everyone would have a different way of doing it.

Christian Camargo

You Are Generous Quotes #657536
#72. The more compassionate you are, the more generous you can be. The more generous you are, the move loving friendliness you cultivate to help the world.

Nhat Hanh

You Are Generous Quotes #688633
#73. Be generous with praise and kind words of encouragement. Say "thank you" when someone helps you. Make colleagues feel welcome when they call or stop to talk with you. If you let others know that they are appreciated, they'll want to give you their best.

Del Suggs

You Are Generous Quotes #694447
#74. But do you know why we are always more just and generous toward the dead? The reason is simple. With them there is no obligation. They leave us free and we can take our time, fit the testimonial between a cocktail party and a nice little mistress, in our spare time, in short.

Albert Camus

You Are Generous Quotes #704144
#75. Impatient men are generous ones. Or haven't you learned that by now?

Megan Chance

You Are Generous Quotes #744262
#76. When you deal with irrational animals, with things and circumstances, be generous and straightforward. You are rational; they are not.

Marcus Aurelius

You Are Generous Quotes #746789
#77. It's hard for a man to live with a successful woman - they seem to resent you so much. Very few men are generous enough to accept success in their women.

Shirley Bassey

You Are Generous Quotes #752753

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