Top 15 Yoffe Therapy Quotes

#1. I'm a big woman. I need big hair.

Aretha Franklin

Yoffe Therapy Quotes #306390
#2. I'm sure that my compulsive eating habits began when I was a baby.

Jean Nidetch

Yoffe Therapy Quotes #409472
#3. The reader cannot see into your heart. He will know only what you tell him. Make the blind see your words. Make the hard-hearted feel. Make the deaf hear.

Margaret Atwood

Yoffe Therapy Quotes #488372
#4. If you find yourself focusing on negative scenarios, ask us angels to transmute this fearful energy into love.

Doreen Virtue

Yoffe Therapy Quotes #497582
#5. A Lady never sits on the floor.' A lady probably wasn't supposed to crawl on her belly through the dirt either.

Kristi Ann Hunter

Yoffe Therapy Quotes #499062
#6. Burn the Louvre, and wipe your ass with the Mona Lisa. This way at least, God would know our names.

Chuck Palahniuk

Yoffe Therapy Quotes #604649
#7. He who plots revenge must dig two graves.

Lois McMaster Bujold

Yoffe Therapy Quotes #650794
#8. I'm not an advocacy journalist - that's not what I do. My role in journalism is to be able to engage the most interesting people with the best ideas.

Charlie Rose

Yoffe Therapy Quotes #853291
#9. Like flowers and plants, we too need ground under our feet, warmth and sunshine and food for our spirit, protective boundaries, tending and care, freedom to grow unencumbered and without limitation, and complete support from the Universe to become our greatest possible self.

Sonia Choquette

Yoffe Therapy Quotes #994443
#10. The domination of nature leads to the domination of human nature.

Edward Abbey

Yoffe Therapy Quotes #1014559
#11. No gods, no masters.

Margaret Sanger

Yoffe Therapy Quotes #1081183
#12. I would harness the truths that had been trapped in me like a fire shut up in my bones. I would give my life over to my passions, my writing, and my children, and they would breathe life back into me.

Charles M. Blow

Yoffe Therapy Quotes #1215379
#13. Listen to the song of your heart, now follow the melody.

Debasish Mridha

Yoffe Therapy Quotes #1515409
#14. The statue was of a young man with a tall, gaunt body and an angular face. He held his head as if he faced a challenge and found joy in his capacity to meet it. All that Dagny wanted of life was contained in the desire to hold her head as he did.

Ayn Rand

Yoffe Therapy Quotes #1554626
#15. I think the idea is now for blacks to write about the history of our music. It's time for that, because whites have been doing it all the time. It's time for us to do it ourselves and tell it like it is.

Dizzy Gillespie

Yoffe Therapy Quotes #1589203

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