Top 13 Yelnats Calvin Quotes

#1. What I really do is take real plums and put them in an imaginary cake.

Mary McCarthy

Yelnats Calvin Quotes #7069
#2. She was a soldier, not some girl twisting her skirts at a village dance.

Scott Westerfeld

Yelnats Calvin Quotes #28194
#3. Tears begin to well in my eyes. I have no idea how or if I even deserve him, but there's one thing I know for sure. As long as he's part of it, I'll never live a life of mediocrity.

Colleen Hoover

Yelnats Calvin Quotes #98242
#4. Gambling is not a vice, it is an expression of our humanness.
We gamble. Some do it at the gaming table, some do not.
You play, you win, you play, you lose. You play.

Jeanette Winterson

Yelnats Calvin Quotes #341704
#5. I get called to do a lot of labors of love ... independent films on very small budgets. If I have the time and if the project speaks to me, it's better than sitting around, right?

George Wendt

Yelnats Calvin Quotes #442693
#6. This is the thing about redheads, isn't it? No matter how long you've lived with them, you're always surprised when they turn and look straight at you.

Marlon James

Yelnats Calvin Quotes #518280
#7. I don't want to use the term 'plus-size,' because, to me, what the hell is that? It just doesn't have a positive connotation to it. I tend to not use it.

Tyra Banks

Yelnats Calvin Quotes #638342
#8. Solving specific problems is what drives me. I am not interested in having a career. I never have been.

Sean Parker

Yelnats Calvin Quotes #702523
#9. He who seeks the Father more than anything He can give, is likely to have what he asks, for he is not likely to ask amiss.

George MacDonald

Yelnats Calvin Quotes #985212
#10. In the year 415, the woman scientist Hypatia, head of the legendary Alexandria library, was beaten to death by Christian monks who considered her a pagan. The leader of the monks, Cyril, was canonized a saint.

James A. Haught

Yelnats Calvin Quotes #1059795
#11. Altruists, with thin, weak voices, denounce Christ as an egoist. Egoists (with even thinner and weaker voices) denounce Him as an altruist.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

Yelnats Calvin Quotes #1165493
#12. Do what you know needs to be done.

Lynda A. Calder

Yelnats Calvin Quotes #1712876
#13. Hello? Three words: Benicio Del Toro, which, incidentally, is Spanish for 'he wants me.' It is just ridiculous how hot he is. I feel the same way about Benicio as I did when I was a kid lusting after David Cassidy.

Caroline Rhea

Yelnats Calvin Quotes #1765000

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